How succesfull has your experience been with synergistic effects over your last 2 months in the gym?
Yes, it was very postive, used more than two drugs
Yes, it was very postive used only two drugs
No, it was not positive and used more than two drugs
No, it was not positive and used only two drugs
How succesfull has your experience been with synergistic effects over your last 2 months in the gym?
Synergistic effect = stacking
Just wanted to have an idea of what the results members on the board that are taking steriods and stacking had and then if they did steriods but did not stack and what the results came out to be.
Better to stack or not to stack?
Stack. For example deca and winnie had a good effect for me. Furthermore, they cancel each other out as far as common sides go. Winnie against the proestrone gyno (in thoery) and the deca for the dry joints.
a lot of it depends on how many cycles you have taken in the past, but i agree with aurthors post aswell
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