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Thread: BUSTED BY COPS....what to do

  1. #41
    One more thing, sounds dumb but you never know with some people....

    The previous message was offered as simple legal advice in response to your general inquiry, we have not formed a representation relationship, nor can you rely on me for future advice or recommendations. I advise you that you obtain legal counsel at your earliest convenience.

  2. #42
    prepaid legal is the right thing to do's $35.oo a month ( If you need help I can put you intouch with someone and if and i doubt that you will hear from the cops. If they try some shit tell them they can talk to your attorney. Tht really pisses them off they are done at that point it just time for a prosecutor. they don't want to screw with this case they didn't have a legal right to search you. the evedence will be tosed............Clean out your house and keep you gear at someone elses house and stop hanging out with idiots.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2005
    fairfax va
    same thing happened to except finding steroids they found an 1/8 of a key of cocaine got myself a good lawyer (cost over 10,000 dollars) but in the end had no right to search the car because they found no weed even if you do end up getting himmed up it will be a misdamenor and if it is your first drug offense you will be given the first time offender provision stating that if you complete a year of probation a certain amont of community service it will go on your record as dismissed

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South JerseyJ
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Who here would like to bet that he'll never hear from those cops again?
    If they were playing this by the book you wouldn't be talking to us now...You'd be in jail.
    That would be like getting pulled over and the cops finding 3 grams of coke on you and letting you go. No. They'd arrest you right on the spot and that would be that.
    As someone else said...You got hijacked.
    I think so too,if they were playing the game right you would of be in jail ..

  5. #45
    This attorney appears to be very experienced in this area:

    If you do end up being charged, it appears he's defended many others and might be helpful.

    I don't know him, but my experience in legal matters has been that it's best to use a very experienced attorney, even if the hourly charge is more, the time spent is less and chances of success are higher.

    Good luck!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    They screwed you. Drug dogs are not trained to alert by sitting. They are trained for audible alert which means agressive barking. THis is because a sitting dog can be dismissed as a tired animal. THe only dogs that are trained to sit are customs beagles and dogs that are working in public areas where aggressive barking is not prefered.

    Once you consented, you are out of luck. Never, ever give consent as they are legally allowed to try and trick you into it. Always say you do not have my consent and I excersize my right to legal counsel starting now.

    I have seen several police narcotic dogs that sit when they alert.

    Many LE's went to this as not to alert the "bad guys" to the fact that the dog had hit on the area being searched.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    thats deep i want to be an attorney

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Pole
    What state do you live in? I was busted with two bottles, and a bunch of used syringes, and it was dismissed due to no prior record. You said you have never smoked weed which means you probably also have a pretty clean record. If they DO press it, i doubt they will be very hard on you. a ticket at worst. I have also been busted with E, cops told me they would get back to me with the warrant when tested, and i never heard from them again.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Pole
    Quote Originally Posted by mfiver
    This attorney appears to be very experienced in this area:

    If you do end up being charged, it appears he's defended many others and might be helpful.

    I don't know him, but my experience in legal matters has been that it's best to use a very experienced attorney, even if the hourly charge is more, the time spent is less and chances of success are higher.

    Good luck!
    Good advise, but Rick Collins is known worldwide for being a steroid attorney. I wouldnt bother with all that for such a tiny offense. It would be like hiring Johnny Cochran for a traffic ticket

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    you have nothing to worry about... the cops were just trying to scare so you wouldn't do it any more... like someone said before if they were serious about anything you would have been taken to jail on the spot (to be booked atleast)... and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia ( people get taken to jail all the time for having zig-zags, why not you for the neddles)

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i wouldnt worry about a thing u got lucky the cops just took the stuff for themselves, typical crooked cops.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    good luck bro...i agree with everyone that you're not going to hear from them. I feel for ya cause that's kind of a fear of mine. That's why I'm hella careful with my gear. I'm sure in a think back and laugh.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Get yourself a legal script for everything at Oasis, might cost you a little more cash than a fine, but you would be able to get off any felony charges.

  14. #54
    Let me throw this in...

    You guys are forgetting something VERY crucial here - He broke the law. Period.

    He was in possession of a controlled substance, several of them, which is against the law. Yes the cops seem fishy, but its not like they planted the stuff on him or something. Their methods are questionable but their result is successful. They found someone who was breaking the law.

    You guys are digging way to deep trying to use every nook and cranny to save the guy when in reality hes not a victim. Hes the perpetrator.

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    S. Fla.
    I think the cops kept the stuff for themselves. I would have if I was a cop. Damn crooked cops suck.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    I say, pursue you claim of an illigal search. Those Fu*kers have your MP3 player and gym stuff!! They won't be able to get you for trafficking, and in my opinion you wouldn't even get a fine. They might presume that the stuff was stolen ore bought with drug money, but they still have to prove that it was. This is why these bastards get away with these types of things. It's because we sit back and let them do it.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Let me throw this in...

    You guys are forgetting something VERY crucial here - He broke the law. Period.

    He was in possession of a controlled substance, several of them, which is against the law. Yes the cops seem fishy, but its not like they planted the stuff on him or something. Their methods are questionable but their result is successful. They found someone who was breaking the law.

    You guys are digging way to deep trying to use every nook and cranny to save the guy when in reality hes not a victim. Hes the perpetrator.
    You wouldn't happen to be a cop would you? Who cares what he is, we are just giving ideas to help a Bro out. I hate to see people get busted for stuff like this. I got busted in Vegas w/ 5000 hits of E about 5 years ago & got off on a illegal search & seizure. I had a damn good lawyer David Cheznoff. So I willing to help anyone get out of trouble for anything like this.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    S. Fla.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Let me throw this in...

    You guys are forgetting something VERY crucial here - He broke the law. Period.

    He was in possession of a controlled substance, several of them, which is against the law. Yes the cops seem fishy, but its not like they planted the stuff on him or something. Their methods are questionable but their result is successful. They found someone who was breaking the law.

    You guys are digging way to deep trying to use every nook and cranny to save the guy when in reality hes not a victim. Hes the perpetrator.
    Dear Mr. Police Officer,

    Was he breaking the law and being a menace to society? Robbing, raping, beating, extorting....?. No-he was driving in a car and was profiled by the cops because they are young dudes. They also did an illegal search on his car if what he said is true. If we arrested every person in the world for every crime committed, the jails would be more overpopulated than they are now. I hope the cops kept it and dont arrest the guy, why ruin someones life over someone wanting to feel better about themselves and look better to improve himself. Yes they are illegal and if he gets caught, you need to step up to the plate and accept your punishment, but I think you need to relax your approach and I hope you are not a cop, all of our freedom depends on it.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Let me throw this in...

    You guys are forgetting something VERY crucial here - He broke the law. Period.

    He was in possession of a controlled substance, several of them, which is against the law. Yes the cops seem fishy, but its not like they planted the stuff on him or something. Their methods are questionable but their result is successful. They found someone who was breaking the law.

    You guys are digging way to deep trying to use every nook and cranny to save the guy when in reality hes not a victim. Hes the perpetrator.
    Sorry bro but we live in America. Civil rights are more important than a law being broken, like it or not. Unreasonable search and siezure is mentioned in our constitution. If the police were not smart enough to follow the law, then they are not fit for enforcing it.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    thats unfortunate man. this just makes me hate cops even more. pieces of shit

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East


    I spoke with a criminal defense lawyer about 2 weeks ago. What she told me was that, the search was illegal because it was for a minor traffic infraction. 5 miles or less over the speed limit. She told me that does not constitute any probable cause. Before you challenge the search, I would challenge the stop itself. No front license plate is not even a moving violation, they were definately out to get you. I've been screwed for that exact same thing before infact. I think the "we smell weed" really translates to "you are young and look suspicious and we are going to trample all over your civil rights and hope you're too stupid to do anything about it." As for the person calling him a criminal, yes arent we all? Have you ever sped in your car before? Made an illegal U-turn? Theres a thousand laws on the books, but it doesn't mean that we have to agree with them all, and if you're posting on a steroid forum, then Im assuming that you use or plan to use steroids, so why are you breakin this guys balls? I hope he gets off, and I hope he sues the shit out of those dirty cops.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Let me throw this in...

    You guys are forgetting something VERY crucial here - He broke the law. Period.

    He was in possession of a controlled substance, several of them, which is against the law. Yes the cops seem fishy, but its not like they planted the stuff on him or something. Their methods are questionable but their result is successful. They found someone who was breaking the law.

    You guys are digging way to deep trying to use every nook and cranny to save the guy when in reality hes not a victim. Hes the perpetrator.
    Dude, there are tons of people that brake the law but get away with it because of loopwholes.

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Theres a thousand laws on the books, but it doesn't mean that we have to agree with them all, and if you're posting on a steroid forum, then Im assuming that you use or plan to use steroids, so why are you breakin this guys balls? I hope he gets off, and I hope he sues the shit out of those dirty cops.
    Hell yeah...i'll second that. There is so much other crap that is far worse than steroids. They don't need to be wasting time with that. Damn i hate cops. Never there when you need em, and always there when you don't want them there.

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In a cave....
    Here is what I think.....

    He said he was from a somewhat small town and the Cops were "very old", I think the cops were abusing the law trying to come up with a drug bust and found the steroids instead of Meth or Grass, the cops know this won't be more than a slap on the wrist, so why do the paperwork, they BS you and then threw your gym bad full of shit in a dumpster behind the police department.

    If they had been younger more gung ho cops, your ass would have been processed and out about $1,000.00 after attorney fees if you are lucky.



  25. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Let me throw this in...

    You guys are forgetting something VERY crucial here - He broke the law. Period.

    He was in possession of a controlled substance, several of them, which is against the law. Yes the cops seem fishy, but its not like they planted the stuff on him or something. Their methods are questionable but their result is successful. They found someone who was breaking the law.

    You guys are digging way to deep trying to use every nook and cranny to save the guy when in reality hes not a victim. Hes the perpetrator.
    Yes, the bro is a perp and he should be convicted...

    Just as soon as you turn your sorry ass in for your 60mg/ED prop cycle!!

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey
    Yes, the bro is a perp and he should be convicted...

    Just as soon as you turn your sorry ass in for your 60mg/ED prop cycle!!


  27. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Not to mention that using every possible means to defend an accused is the very essence of our criminal legal system. You can be sure that the prosecutors will use every single tool at their disposal to convict for the maximum penalty allowed. It is an adversarial system, and in the middle justice is found. As toolman mentioned, our form of government emphasizes civil rights over maximum criminal deterence. Is this the most efficient system? No - the most efficient system would be one where LE and the judiciary are one and the same: the police would set your penalty right there on the side of the road. But of course you can see that this system would lend itself to a great deal of injustice.

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    Just a thought (from a fellow criminal), is there any way possible for you to be able to get a prescription?? Look into it, may help you a little!!

  29. #69
    Join Date
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    Planet Earth
    Not to be a dick but why do you people carry your juice with you, for the love of me i can not figure that out, 9 out of 10 people i hear that get busted it was because they had it on them when there was no reason for it to be on their possession, and to give a cop permission to search your car is absolutely idiotic. Call him officer Dibble and tell him sure Dibble, you can search my car when i see a warrant, now if your going to arrest me get on with it, otherwise goodbye my time is important as well.!

  30. #70
    Join Date
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    Sunny Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Sorry bro but we live in America. Civil rights are more important than a law being broken, like it or not. Unreasonable search and siezure is mentioned in our constitution. If the police were not smart enough to follow the law, then they are not fit for enforcing it.

    Amen to that! Think about it, so many cases are thrown out due to bad evidence or some flaw in the paperwork, do you think that if they really were serious they would be that sloppy? The boys back at hq would laugh at a bust like that. Living in fear for six months is exactly what they want you to do, dont let the terrorists win, oh, i mean cops.

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxer600
    Just a thought (from a fellow criminal), is there any way possible for you to be able to get a prescription?? Look into it, may help you a little!!
    That is what I said, but the original guy that started this has vanished from it. Maybe they already got him? j/k

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    crashing my boat
    742 Was Over When They Said To Drive On....... They Are Not Going To Do Anything From This Point On... If They Do, Its A Minimal Ticket.

  33. #73
    Well dont get me wrong, im on his side COMPLETELY. And I hope hes not in trouble, and I wish roids werent illegal for personal use (as well as many things)

    But the point is, the cops were just doing their job. He had controlled substances and they caught him. Its a victory for them.

  34. #74
    Join Date
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    S. Fla.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Well dont get me wrong, im on his side COMPLETELY. And I hope hes not in trouble, and I wish roids werent illegal for personal use (as well as many things)

    But the point is, the cops were just doing their job. He had controlled substances and they caught him. Its a victory for them.
    Hi Mr. Police Officer - How can you be on his side "COMPLETELY" and then say it is a victory for the cops at the same time? Bro, I think your views are twisted. A victory for police IMO would be to get a real "bad guy" from the streets, not a guy with steroids in the gym bag. The people that make the world scary to women and children should be getting locked up.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    No, a scrip at this point would not help. That is because the gear that was found was not prescribed. Even if you already have a scrip, you can't carry UG gear around and say "neener neener, I got a scrip!" Has to be in properly labeled bottles with the scrip reference number on it, at least. One popular clinic does not label the vials with full scrip info... just the reference number, and the rest of the info is on the box, which might contain multiple vials. I never carry a jug without the box so the scrip is quickly and easily verifiable.

    Probably, since they are old, non-juicing cops, they are using an old fashioned street justice method... scare the crap out of you while actually giving you a break for being "basically good kids" and tossing the evidence. They probably think they are doing the right thing. And not really worth it, prosecuting for 3ml of eq and a bunch of research chems clearly marked "not for human consumption". Like others have said, this is probably beatable, but legal fees will eat your ass. It is most likely, though, that it will never come to that. But DON'T get caught out with gear again! And do make sure your house is clean and stays that way for the next 12 months or so. Probable cause for a search warrant is a lot easier than a successful prosecution. With a nice, legal warrant, if they find anything at all, you probably won't have much chance of acquittal.

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    just went and ATTEMPTED to get my gym bag, which they said i could have back. they let me have my gloves and straps. kept all my protein, creatine, tribulus, ephedra, clen, cialis, bottle of clomid, 10 or so ml of test prop, 3ml eq, empty bottle of nolva, syringes. wouildnt even give my damn bag back.

    and now instead of 6-8 months he says it takes about 3 months for the lab to process it at which time they will issue a warrant for my arrest if it turns out to be controlled substances. so now im thinkin they are going to pursue this and im sooooooo SHITTING myself. he tried to get me to issue a statement and i told him no, not without my lawyer.

    he then gave me a receipt for the stuff he gave me back, but i didnt get anything about the stuff he kept. what should i do, guess i'll be visiting my lawyer soon. so much for making money this summer, tuition is going to pay for itself i guess??????

  37. #77
    That's brutal bro, I dont get this being in CAD and all. They can charge you having a few mls? shit i think in CAD we are good to go as long as we dont get caught distributing it.

  38. #78
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Youll be ok bro. It seems now that they figured you wouldnt come back for your stuff and youve got balls for going back there. Its probably like they took it as an insult. Now its just a game. They are just trying to scare you a little. I give you respect for going back to get your stuff back. Talk to a lawyer and youll be fine.

  39. #79
    No shit, a good solid lawyer will be able to get you outta this. Damn amen for lawyers saved my ass many times, fuk id probably be locked up rite now if it weren't for them. They literally can pull off almost anything especially with little misdamenor (spelling) cases like this.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i just dont get why they didnt arrest me on the spot. that blows my frieken mind. I know these cops around here and they are SERIOUS about controlled substances. are majorly cracking down hard on drugs and shit. im so screwed. not to mention its going to be in my parents towns local newspaper and their gonna be so disappointed. i really think they are going to pursue this.

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