its not only rejected for its price..but also its half life..has to be taken 4 to 8 times a day to get full effect...recommended dosage are around 125mg a day.
its not only rejected for its price..but also its half life..has to be taken 4 to 8 times a day to get full effect...recommended dosage are around 125mg a day.
it's really not that cheap when you consider how much you have to take. Anyway recommended dosage is 240mg-400mg and thats 6-10 pills scattered throughout the day.
Its a rather remarkable drug but not from a bber's point of view. Its more suited to HRT patients or the elderly. If nothing else is available to you then by all means give it a try, myself i much rather prefer inj. test.
btw the new andriol testocaps are twice the price of the old ones!
sorry i meant 6-10 pills on the above post (it wont let me edit it)
If money was no a problem I would use it. Its actually a good steroid. There are just little problems like doses and half-life and some people say they get nothing from it even in high doses. But its not harsh on the liver and can produce good results of lean mass.
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