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Thread: name all the AAS that doesnt stunt growth

  1. #1

    name all the AAS that doesnt stunt growth


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    what do u mean? If ur asking bout the closure of the epiphyseal plates... ?

  3. #3
    yeah, like stunt your height

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Why do you wanna know, cause you are still growing?
    Otherwise i don't understand why you wanna know, and if you are still growing...just stay the hell away from Anabolic Steroids.


  5. #5
    lol no i thought this would be a good thread for newcomers who want to know wat odes and doesnt stunt your growth

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    uh, your age.

    lifting stunts your growth during puberty

  7. #7
    I would not juice until I am done growing....

  8. #8
    I know that Anavar doesnt stunt you growth..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Lifting does? I started lifting early in puberty and I'm damn glad that I did. Don't go too nuts with it but you can't compete with that natural testostrone makes you what you're going to become. Besides, it starts good habits. Buttt maybe I'm wrong, but it worked for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    uh, your age.

    lifting stunts your growth during puberty

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    It is still a type of supressant I believe, although yeah it is relatively mild...what about O.T.?

    Quote Originally Posted by noah422
    I know that Anavar doesnt stunt you growth..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    well ones that are less likey to stunt your growth would be,

    anavar, winstrol in lower doses

    basically the reason the growth plates become sealed is due to the estrogen rise from the steriods if you keep the estrogen under control your chances of having stunted growth will be lessend significanlty.

    or just dont use steriods and you wont have to worry

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Anything that does not convert to estrogen should be fine, Anavar was made for use in children And that training before and during puperty would stun your growth IS PURE BULL SHIT

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by hocowrestler39
    lol no i thought this would be a good thread for newcomers who want to know wat odes and doesnt stunt your growth
    I wholeheartedly agree. So...I think you should do all of that research and get back to us with your findings...

    The short answer is that most steroids which do not interact with the aromatase enzyme should be ok for not stunting growth.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by elite2kr
    well ones that are less likey to stunt your growth would be,

    anavar, winstrol in lower doses

    basically the reason the growth plates become sealed is due to the estrogen rise from the steriods if you keep the estrogen under control your chances of having stunted growth will be lessend significanlty.

    or just dont use steriods and you wont have to worry

    so your saying that you could take a test cycle and have all the nolva in the world and it could stop estrogen from forming, which results in no stunted growth?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Be careful - even if you use a non-aromatizing AAS, you'll still have to do PCT (you ARE going do PCT aren't you?). Since both nolva and clomid are SERMs, they emulate estrogen and will make your body think that its estrogen levels are high. So even with 'safe' AAS, PCT may be enough to cause your grwoth plates to prematurely fuse.

    IMO if you're still growing, the risk/reward ratio is too great to justify using AAS. You're already enjoying the highest natural levels of testosterone and HGH that you'll ever have in your life. Why not make the most of this for a couple of more years until your're done growing and then you can use AAS with far fewer risks. The only execption I could see would be if there was a division I athletic scholarship in the balance, but even then....

  16. #16
    you are still growing at age 20? Not unheard of but rare. I think if you are worried about roids stunting your growth u shouldn't take them til your done growing.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    I wholeheartedly agree. So...I think you should do all of that research and get back to us with your findings...

    The short answer is that most steroids which do not interact with the aromatase enzyme should be ok for not stunting growth.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    nolva only blocks estrogen from the receptors it doesnt destroy it

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Maetenloch
    Be careful - even if you use a non-aromatizing AAS, you'll still have to do PCT (you ARE going do PCT aren't you?). Since both nolva and clomid are SERMs, they emulate estrogen and will make your body think that its estrogen levels are high. So even with 'safe' AAS, PCT may be enough to cause your grwoth plates to prematurely fuse.
    Wow, good point, I had never considered this. I had heard that Nolvadex and Clomid will act like estrogen and seal your growth plates early, but you could just run Arimidex during a test cycle and avoid growth plate closure (maybe). But I had never considered what you would do for PCT. You're kind of screwed without Nolvadex or Clomid for PCT.

    Maybe you'd have to do a short cycle of something like test prop for 4 to 6 weeks, run Arimidex or some other aromatase blocker during cycle, and then just use tribulus for PCT.... That would kinda suck, but it would probably give some gains and recovery would happen....eventually.

    BTW - I'm 34 so you don't need to preach to me about what a bad idea this is. I wish I had the test levels of an 18 year old, I'd be 20 lbs heavier by now if I did!

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