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Thread: Sustanon and why you shouldnt use it

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    I was looking for a post like this, cuz this is my first cycle, and it consists of 500/wk of sust. I have been dieting for 8 weeks, and back lifting again seriously for 5 weeks. I thought I would see more results by now, although I also just started 30mg/day of dbol. The pain from the sust, and the lack of results so far has me wanting to switch to enanthate. whatta you guys think??

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by JRMY2711

    cases of impotence, chronic priapism, epididymitis, inhibition of testicular function, oligospermia, and bladder irritability. Some people that take sostanon 250 have reported "flu like" symptoms as well. These symptoms include a higher than normal fever, stomach aches, being tired, etc.


    it was under drug profiles
    This is definitely correct! Ive tried sustanon 250, and the first shot (1 ampule) gave me a 39° fever! Feeling was a "Flu like" environment with muscle joints aching. I will never use sustanon again!!!!

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    I was looking for a post like this, cuz this is my first cycle, and it consists of 500/wk of sust. I have been dieting for 8 weeks, and back lifting again seriously for 5 weeks. I thought I would see more results by now, although I also just started 30mg/day of dbol. The pain from the sust, and the lack of results so far has me wanting to switch to enanthate. whatta you guys think??
    Since you have front loaded dbol already, consider Stananzol (Water-based) Though this is a "liver-shocker" AAS, you may want to use something that can strengthen your liver, Long live mate!

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I'll be stacking sus with dbol, and I'd like to add winny to that. I've heard different opinions on winny, but I'm hoping that it'll help me lean up, burn some fat with my cardio a lot faster? I obviously need some advice, my abs are so relaxed that I look fat, but there's really not that much fat, just totally relaxed abs. I haven't cycled for 5 years, and I disgusted with the way I look. HELP!! steer me right bros!

  5. #165
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    ok, since it's been years, I'm considering myself a newby. Goals: Burn fat, rebuild and define, rip it up. I'll be doing intense cardio, heavy little reps, then light and lots of reps. sus250 twice a week (500mgs wk), 15mgs dbol daily. I'd like to add winny daily, having trouble finding it for my horse. Heard mixed reviews lately about the winny, but when I used it years ago, I got hard, lean and big (used it with sus and deca). I'm counting on the sus to kick in with my cardio and burn body fat 10 times faster than normal. Am I dreaming? I obviously need you guys to take me under your wing and advise me like a big bro would do, with all due respect and gratitude. I want to get big again, proud of my body which is sloppy right now. I've heard that muscles have memory and will get back to big quickly, is this true, or another pipe dream? I know from reading these threads there's lots of cool dedicated bros that know their sh@#, so please give me some tips and advice. I want in! Peace

  6. #166
    Its been 2 years since I worked out. I was about 192, 5'7, 6%-7% bodyfat and the only roid i ever used was a cycle of winny tabs. I let everything go and I am starting my first cycle now. I weigh 209 with 15% bf. I know there is muscle memory because I filled out pretty good. I have a bad temper, I get headaches everyday, in the two weeks of the sus250 (500mg week). Ive been training my ass off and in a way, i feel like i am cheating with this stuff...but oh well. Good luck man. Jay Cutler is comin into the store this i gotta show him up hehe

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by rhs
    ok, since it's been years, I'm considering myself a newby. Goals: Burn fat, rebuild and define, rip it up. I'll be doing intense cardio, heavy little reps, then light and lots of reps. sus250 twice a week (500mgs wk), 15mgs dbol daily. I'd like to add winny daily, having trouble finding it for my horse. Heard mixed reviews lately about the winny, but when I used it years ago, I got hard, lean and big (used it with sus and deca). I'm counting on the sus to kick in with my cardio and burn body fat 10 times faster than normal. Am I dreaming? I obviously need you guys to take me under your wing and advise me like a big bro would do, with all due respect and gratitude. I want to get big again, proud of my body which is sloppy right now. I've heard that muscles have memory and will get back to big quickly, is this true, or another pipe dream? I know from reading these threads there's lots of cool dedicated bros that know their sh@#, so please give me some tips and advice. I want in! Peace
    Ive think this stuff has cut some body fat, and luckily i dont need a lot to get results. I am cutting out a lot of carbs, uping the protein, and lifting heavy 8-12 reps. I am trying to shed some bf while maintaining or building. Just the damn headaches are pissing me off..and I dont want to talk to anyone lol.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Unhappy headaches

    so what's giving you those headaches bro?

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Cool burn this spare and fix this relaxed ab

    Quote Originally Posted by Avenged7x
    Ive think this stuff has cut some body fat, and luckily i dont need a lot to get results. I am cutting out a lot of carbs, uping the protein, and lifting heavy 8-12 reps. I am trying to shed some bf while maintaining or building. Just the damn headaches are pissing me off..and I dont want to talk to anyone lol.
    What stuff exactly are you talking about that cut some body fat. I'm going to do some intense cardio, along with fat burners, but I'm looking for something that'll really take off the unwanted slop inches fast. I'm curious about this T3 stuff, but I'm a little scared of it! The bottle I've seen said "not for hunan consumption" that just for legal escape route? Please advise this old school has been newbie trying to get back into shape and represent the men as men should look, feel and act. It's all good, but my self-esteem is lower than usual because I've been eating everything that I want and look sloppy. I used to love the feeling I'd get when I was big and toned and people would stare, comment, and girls would feel my arms and say "oh, my!"...I'm married to a beauty now who deserves to be with a shredded and dedicated dude, not a Burger King slop flop!

  10. #170
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Avenged7x
    Its been 2 years since I worked out. I was about 192, 5'7, 6%-7% bodyfat and the only roid i ever used was a cycle of winny tabs. I let everything go and I am starting my first cycle now. I weigh 209 with 15% bf. I know there is muscle memory because I filled out pretty good. I have a bad temper, I get headaches everyday, in the two weeks of the sus250 (500mg week). Ive been training my ass off and in a way, i feel like i am cheating with this stuff...but oh well. Good luck man. Jay Cutler is comin into the store this i gotta show him up hehe
    so how do I measure body fat anyway...btw, thanks for your attention and responses!

  11. #171
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Artiken
    Since you have front loaded dbol already, consider Stananzol (Water-based) Though this is a "liver-shocker" AAS, you may want to use something that can strengthen your liver, Long live mate!
    so where can I get this winny? tips and advice are greatly appreciated, can I order it from canada or somewhere on the net, legally and real/

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by rhs
    What stuff exactly are you talking about that cut some body fat. I'm going to do some intense cardio, along with fat burners, but I'm looking for something that'll really take off the unwanted slop inches fast. I'm curious about this T3 stuff, but I'm a little scared of it! The bottle I've seen said "not for hunan consumption" that just for legal escape route? Please advise this old school has been newbie trying to get back into shape and represent the men as men should look, feel and act. It's all good, but my self-esteem is lower than usual because I've been eating everything that I want and look sloppy. I used to love the feeling I'd get when I was big and toned and people would stare, comment, and girls would feel my arms and say "oh, my!"...I'm married to a beauty now who deserves to be with a shredded and dedicated dude, not a Burger King slop flop!
    Well, I work at a nutrition store so its easy access to bf caliper to measure. If you want the t3, do it. If you dont want to eat semi clean and do your cardio, do the t3. I dont have a lot of experience with it. The sustanon gives me headaches. It also has my body heat raised so i am constantly sweating under my clothes. Good thing? Also...I lost about a percent of bf in a month of just cleaning up my diet. Though, i put on about 5 pounds within two weeks of the sus. of course its from water though.

    I am taking 10mg of nolva cuz my nipples are tender when i touch them. I'm not sure if its a good feeling or not...but i find myself touching them often jk

  13. #173
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Artiken
    This is definitely correct! Ive tried sustanon 250, and the first shot (1 ampule) gave me a 39° fever! Feeling was a "Flu like" environment with muscle joints aching. I will never use sustanon again!!!!
    Funny how everyone's body reacts differently. Most people who use sust love it!

  14. #174
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Avenged7x
    Its been 2 years since I worked out. I was about 192, 5'7, 6%-7% bodyfat and the only roid i ever used was a cycle of winny tabs. I let everything go and I am starting my first cycle now. I weigh 209 with 15% bf. I know there is muscle memory because I filled out pretty good. I have a bad temper, I get headaches everyday, in the two weeks of the sus250 (500mg week). Ive been training my ass off and in a way, i feel like i am cheating with this stuff...but oh well. Good luck man. Jay Cutler is comin into the store this i gotta show him up hehe
    Don't feel like you're cheating bro. You're taking advantage of technology, that's all. Just don't be the guy who HAS to juice to make improvements, b/c then you're obviously not doing everthing right; like eating properly, getting enough rest, and training intensely. Good look on your journey to showing up Cutler!

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    Don't feel like you're cheating bro. You're taking advantage of technology, that's all. Just don't be the guy who HAS to juice to make improvements, b/c then you're obviously not doing everthing right; like eating properly, getting enough rest, and training intensely. Good look on your journey to showing up Cutler!
    Man, he was in the store this Saturday, with Rachel Moore. He is one big dude. He was at 290 at 7% body fat lol. One big boy, one big boy. This big black guy that comes in the store sometimes came in, and Cutler made him look small.
    I dont feel like i am cheating anymore. I still cant poke myself, i have to have my friend do it

  16. #176
    [B]whats the best way to stack test250 and EQ200?

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by jwar75
    [B]whats the best way to stack test250 and EQ200?
    I would say that depends on how long you have taken this stuff before and how much you weigh. Thats what i would probably wrong tho.

  18. #178
    I'm currently on my 7th wk of sust250 @ 500 mgs a wk. I do EOD shots of a 1/2 cc and have went from 207 to 233 lbs so far. I have a feeling I'll hit 240 before I'm out. Side effects are minimal and I feel great. the last part of wk 5 and begining of wk 6 showed the biggest improvement with a 10lb increase in weight. Strength hasn't sky rocketed but I have gotten noticable stronger. It was awesome to see the reaction from my freinds who hadn't seen me since wk 3. All 3 of them were in shock, saying "DUDE, you fuc.king balloned", "You look like a rock" & my favorite from my buddy who was doing 1000 mg of sust a wk with promibolan "I'm jealous, your got more in 6 wks then I got my whole cycle".

  19. #179
    Well, my experience(extensive use) with sustenon 250 has been very good at one cc every fifth day. Science may say otherwise, but I have had the best sex drive using this way. Cypionate put more size on mg for mg, and Enanthate falls short(to my body) than Sustenon. Propionate made me strong without gaining as much size. I always stacked it (sus) with Laurabolin(longer acting Deca) and got fantastic results. It used to be cheap in Mexico(Redi-ject was $2.55) as well as Laura($65- 50ml, 50 mg/cc). That is the main reason for using; I would probably pick Cyp as the best overall "test" gainer.

  20. #180
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    week 7 @ 500/ started to show me results.... havent gained much weight. And Im not looking to. gained I think 12 lbs. Like my first post said, Stacked 35-40 mg dbol in weeks 3-6. didnt do ****all for me. coulda been fake though. weeks 6-now,(8) been doing 100mg ED drol. looking a bit more defined now. happy with the results thus far. gonna go 6 more weeks. Sust still hurts, but I like it alot. Pain is getting way easier. only last a day or so now... And I find sust is awesome for the sex drive. Another fine reason to stick with it!!!!

  21. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by Avenged7x
    Man, he was in the store this Saturday, with Rachel Moore. He is one big dude. He was at 290 at 7% body fat lol. One big boy, one big boy. This big black guy that comes in the store sometimes came in, and Cutler made him look small.
    I dont feel like i am cheating anymore. I still cant poke myself, i have to have my friend do it
    I see Cutler around every so often, and yeah that is one big boy!! dude has a hard time holding a cell phone to his head his arms are so huge.

  22. #182
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In a cave in Melb, Oz
    Okay, i have taken in all the arguments here and believe that everyone has made valuable comments. I am going to jump on my first cycle but i'm confused, experienced AAS users have told me jump on the sus you will get better results than enenthate (which is what i was planning to use first 500mg of it) and i have listened to them and am planning to get sus now instead of enenthate. I jus want to know what people think coz this post has put me on the fence again. Should i stick with the enenthate at 500mg or go with the sus at 500mg both with two injections a week. I am willing to do trial and error but also don't wanna waste the money on the sus.

    Big AnF G

  23. #183
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    good read

  24. #184
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I use sustanon 260 from Quality Vet stacked with dbol and deca. The first week, I had a hard area deep in my glute for 3 days or so. The second week, I increased to 2cc of sus (I wanted to make sure it was good stuff first). By that night, I had a very hard area in my upper glute about the size of my hand. I did that on Monday and now it is Friday and it has not gone away. It has diminished some, but it appears that the hard area has moved closer to the surface and is now rashy and itchy. Still the size of my hand, but much less pain. What the hell is it? 20 guage needle can't cause all of that can it? Benzyl Alcohol reaction? I need help. If not gone on Monday, I will have to go to the doctor.

  25. #185


    One of the big points made early on in this thread was the cost factor. Everyone keeps saying that sus is expensive and enth is cheap. What I'm about to say is a fact but perhaps not a relative one. All the price are real but since most can't go to thialand to get them.

    I was in Thailand recently and bought and used sus over there.

    sus was 300 baht for a box of 3 Karachi
    enth was 2300 bhat for a box of 20 schering
    enth was 1700 bhat for a box of 20 local thai

    basically they cost about the same!!! At least in thailand.
    When i got back I had a friend tell me that sus was cheap here too. but I wouldn't know about that. It's illeagal here.

    Ok when me and my cousin took sus we did it 3 1/2 days apart. Sundays at 9am and wensdays at 9pm. Actually all the roids we took were done this way. It was our first and only cycle.

  26. #186
    I have made several cycles with 1,000 mgrs Sust per week (REAL by ORGANON) and I have had very nice results.....

  27. #187
    so if im doing a cycle with only sust and i am starting with 500mgs a week shot twice, up to 750 shot ETD for a few weeks then a taper down over 14 weeks total what am i 2 expect in the way of side effects, effectivness of twice a week shot then ETD shot? and overall effectiveness? im very limited with variety!!! but have 30 amps of sust. have 2 use it

  28. #188
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH

    How would you cycle Sustaject

    Quote Originally Posted by juiceon
    Now that I have to agree with wholehearedly.
    I'm going to run a Sustaject . Anavar cycle - Already ordered it, so all the flaming in the world won't change my mind.

    How would you recommend dosing it? 4-5 injections a week of 100 mg?

    I've already run a Var cycle, and thought Sust would be a good combo for 2nd cycle with Var.

  29. #189
    sust has 176mg of test in one ml

  30. #190
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cincinnati, OH
    I wish I would have had read this thread before I ordered my sus, but the what's done is done. Based on the info here, I'm gonna do 250 twice a week for 500 (this is my first cycle, so I don't won't to go above 500). I also already have Clomid for PCT. My question is this: At a dosage of 500/week should I have some nolva or whatever in case of gyno symptoms or is this too low a dosage to be concerned?

  31. #191
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cincinnati, OH

  32. #192
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yeah, id get nolva. why risk?

  33. #193
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cincinnati, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    yeah, id get nolva. why risk?
    Would you start taking it right away, or just have it on hand in case symptoms show up?

  34. #194
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I am about to start a cycle of Sustanol and Deca. This will be my 1st cycle. Is this ok to start on. My goal is to gain 20lbs but at teh same time stay lean. I am taking 1cc of teh Sus and 1cc of Deca 300 once a week. The sus was mixed with a stright test as well so it is a mix of 5 test's. I am looking to avoid the bloat look and this is the mix the guy gave me. What should I do. Thanks for teh help guys

  35. #195
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hi Girgy

    don't think its a very good first cycle. sus should be inject alot more than once a week. What is the overall mg/ml of the test after the sus has being mixed would recommend 500mg/ml.

    I gained over 20lbs on my first cycle. It was two injection per week of test enanthate at 250mg/ml for 10 weeks with 30mg of dbol per day for the first 4 weeks. used nolva during the cycle to limit bloating and for pct.

    do a bit more research, some good starter cycles by themudman in ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

    hope to goes well bro

  36. #196
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Not sure what the mix is for total. Right now I am taking the Sus 250 and test Enathate mix alone. I haev only taken 1 shot so far. My buddy just got the deca 300 and said I should combine them. This is my 1st cycle so not sure if it is too much. Where can I get some Nolva? How many times do I inject that a week??? Thanks for teh help man!!!!

  37. #197
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Have a good look about the site, lots of good info on PCT. Yeah you can mix deca and sus to get good gains just don't think you it needed for your first cycle. IMO. Only injecting once a week with sus will cause bad peaks as two of its esters (test propionate and test phenylpropionate) have short half lives of 4.5 days.

    Nolva is in tablet form. Think more research would be helpful for you. Try looking on Steroid Profiles then Nolvadex and Sustanon-250. Look up Deca and test Enanthate. Gives alot of basic info including doses.
    If you don't mind me asking how old are you?

    Hope that helps mate.

  38. #198
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Game
    Not all test was created equal. Test is Test is Test. As much as this is true we are speaking about raw test or de esterified test. We are not talking about ester bound test.

    The purpose when injecting is to do so to keep blood plasma levels as stable and at peak for as long as possible, now we cannot do this with sustanon unless it is injected every other day. If I were to draw a graph on the time release of sustanon it would have Highs & Lows (Ups & Downs). Now the average newbie does not wish to inject on an every other day basis and he certainly doesnt wish to be using that much test for a first or second cycle either. In order to keep blood plasma levels stable and reach a peak as quickly as possible you would have to go about front loading. Again something that should not really be done with sustanon.

    I have read sustanon causes less water retention, sustanon causes less chance of getting gyno and less sides overall. This is not true one bit.

    250mgs of sust or 250mgs of enanthate?

    Enanthate contains more raw test than the mixture in sust.

    Did I forget to mention the sust flu? The long build up of this? The long duration it takes to leave the body due to the decanoate ester?

    Now before I start writing a book on this I want a serious discussion with all you sust lovers

    I agree u would do better making your own mix of short and long esters...

  39. #199
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Nolva that this site sells. Is that good stuff? I see it says not for human consumption???? Should I go with this or go with tabs?

    My line-up looks liek this
    1 shot od Super test and test Enthete every 5 days
    1 shot of Deca 300 once a week

    When shoudl I take the Nolva

    Thanks for teh help guys. I am 29 by the way.. 6'1" 210lbs @ 14% BF

  40. #200
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jssmc
    I hear all the things you guys are saying and they may be true in some cases, but at least not for me and my bro. Our first cycle was sus at 500mg/wk for 8 weeks. I gained 15 pounds and my strength gains were freaking crazy. Water retention was not a problem and I felt ****ing awesome. I liked it so much that now I'm stacking it with equipoise for 12 weeks. Anyway, that's is my little story.
    Go sustanon!
    I agree sust worked great for me

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