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Thread: few questions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new york

    few questions?

    im trying to get big but also lose fat at the same tme......what type of proteins shuld i take..chicken or beef or what....or??? should i try to get bigger forst then try to brun the fat after...would this be easier on my body and easier to follow a diet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Gaining lean muscle mass while lossinf fat

    You can do both however I would never recommend bulking up first by gaining a significant amount of body fat just to loss it once you have obtained it. Try a good whey protein,(Isopure is a good one) eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, keep your protien intake up high and your fat gram intake low. It takes alot of energy for your body to burn off bodyfat and it will draw on leanmuscle mass if you do not have enough calories in your body . Check out my post called Reciepes #2 in this section. It will give you some different meals to prepare that may make dieting a little less boring. I will be up-dating the recepes every week so keep a look out in that section for differnt receipes. Do you do any kind of cardio? Well your going to have to if you have any significant amount of body fat to lose. You need to do a minimal of 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. As long as you are eating enough you can up the cardio if you are able without lossing alot of lean muscle mass at the same time. You may enlist the aid of fat burners if you choose, but if you have every had any problems with high bllod pressure, heart diease, or a seziure disorder I would stay away from them if I were you. Good luck and keep us posted on your progres.
    Last edited by Tobey; 08-27-2001 at 07:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Chicken or fish

    Dam man I forgot about that on the last post, Chicken is a good source of protein with very little fat. In fact that holds true for all white meat(Fish,poultry) excluding pork which is just the opposite.(Low protein content as far as meats go and very high in fat)

    Any kind of red meat such as steak will have higher amounts of protein however they will also have higher amounts of fat as well. Which you choose really depends on how easily you may or may not gain body fat. I doublt really seriously that an accasional steak will make all that big a difference but you really have to make the call. Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good post Tobey

    He,s on the money Shadow


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    good info tobey. shadow don't forget to supplement properly. if you want to change your body composition, make sure you take BCAA's and get your glutamine and taurine. good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Good ole Egg Whites are my fav, quick to fix and easy to eat. Protein shakes, I have learned to prepare chicken 100 different ways. Tuna too! One more thing, that I think is important, if you are gonna eat red meat, watch how you cook it. Rare is better for you, but again with all the d*mn bacteria Billy was referring to on one of the boards about chicken, can still be found in some beef and red meats. Stick with the chicken, but cook it well. Yogurt I like as well, for inbetween meals, but get the kind that is light, low in fat and low in carbs. good luck, keep that protein up and eat right, you will see your body responding to your workouts, they will pay off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new york
    thanks for th ereplys...i actually have already strtd ti use the advice you guys gave finding it much easier to get all my meals in now...and also i dont feelike i wanna throw everythingup all the time..bc its spaced out better.......thanks alot

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    North Carolina
    Big bump for all of the previous replies. Good advice guys.

    Just wanted to add the one thing that really got to me when I was new to this stuff and wanted to "loose fat and get big at the same time"...

    Pick a goal and go with it. Either bulk or cut. You cant EFFICIENTLY do both at the same time. (notice I said efficiently - some people are blessed with the gentetics and metabolism to do it but...)

    Remember that you are talking about 2 polar opposites here; anabolism (bulking) vs. catabolism (cutting). Figure out which one is most important to you right now and just do it.

    The most important thing in adding muscle while trying to stay lean is simply eating more than you are burning, but EAT CLEAN!
    Some of the calories will spill over into fat, but if you are religeous about it most of the gain will be muscle.

    That helped me out big time when I was first starting out.

    Focus, decide, stay stict, lift big, get big, be happy,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    with metal plates...
    Quote Originally Posted by dane26
    good info tobey. shadow don't forget to supplement properly. if you want to change your body composition, make sure you take BCAA's and get your glutamine and taurine. good luck
    changing ones body composition isn't just about taking bcaa's and taurine and just doesn't work that way..too many variables to consider

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