takin 25mg var ED, 50mg winny EOD and .5 of prop ED..... wat kinda strength gains will my bench have. Im running it for 8 weeks.. wondering if 75 pounds is a bit much to expect.
takin 25mg var ED, 50mg winny EOD and .5 of prop ED..... wat kinda strength gains will my bench have. Im running it for 8 weeks.. wondering if 75 pounds is a bit much to expect.
lol winny eodbad
i wouldnt run var and win together either... oh well... maybe next time you can research
anyways what are your stats and cycle expierence.
ok first off winny has a VERY short half life.... and has to be taken ED. i actually break my dose in half and take it 2X a day.
there is no way to determine how much stregnth u will gain... but 75 seems kinda high
75 will be cake if he is virgin to both lifting and AAS and has his diet in check
but when he gets off its gonna be a mad loss and very difficult to retain unless he has become close to reaching his genetic peak
If your diet is in check then your growth potential is unlimited but... what made you decided to run var and winny together?
i would never take 2 17aa compounds together let alone same cycle.
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