Just wondering if anyone can give me an insight to the company (are they as good as there web site suggests) I dont here them mentioned in many peoples top5 companys. Also any experiences of there products would be useful.
Just wondering if anyone can give me an insight to the company (are they as good as there web site suggests) I dont here them mentioned in many peoples top5 companys. Also any experiences of there products would be useful.
A guy that works at my local helath food store swears by it. He says their line of supplements is a great seller.
But aren't they the ones who make that creatine serum that tested for having less than 1G of creatine in the whole bottle? If that's them, do not waste your money, because if one of their products suck, most liekly they all do.
way to give a solid answer papa! just kidding bro![]()
LOLI realized before i even clicked on "post reply" that I contradicted my answer , but I'm too lazy to delete all those words I wrote, all 20 of them!!!
I really like AST's supplements. They have a lot of info on the website that I think is out and out bullshit, but I do swear by some of their products.
I ALWAYS have a supply of their VP2 protein (hydrolysed whey isolate) - its the best post workout protein IVe ever used
Their glutamine and creatine are high quality.
If you subscribe to the prohormone camp, they cant be beat in terms of orals.
Other good stuff from AST: CLA, ALA, Dymetadrine Extreme (more for preworkout boost than fat burning - my favorite preworkout enhancement)
All in all good supplements.
they "claim" that there guy skip la cour has never taken steroids in his life and they say anyone can test him and if hes found positive then teyll give em $10,000.
now i thaught you can only detect steroids for a certain amount of time?
they do chat alot of shit and hype there own products. but they are good quality.
i'm just numb to that shit now. greg kovacs got that big by drinking cell tech and nitro tech right?
Just a personl opinion about AST sports products, they are all shit. I tried their creatine monohydrate, and nothing, I tried their adro, nothing. In fact I was dumb enough and bought three different kinds of thier andro, and the only thing that I noticed was that I was broke and didn't achieve any results. don't waist your money on thier products. I think that they are all hype, and no results.
i dont think their creatine and glutamine did much for me
but i think andro isnt bad
i tried the 3mass building cycle they suggested
it does cost a lot though, might as well go on steroids
and yes they do hype it up a lot, there is no shread of doubt that skip la cour, paul delia, and the rest of them are on the juice
I tried the 3mass building andro too, and for the results that I saw I should have just lit my money on fire. At least I would have had fun watching it burn.
it doesn't compare to juice that's true
but I have seen beginners double their weights
Originally posted by MuscleGuru
i dont think their creatine and glutamine did much for me
but i think andro isnt bad
Bro, i think any creatine and glutamine is decent. I mean, creatine is creatine however you slice it, same with glutamine. They can add all the "Extras" such as ALA, taurine, leucine...blah blah blah, but i think as long as the company has a decnt rep, you're good to go with any creatine/glutamine combo. Just my personal opinion.
what papapump said is true creatine is cretine and glutamine is glutimine its just which company has better quality in their products and i know that ast have the highest quality. so chillen if you didnt see results with thier creatine you aint going to see results with any other creatine either.
Thanks for everyones thoughts and opinions, I bought a tub of VP2 chocolate and the stuff was so chalky I couldnt take more than 2 mouthfuls of a time. This says to me poor product development. AST tells me that VP2 is best tasting protein on the market but I tried the majority of protein drinks and this rates as the worst!![]()
What was stated about me not seeing results with any other creatine isn't true. I ended up trying Pro performance creatine, and saw some crazy results, with some lifts. With that creatine I saw a minimum increase in all of my lifts of at least 10%, and that was in the first two weeks. For me that goes to show that AST makes crappy products, but if it works for anybody out there, go for it.
I wouldnt base my opinion on just those products. I dont buy AST products, but creatine doesnt work on everyone, neither do the prohormones. They are a supplement company and are caught and probably feel they have to sell the prohormones in order to compete and not to loose that big market.Originally posted by chillen
Just a personl opinion about AST sports products, they are all shit. I tried their creatine monohydrate, and nothing, I tried their adro, nothing. In fact I was dumb enough and bought three different kinds of thier andro, and the only thing that I noticed was that I was broke and didn't achieve any results. don't waist your money on thier products. I think that they are all hype, and no results.
Of course he does...he sells it!Originally posted by PaPaPumP
A guy that works at my local helath food store swears by it. He says their line of supplements is a great seller.
No. They are the ones who exposed it.But aren't they the ones who make that creatine serum that tested for having less than 1G of creatine in the whole bottle? If that's them, do not waste your money, because if one of their products suck, most liekly they all do.
I love the vp2 best protein ive ever tasted and i feel its got a good legit nutritional value. As for creatine and clutamine...i I agree its all pretty much the same if it works it works. I use their GABA, VP2, and creatine when coming down. I am happy with those products...as for the others..i think prohormones are a waste and dont use much else.
Hey bro,
The 10% in two weeks wasn't what really amazed me, it was the increases in my leg strength. I was doing Hack Squat at that time and in one week my hack increasd 100lbs, and my legg press increased 75 lbs. On my upper body lifts I usualy only increased roughly 10%, but the leggs went crazy, well at least until I injured myself. Then again maybe it ws just conisidence, and I was having a few strong days, with the proper setting of the mind. When I was bashing AST I think that I really just needed to let off a little steam.
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