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Thread: HCG Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Southwest Florida

    HCG Questions

    I did take the time to research this, however there appears to be a great divergence of opinion on when, how this stuff is to be used. I have 10000 iu's of this stuff in powder form. In week 6 of a test e cycle that is going to end after 10 weeks. I take 1 mg. of arimidex eod. I have 28 50 mg. clomid at the ready.

    Question 1: When do I start the clomid and the HCG?
    Question 2: What doseage should I use and how often?
    Question 3: Do I take the water provided and inject all of it into the vial containing the powder? When should I do this?
    Question 4: How do I store the HCG once mixed? Does it HAVE to be refrigerated or can it be stored at room temp?
    Question 5: Where exactly do I inject the stuff? Stomach fat with an insulin pin?

    I know that this is an elementary level question for some of you, but I certainly would appreciate a dumb-downed explanation of exactly what I need to do as the cycle nears its conclusion. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Southwest Florida
    Hola, como esta? Muy bueno, y tu'? Yo voy a la playa con sus amigos. Muy bien.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Southwest Florida

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Southwest Florida
    Pretty please?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    My friend I kind of found it fairly difficult to get answers to HCG questions as well. A couple of good bros on this board finally stepped up and helped me out. I will repeat what they told me.

    First of all, if your cycle is only a 10 week cycle, chances are you may not need HCG. However, if your nuts have some serious atrophy then HCG may need to be considered.

    If you are going to run HCG, then I think the general recommendation is to do 2 applications per week of 500ius. These injections can be done on back to back days and with gear that you may be shooting.

    I did my first HCG injection yesterday and will do my second in a few minutes. I did the first and will continue to do the rest IM. I shot it with my gear.

    You do not want to run HCG with Clomid. You should run HCG up to PCT. I think some recommend that you finish with HCG approximately 1 week prior to commencing Clomid or regularly scheduled PCT.

    You should begin HCG prior to the end of your cycle but not too early. I would think at the very earliest you would want to start running the HCG about half way through your cycle. You do not want your nuts to become desensitized to the HCG stimulation. Nolva can help avoid the desensitization from the HCG and you need to include this in the mix if you are not already.

    This is my first cycle, my nuts shrank to absolutely nothing, I am a bit older at 37, my cycle ran for 13 weeks, and I included Tren in my cycle. Therefore, I am using HCG to assist with the recovery. I hope it goes well. Just started yesterday.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Toronto, Canada
    regarding the HCG. Im assuming you're doing an 8 or 10 weeker. you need to start the HCG in the last week of your cycle because it should be taken 2 weeks before PCT and on enenthate PCT should start 2-3 weeks after your last shot. you dont have enough HCG. you need 4500IU, 3 amps, take 750iu EOD. and yes it should be refrigerated. go for a nolva PCT or nolva+clomid, not clomid only.

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