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Thread: im sick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    im sick

    three weeks ago i switched tests from 500 mg of mex vet cyp to 750 mg of us pharmacutical test e prescribed by a us dr. so i would assume it is good i feel like total sh*t for over a week ive had a mild feaver of around 100 sometimes at night as high as 102 i am totally exaugsted and havent been in the gym in a week.i never miss workout.just got back from the doc and she confirmed through blood work that it is neither bacterial or viral she prescribed antibiotics and sent me on my way.i only have two weeks left in a 15 week cycle.can anyone help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mohawkman
    three weeks ago i switched tests from 500 mg of mex vet cyp to 750 mg of us pharmacutical test e prescribed by a us dr. so i would assume it is good i feel like total sh*t for over a week ive had a mild feaver of around 100 sometimes at night as high as 102 i am totally exaugsted and havent been in the gym in a week.i never miss workout.just got back from the doc and she confirmed through blood work that it is neither bacterial or viral she prescribed antibiotics and sent me on my way.i only have two weeks left in a 15 week cycle.can anyone help?

    Did you have this problem on the Mex Vet? Why did you raise your mg? If it were me I'd drop it down to where you were before getting sick...IMO I'm going through the sust flu once a week and still trying to figure out what to do myself. Good luck Bro..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i raised the dose for better gains

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    no i was not getting sick on the mex gear

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Are you sure it's the juice.. sounds like you may have just caught the flu... A weeks sounds like a long time for a test flu. It could just be that you are giving your body too much and it's rejecting it like a virus. You get high fever a lot? Juice does weaken your immune system. If it were me I'd just end my cycle now if you are satisfied with what you have gotten thus far..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    not sure it is the gear but blood tests done at the dr today show it to be neither bacterial or viral i never run feaver and when i do it floors me im out of the gym for a week now.dont want to end cycle now failed to mention i was running deca with this cycle at 400 mg and droped the deca a week ago. im in my early 40s and recovering from deca is hard for me so i like to up the dose of my test when i drop the deca and run the test two or three weeks past the deca.but maybe ill drop the test back to 500 mg.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Neither virus nor bacteria indicates that it is the juice.. Your body doesn't know what the foriegn substance is, thus it heats itself up to kill it. IMO I'm still trying to figure out how to trick my body but I guess it just has to realize it can't kill it... been 4 weeks for me and my body is a little slow at leaving the shit alone... but thankfully it only happens once a week..

    Let me know if you figure it out

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