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Thread: ben johnson

  1. #1

    ben johnson

    i am reading speed trap by charlie francis i am shock by the small doseages of steroids ben took. in one chap it stated he took dbol 5mg everyday and then switch to 5mg one day then 10mg the other alt between the two doseages. i think thats why some younger sprinters may have more injuries bc they are taking higher doseages which is not call for. i am going to give it a try and see does this method work better for me..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Interesting... did he say for how long he took the Dbol?? I mean was it like 8 weeks on 8 weeks off or something???

  3. #3
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    Ya, I was surprised by that also.

    Big M - To answer your question they cycled the dbol 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off with no PCT (at least none that Francis talked about).

  4. #4
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    off topic.. I met Ben J at a club last month... was drunk as sheit and challenged him to a race around the bar... I think he's heard this one before.. didn't get a laugh out of him...

  5. #5
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    sounds very interesting, I´ve herd that if you take 10mg of Dbol or less per day (all in the morning) you wont need pct. Since it´s out of your body at night while natural test production ocur. You´ve got tho send me a PM or make a thred out of you results!!!

    good luck!!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big M
    sounds very interesting, I´ve herd that if you take 10mg of Dbol or less per day (all in the morning) you wont need pct. Since it´s out of your body at night while natural test production ocur. You´ve got tho send me a PM or make a thred out of you results!!!

    good luck!!!
    It does help you recover some but a real PCT is still recommended.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2005
    Charlie says ben was one of the most gifted
    athletes he's ever seen... didnt need half
    the drugs that others were taking to achieve
    exceptional results...

  8. #8
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    It does help you recover some but a real PCT is still recommended.
    If the half life of Dbol is 3h (not sure) then if you take 10 mg 8 o´clock a.m only 0.3mg will be left in your body 11 o´clock e.m. will that really be enough to supress natural testosteron production?? will aromatisation really be an issue with so small dosages?

    maybe you shuld have som nolva at home if you fell sore nipples or something

  9. #9
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    Another thing to remember is this was early in Francis' use of drugs with his athletes. Later on he hired a doctor to handle the drugs full time, and then injectables were used with dbol.

  10. #10
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    your fridge
    Quote Originally Posted by Big M
    If the half life of Dbol is 3h (not sure) then if you take 10 mg 8 o´clock a.m only 0.3mg will be left in your body 11 o´clock e.m. will that really be enough to supress natural testosteron production?? will aromatisation really be an issue with so small dosages?

    maybe you shuld have som nolva at home if you fell sore nipples or something
    Dbol half-life is more like 4hours and the 10mg in the morning there is no supression of testosterone because your body just sees it as a huge test spike in the morn. And there should be no need for nolva.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2004
    I thought ben johnson was caught 4 takin winny?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    I thought ben johnson was caught 4 takin winny?
    Thats what I thought.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    thats true.

    Great book if you can find a copy somewhere.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    I thought ben johnson was caught 4 takin winny?
    He tested positive for stanozolol, but Francis insists that Ben never took that for more than 10 days at a time, and even then he only took it in oral form. A lot of theories about how he could have tested positive but no real answers. The book is a very good read though and Francis is open about his athlete's drug protocols, as well as what he learned about other athlete's drug use.

  15. #15
    he usually took two six weeks cycle one in the fall starting in nov and the other one before outdoor. i think when i start my fall cycle i am goin to just take furazabol every other day for 12weeks, then ill have about a month off before i start my indoor season. this may be my last cycle ever bc everytime i try a cycle i get hurt or very tight which slows me down.
    Last edited by buckeyefootball4; 06-15-2005 at 08:33 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyefootball4
    he usually took two six weeks cycle one in the fall starting in nov and the other one before outdoor. i think when i start my fall cycle i am goin to just take furazabol every other day for 12weeks, then ill have about a month off before i start my indoor season. this may be my last cycle ever bc everytime i try a cycle i get hurt or very tight which slows me down.
    You take winny when you run a cycle? This could lead to your tightness.

  17. #17
    i run winny lastyear for about 17weeks not straight weeks but i did one 7 week cycle no tightness r pulls then one 10 weeks but i develop tenderness in the hamstring tendon. this spring i run 6 weeks of var/4 turinabol/3 weeks furazabol i gain 21lbs and got tight ass ****. i wasnt athletic at all now im back to my normal weight and fill 10times more athetic.

  18. #18
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    Maybe just stick with the var and tbol, though I have to be honest I don't know a lot about furazobol. I know Francis' athletes all used it. At least with var/tbol you won't get major weight gain or water retention.

    Also, do you play for Ohio St?

  19. #19
    i think the var and tbol made me really tight and cost me dollars..
    Last edited by buckeyefootball4; 06-16-2005 at 01:21 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SprinterOne
    He tested positive for stanozolol, but Francis insists that Ben never took that for more than 10 days at a time, and even then he only took it in oral form. A lot of theories about how he could have tested positive but no real answers. The book is a very good read though and Francis is open about his athlete's drug protocols, as well as what he learned about other athlete's drug use.
    Ben johnson took doctor prescribed winstrol to help him recover from an injury, the doctor only prescribed him enough to hold him over for a certain amount of time during his rehab. So he would not have any more after a given date, the doctor did this to allow time for the winny to get out of his system for drug tests. And the doctor was going away on vacation as he was nearing the end of his recovery so he wouldn't be able to watch him. Ben didn't know this and illegally got more winstrol when he ran out of it and then used the new illegal winny for a week or two longer than the doctor had originally planned. By using it longer than the doctor planned he still had winstrol metabolites in his sytem for the drug test.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    Ben johnson took doctor prescribed winstrol to help him recover from an injury, the doctor only prescribed him enough to hold him over for a certain amount of time during his rehab. So he would not have any more after a given date, the doctor did this to allow time for the winny to get out of his system for drug tests. And the doctor was going away on vacation as he was nearing the end of his recovery so he wouldn't be able to watch him. Ben didn't know this and illegally got more winstrol when he ran out of it and then used the new illegal winny for a week or two longer than the doctor had originally planned. By using it longer than the doctor planned he still had winstrol metabolites in his sytem for the drug test.
    Where did you get this information from? In Francis' book he comes to the conclusion that no one really knew how it happened. Obviously the book was written only a few years after the Olympics, so it could have come out after the book was printed.

  22. #22
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    I got the information from a teacher of mine from one of my pre-med courses, he's a sports medicine doctor. I dunno where he got the information from, but i highly doubt he would just make something like that up out of nowhere.

  23. #23
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    What is the detection time for t-bol?

  24. #24
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    pure metabolites of stanozolol were found in bens urine, which is impossible. which lead every1 to believe he had been set up. carl lewis had a stimulant test covered up leading up to the games.

  25. #25
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    Is it true that Ben J made all hes progress in one year... have herd that he cut hes time A LOT during the "last year"

  26. #26
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    No, that is not true. In 84 he was ranked #4 in the world, in 85 he was ranked #2 (even though he ran faster than Lewis, Lewis just won more head to head), in 86 he achieved #1 and was routinely beating Lewis, in 87 he crushed the world record with his 9.83 in Rome and in 88 he won the gold in a new WR at 9.79. I suggest you read Speed Trap by Charlie Francis to learn more about the evolution of Johnson.

  27. #27
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    I´ve looked att Charlies hompage, doesnt say anything about anything realy, or maybe I just over looked it? Guess he saves hes secrets for the book

    is it true that Ben had a muscle desece?

  28. #28
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    Ya, his site isn't the best. If you go to articles you can read about playboy golf though, lol. My local library had a copy of speed trap, but you can buy it from his site by going to his store.

    As for your question about Ben, I have no idea what you mean by a muscle desece. Do you mean a muscle disease? If so, I have no idea about that.

  29. #29
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    May 2005
    Do you mean a muscle disease?

    Yeah, sorry must have missed the lesson when the tought us how to spell that

    Any opinions in the book about if he quit at hes peak or could he have run faster if he had continued?

  30. #30
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    He didn't quit, he was suspended after testing positive at the 88 Olympic games. Francis thinks he would have run faster though, since he had improved about .6 every year up to that point, so he didn't think he had hit his limit yet.

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