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Thread: spyware/adware...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building


    anybody else would love to see all the people that made those toolbars that wont come off ur browser and give u popup ads even when ur internet isnt even open to die a horrible death??? i dont care about normal programs that advertise but delete easy, im talking about the ones that are very difficult to get rid of and u gotta be a computer genius to do it my computer is so ****ed from people coming on it and clikcing yes to all the security warnings that come up, i can barely make this thread. im gonna reinstall windows then install this program that clears everything downloaded to the comp in that session whenever it shuts off. it basically is like doing a rollback everytime u shut off the computer unless u put in the pw to save what u downloaded.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    clear those from the registry.
    go to regedit and do it from there. Honestly, this probably belongs in the computer security forum

  3. #3
    you might want to set up accounts and passwords for all those that use your computer and use admin rights on your account to not allow any couldn't hurt......
    At a bookstore the other day, I saw a book entitled "Sex for Dummies." Why would someone want to teach dumb people how to reproduce? Aren't there enough of them now?

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