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Thread: Shakes vs ''Proper'' food - any proof ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Shakes vs ''Proper'' food - any proof ?

    Does anyone have any proof or an explanation / theory of why protein from shakes isn't as ''good'' (effective etc.) as ''proper'' food?

    What if you eat some proper food (eg bran / fibre) with your shake - will that improve its' nutritional value?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Why do you assume shakes is not as good.

    If considering amino acid profile whey shakes are far superior to meat and other protein soruces. The thing that would be the limiting factor if relying on shakes is other macro and micronutritients. fat, carbs, Minerals, vitamins, traceelements ect.

    If the need for those is fulfilled in other ways and the rest of the diet is shakes Im betting it would mean better gains then a diet with "proper" food.
    This is just my personal oppinion though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Johan is right, my father has colon cancer and the doctor got him drinking whey protein shakes and flax oil, Whey is getting lots of attention right now and lots of research is being done for health.

    I add stopped relying on supplements fro diet and well being but after all that research and medical studies i am back full time on whey protein and eggs and soy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Why do you assume shakes is not as good.
    I don't - it's just that I've seen it posted quite a few times on this board - on paper they look great

    thanks for the great input iron freak - but it'd be nice to see what the bros on this board think rather than some sh!tty google sales pitch for joe bloggs shake..:-)

  6. #6
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    Dec 2004

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    thanks for the great input iron freak - but it'd be nice to see what the bros on this board think rather than some sh!tty google sales pitch for joe bloggs shake..:-)

    You said u wanted proof or an explanation / theory of why protein from shakes isn't as ''good'' (effective etc.) as ''proper'' food?

    no1 here will provide u with that unless u expect them to search the entire net for u , which they probably wont , again all the responses (i mean no offense to the bros that u replied and u know that...) are not proven they didnt provide ne studies or links with their replies which is wut u asked for

    use ur brain , if u have one. .......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    no1 here will provide u with that unless u expect them to search the entire net for u , which they probably wont , again all the responses
    I was just asking for people on this board for their opinions / any info they might have - no need to swipe at me with your handbag!

    Have you ever tried doing a google on ''protein shake'' etc - you just get a pile of advertising crap.....hence me saying
    some sh!tty google sales pitch for joe bloggs shake
    use ur brain , if u have one
    I have a degree in Biochemistry and a PHD in pharmacology so yes I do have a brain
    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 06-16-2005 at 01:55 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    I will bump upp a thread for you where I was asking kind of the same thing

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    I was just asking for people on this board for their opinions / any info they might have - no need to swipe at me with your handbag!

    nope thats not wut u asked for......check ur 1st post

    Have you ever tried doing a google on ''protein shake'' etc - you just get a pile of advertising crap.....hence me saying

    improve ur searching skill if u do have a brain

    I have a degree in Biochemistry and a PHD in pharmacology so yes I do have a brain

    now cap that hole

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    nice one johan - think I'm gonna give it a go - gonna eat some bran with each shake to aid absorbtion / keep my guts happy

    how long have / did you try this for? results?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    to nitpic he acctualy asked about a proof OR explanation/theory. My answere=theory

    No need to be so harsh bro it was just a simple question from him

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    nice one johan - think I'm gonna give it a go - gonna eat some bran with each shake to aid absorbtion / keep my guts happy

    how long have / did you try this for? results?
    I havent tried it yet acctualy. Im trying to get ahold of cheap whey concentrate directly from the companies that sells it to supp comps. That way I could probably get it for like 6bucks for 2.2ibs. But havent found one yet. The regulations in sweden is ridicilous.

    When I do Il make a post about results.

    Dont forget veggies though bro. Make sure to eat fruits and veggies and you might want to supplement with creatine since that is found in meat mostly.

  14. #14
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    The Couch
    The best proof you can get is the advice of people who have experienced the effects of both ways through trial and error. In my personal experience, my metabolism is cranked up WAY more by whole foods than shakes. Your digestive system has to work harder to process whole foods than liquid. You burn more calories, plus this process has a thermic effect on your body.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I was just asking for people on this board for their opinions / any info they might have
    nope thats not wut u asked for......check ur 1st post
    Does anyone have any proof or an explanation / theory of why protein from shakes isn't as ''good'' (effective etc.) as ''proper'' food?
    errrr...... dude can you read or are you just randomly hitting buttons on your keyboard ?

    and you're calling me a liar based on what evidence ?

    anyhow I'm off to do a google search for ''asshole''.......oh wait - no need

    now who's

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick32
    Johan is right, my father has colon cancer and the doctor got him drinking whey protein shakes and flax oil, Whey is getting lots of attention right now and lots of research is being done for health.

    I add stopped relying on supplements fro diet and well being but after all that research and medical studies i am back full time on whey protein and eggs and soy.

    eh bro, you MAY wanna stay away from soy, as far as I know it produces or converts to or stimulates estrogen in men.

    I heard that ... ANYONE?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    In my personal experience, my metabolism is cranked up WAY more by whole foods than shakes. Your digestive system has to work harder to process whole foods than liquid. You burn more calories, plus this process has a thermic effect on your body.
    when you used shakes did you eat any ''proper'' food at all?

    I figure that if you eat some fibre with the shake (eg bran, psyllium husk etc) then the body would still have to do a fair amount of work in moving / digesting the food mass ?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman
    The best proof you can get is the advice of people who have experienced the effects of both ways through trial and error. In my personal experience, my metabolism is cranked up WAY more by whole foods than shakes. Your digestive system has to work harder to process whole foods than liquid. You burn more calories, plus this process has a thermic effect on your body.
    It also go both ways. Reliving the body of the stress of always digesting harsh foods can have positive health effects. Not to mention todays meat ect has so much s*it in it that going the shake way for a while would allow the body to "detox" a bit.

  19. #19
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    Mar 2004
    eh bro, you MAY wanna stay away from soy, as far as I know it produces or converts to or stimulates estrogen in men.
    yeah - I'm keeping my soy intake down for that reason, but I haven't heard a difinitive explanation of soys' estrogen issues - I wonder if it's significant enough to cause any probs (gyno, bloat etc) ?

    It also go both ways. Reliving the body of the stress of always digesting harsh foods can have positive health effects. Not to mention todays meat ect has so much s*it in it that going the shake way for a while would allow the body to "detox" a bit.
    yeah - i'd imagine that eating whey & say oats for a bit would be pretty good for your digestion - it wouldn't have to do alot of work & would prolly help in clearing out all the 'crap' stuck in your gut (undigested meat etc)
    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 06-16-2005 at 02:26 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    yeah - I'm keeping my soy intake down for that reason, but I haven't heard a difinitive explanation of soys' estrogen issues - I wonder if it's significant enough to cause any probs (gyno, bloat etc) ?

    the phytoestrogens in soy has alot of health benifits. Might not be the optimal for bodybuilding(its shown to lower test and dht a bit). But imo its still a good choise if not ONLY thinking about fatloss. Its great for cholesterol, filled with fibers, plenty of good fats ect.

    But when it comes to soy Im about the only one that thinks its good on this board lol I havent personaly noticed any bloat from it and I eat 1/4 to 1/2 pound a day of soybeans(dry weight).

  21. #21
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    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    It also go both ways. Reliving the body of the stress of always digesting harsh foods can have positive health effects. Not to mention todays meat ect has so much s*it in it that going the shake way for a while would allow the body to "detox" a bit.

    I hear you, but aren't we talking fat loss here? I noticed a huge difference for me. I've got quite a disgusting and embarrasing story to back up my theory as well. But I won't impose it on you. Let me know if you want to hear it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I am semi fat as it is though so any possible bloat would not be noticed as easily on my body. I wish someone ultra ripped would give soy a try for 2-3 weeks and tell us what happens.

  23. #23
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman
    I hear you, but aren't we talking fat loss here? I noticed a huge difference for me. I've got quite a disgusting and embarrasing story to back up my theory as well. But I won't impose it on you. Let me know if you want to hear it.
    Lol lets hear it

    Im not sure about metabolism. Protein is the macronutritient with the highest thermic effect(1/4 of the kcal in protein is burnt). Fat has almost zero thermic effect and carbs not much at all. When they calculated that I dont know if it made any difference from what source each nutritient came from.

    But basing a diet on shakes would make it a bit easiet to keep protein very high and the other things very low. Offcourse cheap whey contains quite a bit of fat and carbs. Anywhere from 5-11%

  24. #24
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    Mar 2004
    I've got quite a disgusting and embarrasing story to back up my theory as well. But I won't impose it on you. Let me know if you want to hear it.
    fu<k yeah - lets hear it!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    But basing a diet on shakes would make it a bit easiet to keep protein very high and the other things very low. Offcourse cheap whey contains quite a bit of fat and carbs. Anywhere from 5-11%
    yeah, but even reasonable quality whey is cheaper than chicken / eggs ( in terms of gram for gram of protein)

    I suppose where I'm going with this is I'm sick of constantly preparing food - if I could sustitute a portion of my meals with a shake type meal thats easy to prepare (eg whey, oats & water in a shaker) then it would make getting my daily protein intake alot easier. ( & prolly cheaper too )
    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 06-16-2005 at 02:36 PM.

  26. #26
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    Scotty, beam me up
    yeah. or well whole eggs is pretty cheap but to much fat. The cheapest tuna is also pretty cheap.

    Only food soruce I can think of that is cheaper then semi low quality whey is soybeans. Its ridicilously cheap.

    Having a diet consisting of eggs, soybeans, shakes and tuna would be a nice blend of cheap protein and still protein from a wide varity of sources while still getting everything that shakes alone is missing

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX

    You said u wanted proof or an explanation / theory of why protein from shakes isn't as ''good'' (effective etc.) as ''proper'' food?

    no1 here will provide u with that unless u expect them to search the entire net for u , which they probably wont , again all the responses (i mean no offense to the bros that u replied and u know that...) are not proven they didnt provide ne studies or links with their replies which is wut u asked for

    use ur brain , if u have one. .......
    If you cannot asnwer his question, then why don't you shut the **** up!!!

  28. #28
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    Mar 2004
    The cheapest tuna is also pretty cheap.
    yeah thats one of my problems - I cant stand tinned tuna ( & dont really like any fish)

    I think I'm gonna try whey / oats for breakfast, then
    whey + casein + bran during the day, then
    casein + egg whites (ie slow release & no carbs) before bed
    ( along with a good multi vit & one or two ''proper'' meals a day )

    I'll let you know how it goes ( or how long I last ! )

    ps. no offence meant ironfreak - just playing

    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 06-16-2005 at 02:46 PM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    errrr...... dude can you read or are you just randomly hitting buttons on your keyboard ?

    and you're calling me a liar based on what evidence ?

    anyhow I'm off to do a google search for ''asshole''.......oh wait - no need

    now who's
    be careful u might find ur mom there

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    here is a nice trick I have found. Mix the tuna down into ground beef before frying/coocking it. If you use maby 1/4-1/3 betwen beef and tuna you wont notice the tuna flavor.

    Or when making a tuna sallad use alot of vinegar it kinds of neutralises the tuna taste

    the last option is the famous tuna shake. I mix the tuna with cola light or any light lemonade with a strong taste, run it through a blender and chug it down. Takes a few seconds to down it and doesnt taste tuna at all

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    to nitpic he acctualy asked about a proof OR explanation/theory. My answere=theory

    No need to be so harsh bro it was just a simple question from him
    im kool with his question no problems there what annoyed wus that when i told him to google if he didnt find ne results i wouldve given him the best explanation i could think of but i got this

    thanks for the great input iron freak - but it'd be nice to see what the bros on this board think rather than some sh!tty google sales pitch for joe bloggs shake..:-)

    no need for that crap

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by icewind
    If you cannot asnwer his question, then why don't you shut the **** up!!!

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    he didnt refer to you with the "shitty google sales pitc for joe bloggs shake" thing. He meant that the only thing he could find when doing a google serch was stuff like that so just a missunderstanding.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Anyway the flaming in this thread stops now. I might not be a mod but when a mod stumbles on this thread it might get locked and someone might get warned/temp banned if it continues. So no more shit!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    UK, Lancashire
    Personally, i try to keep shakes to a minimum. Breakfast and PWO.... but with my protein powder its hard to resist as it's so yummy!

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    so just a missunderstanding.
    totally - peace & protein to you all !

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    but with my protein powder its hard to resist as it's so yummy!
    Is it low carb? What brand / flavour ?

    Anyhow ironfreak - now were buddies again - whats your thoughts on the matter ?
    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 06-16-2005 at 02:54 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    The Couch
    Okay- When I was on a diet that consisted of 4 whey/casien shakes a day (this happened twice), I was out drinking w/ my buddies from hs and we had our reg 2am Taco Bell pillaging.(I always get the same thing) These were friday nights, and I had to be at work on sat @ 9am. I'm a wus when it comes to hangovers, so I went to throw up in the morning on both these occasions, and I threw up just about everything that I had eaten at Taco Bell, just about totally undigested.

    Then, I was on a diet that consisted of only one PWO shake/ day and two other seperate occasions, that the same events took place and there was nothing but dry heaves, nothing to puke up!

    All of the conditions were the same. Same drinks (Bacardi and Diet Coke), same food, same times of consumption, same time of attempted regurgitation,same day of the week, same training/cardio, the only factors that were different were the time of year, and my diet. My fat reduction was also considerably more during the whole food diet. I think I just about slowed my metabolism to a halt w/ all those shakes.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    here is a nice trick I have found. Mix the tuna down into ground beef before frying/coocking it. If you use maby 1/4-1/3 betwen beef and tuna you wont notice the tuna flavor.

    Or when making a tuna sallad use alot of vinegar it kinds of neutralises the tuna taste

    the last option is the famous tuna shake. I mix the tuna with cola light or any light lemonade with a strong taste, run it through a blender and chug it down. Takes a few seconds to down it and doesnt taste tuna at all

    I gotta give it to ya, Johan! You come up with some ............interesting ways to eat things!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    that sounds odd. Maby the lack of real food for a period made the body produce less digestive enzymes and that might explain why the food didnt get digested at all...Or maby general lack of fibers when doing lots of shakes.

    Where you cutting?

    It has happened to me when cutting on lots of shakes and not so much food that after cheat days I havent been able to digest the crap food properly. Once even making me puke.

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