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Thread: Superdrol Diary

  1. #1

    Superdrol Diary

    ok guys...will be starting my superdrol cycle on saturday:

    1-1: 20mg SD ED
    2-3: 30mg SD ED
    4-4: 40mg SD ED
    1-4: 800-1000mg milk thistle ED
    1-4: 1500mg hawthorn berry extract ED
    1-4: 1500mg flush free niacin ED
    1:4: 1200mg red yeast rice ED
    1-4: 15g fish oil ED
    5-8: 300/100/50 clomid
    5-7: 40mg nolv ED
    7-8: 20mg nolv ED

    starting weight: 182 lbs @ 9% BF (first thing in the morning) @ 6'1

    (when should i take the hawthorn berry, niacin, red yeast and milk thistle? i know to split the SD in two doses...but can i split the others into equal daily doses or do i have to take em all in the morning in one go?)
    Last edited by Taurus; 07-27-2005 at 08:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    nice planned out cycle there!

    i would take my hawthorn berry and milk thistle all at once in the morning.

    as far as the other stuff i never used it so i cant really say .

    bump for others

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    nice planned out cycle there!

    i would take my hawthorn berry and milk thistle all at once in the morning.

    as far as the other stuff i never used it so i cant really say .

    bump for others
    if i take everything in the mornin, it'll amount to 17 pills...i'm sure i can break em up!....


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    yeah i just took my hawthorn berry in the morning with my 1st sd dose , cause the head aches i got from SD were unbelivable.

  5. #5
    shit not trying to mess with your thread...but i've been getting horrible head aches..last night i had the worst one and I could berly move...i have my stuff but im missing hawthron berry...its only being 3 days of sd..but so far nothing has changed really

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by gio86
    shit not trying to mess with your thread...but i've been getting horrible head aches..last night i had the worst one and I could berly move...i have my stuff but im missing hawthron berry...its only being 3 days of sd..but so far nothing has changed really
    i bet your blood pressure is up!
    i can chow advil like candy and nothing ill pop a couple
    hawthron's and in an hour its gone

  7. #7
    take some hawthorn bro...from what i've read in other threads and like what DevilsDeity says, it should help a great deal with your headaches!

  8. #8
    ok...took my first SD pill along with all of the hawthorn berry, milk thistle and red yeast rice. i'm dividing the niacin into three doses as advised.

    I weighed myself this morning first thing and i'm at 182lbs. Weight has dropped 3lbs since thursday but that's because i been cutting and getting all the water weight off before i start.
    Last edited by Taurus; 07-16-2005 at 08:56 AM.

  9. #9
    jus got back from my first workout since starting the SD (chest/tri's). was a bit worried about getting the headaches as others have, but i was good. workout went fine. i guess the hawthorn berry extract did the trick.

  10. #10
    first week update: its day 7 of SD.

    weight: 190. Up 8 lbs. I'm not too bothered about the scale cuz i know there is water retention. But, there are visual differences. Especially my biceps, they look alot more cut. My shoulders and back have a fuller look to them also.

    strength: Strength is noticably up, about a 10lb increase on most compound movements.

    side effects. None so far. I feel fine. I do get the odd mild headache but it doesnt last. I also have the shits 3 times a day.

    All in all, first week has been great, pumps have been awesome, and i am definately putting on size and getting cut.
    Last edited by Taurus; 07-22-2005 at 05:04 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Ok i was taking superdrol still am. I have seen great results. Have been taking green tea extract and milk thistle with it. My blood pressure has ski rocketed which has led to headaches but i look good which makes it worth it to me i guess. Anything to do about the High Blood pressure?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by KingJames23
    Ok i was taking superdrol still am. I have seen great results. Have been taking green tea extract and milk thistle with it. My blood pressure has ski rocketed which has led to headaches but i look good which makes it worth it to me i guess. Anything to do about the High Blood pressure?
    hawthorne berry extract 1000-1500 mg every day

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by KingJames23
    Ok i was taking superdrol still am. I have seen great results. Have been taking green tea extract and milk thistle with it. My blood pressure has ski rocketed which has led to headaches but i look good which makes it worth it to me i guess. Anything to do about the High Blood pressure?

    hawthorn berry extract is the way to go.

  14. #14
    just got back from my chest/tri's workout. The best workout i've ever had. Strength was up in every excercise and great pumps. My friends were noticing too. I did the dreaded dbol only cycle 2 yrs ago and the gains from the SD are much better IMO.

    I'm thinking about bumping up to 30mg from week 2 instead of week 3. I'll try it and if there are any side effects i'll come back down.

  15. #15

    Thumbs up

    wow your stats and cycle are pretty close to mine, good luck i am on day 5 so far.........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    cardiff wales
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    first week update: its day 7 of SD.

    weight: 190. Up 8 lbs. I'm not too bothered about the scale cuz i know there is water retention. But, there are visual differences. Especially my biceps, they look alot more cut. My shoulders and back have a fuller look to them also.

    strength: Strength is noticably up, about a 10lb increase on most compound movements.

    side effects. None so far. I feel fine. I do get the odd mild headache but it doesnt last. I also have the shits 3 times a day.

    All in all, first week has been great, pumps have been awesome, and i am definately putting on size and getting cut.
    holding water is unusual on sd...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by icedudez
    holding water is unusual on sd...
    its more around my midsection than anything...muscles and face are fine.

  18. #18
    i did squats and deadlifts on sunday. its been 2 days. i am still walking around pumped. i dont know how to describe it. the pump i used to get at the gym before i started the SD, i walk around on my off days bigger than that pump.

    i seem to be getting water retention from the face is getting fuller and i can feel it in my fingers too. i was under the impression that SD does not cause water retention. still, my muscles feel rock hard!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    How are all your strength gains like? How long did it take for you to see the gains? I plan on following a cycle much like you if not the same. Have you cut off all alcohol consumption while on it? What week are you on?

  20. #20
    i noticed strength gains straight away. i dont drink anyway so alcohol consumption was not a problem for me. If i were you, i'd stop the alcohol whilst on SD cuz the SD is harsh on ur liver as it is. I'm into the second week.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    i noticed strength gains straight away. i dont drink anyway so alcohol consumption was not a problem for me. If i were you, i'd stop the alcohol whilst on SD cuz the SD is harsh on ur liver as it is. I'm into the second week.
    Yeah I plan on stopping for the month that i am on the cycle. What brand did you get was it this one?

    Have you noticed headaches from the increased blood pressure or is the hawthorn berry extract keeping that in check? when you put ED after a supplement i assume that means each day? Is there a certain site that you got your supplements (milk thistle, hawthorn berry extract, flush free niacin and red yeast rice) or did you just shop around for the best price on the net for each? When you say it's harsh on the liver. Does that mean it puts a toll on your liver while on the cycle and will recover after the cycle or are the damages pemanent and severe? Your cycle looks great just keep us updated so i can see what to expect. Thanks.

  22. #22
    no headaches. hawthorn berry helped in that department. i bought most of my supplements from GNC. they are expensive but i have a hook up. i dont know much about the liver and if it can recover. bryan2 and nsa may be able to answer that one bro.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    no headaches. hawthorn berry helped in that department. i bought most of my supplements from GNC. they are expensive but i have a hook up. i dont know much about the liver and if it can recover. bryan2 and nsa may be able to answer that one bro.
    What about the nolva and clomid did you just get that from AR? they sell that at gnc's on line website but the prices are rediculous. I was reading the prohormone FAQ and it says that there will most likely not be pemanent damages and that the liver will recover post cycle/

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticGohan
    What about the nolva and clomid did you just get that from AR? they sell that at gnc's on line website but the prices are rediculous. I was reading the prohormone FAQ and it says that there will most likely not be pemanent damages and that the liver will recover post cycle/
    that sounds right... the liver is good at recovering, but that doesnt mean u should abuse it... and yup... buying my nolv and clomid from AR-R.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    that sounds right... the liver is good at recovering, but that doesnt mean u should abuse it... and yup... buying my nolv and clomid from AR-R.
    did 1 bottle of each cover your whole pct?

  26. #26
    guys...i am seeing some bloat...from what i have read, SD should not cause any bloat... anyone know why this is so? ... my diet is clean... i'm gettin around 2800 cals per day: 225g protein, 80 grams of fat and the rest carbs.... i dont get it!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Good Diary Taurus..!!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticGohan
    did 1 bottle of each cover your whole pct?
    yup... 1 bottle of each is enough.

  29. #29
    hey taurus ... did you buy the SD at GNC too ... ?

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by cnheadshotz55
    hey taurus ... did you buy the SD at GNC too ... ?
    nope... u can try bulk nutrition ... i bought it in canada!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Started mine yesterday, couldn't be more pumped....Keep us updated!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    would bumping up the protein intake increase results 225 seems a little lower

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by mitch911
    would bumping up the protein intake increase results 225 seems a little lower

    i just averaged it out to 225....i'm actually getting around 250 everyday... 1-1.5g of protein is enough... my body responds well with this amount... i'm getting clean protein too... chicen breasts, egg whites and tuna... i only take the protein shake twice a day!

  34. #34
    ok... week 2 update.

    weight: 196 (up 14 pounds from the start).
    strength: only slight strength gains from week one.
    side effects: none.

    my shoulders and back are looking much bigger. i have some water retention in my face and fingers that i can see. during the first week i was getting defined and getting big at the sime time, this week i'm just putting on mass. there is not much definition or vascularity.

    i think i know why i have put on so much mass in just 2 weeks. i took a dbol cycle 2 yrs ago and before i took it i weighed around 195. i crashed hard off that cycle and did no pct cuz i didnt know what it was. my weight crashed to around 180. i think this has to do with muscle memory that i put this weight back on so quick because my body was used to having this much muscle anyway. i dont know, maybe i'm wrong, but it feels good to be big again.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    ok... week 2 update.

    weight: 196 (up 14 pounds from the start).
    strength: only slight strength gains from week one.
    side effects: none.

    my shoulders and back are looking much bigger. i have some water retention in my face and fingers that i can see. during the first week i was getting defined and getting big at the sime time, this week i'm just putting on mass. there is not much definition or vascularity.

    i think i know why i have put on so much mass in just 2 weeks. i took a dbol cycle 2 yrs ago and before i took it i weighed around 195. i crashed hard off that cycle and did no pct cuz i didnt know what it was. my weight crashed to around 180. i think this has to do with muscle memory that i put this weight back on so quick because my body was used to having this much muscle anyway. i dont know, maybe i'm wrong, but it feels good to be big again.
    can u post up the diet that u are following during this cycle and how strict u are/how many times u cheat etc

  36. #36
    my diet is pretty strict... i dont have any cheat meals....

    like i said...i average around 2800-3000 calories a day clean. around 225-250g of protein, 90g of fat (including fish oil) and the rest carbs. i eat a couple of chicken breasts a day, lots of wholeweat bread, pasta, egg whites and tuna. i also drink lots of water and have my protein shakes in milk. thats about it really. i'm not over eating cuz i dont want any excess weight. i think 3000 clean calories a day are sufficient for me... and by the looks of things its working perfectly.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    ok... week 2 update.

    weight: 196 (up 14 pounds from the start).
    strength: only slight strength gains from week one.
    side effects: none.

    my shoulders and back are looking much bigger. i have some water retention in my face and fingers that i can see. during the first week i was getting defined and getting big at the sime time, this week i'm just putting on mass. there is not much definition or vascularity.

    i think i know why i have put on so much mass in just 2 weeks. i took a dbol cycle 2 yrs ago and before i took it i weighed around 195. i crashed hard off that cycle and did no pct cuz i didnt know what it was. my weight crashed to around 180. i think this has to do with muscle memory that i put this weight back on so quick because my body was used to having this much muscle anyway. i dont know, maybe i'm wrong, but it feels good to be big again.
    Wow those are some great results. You should have taken some before and after pics.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticGohan
    Wow those are some great results. You should have taken some before and after pics.
    yea definatly id liek to see some before and after or during cycle pics..if ne1 else has them post em up plz

  39. #39
    YUP... i should have taken some before pics... i'll be putting some pics up this week. my traps are getting too big and i dont even work them out. i weighed myself today after i got back from the gym... 201 pounds... i know there is water weight but i have never gone over the 200 pound mark before. now i feel as though i'm getting too big!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    theres no such thing as too big keep pumping the iron hard take it to the max!

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