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Thread: Injection HELP!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Exclamation Injection HELP!!

    I am currently in the middle of my 2nd cycle which is sust and winny. I normally get my shots from a friend and have no problem with the injection. I have done many injections by myself and everytime i am about to do a shot i get nervous and hands start to shake and i start to sweat. I dont know why this happens and wondering if theres anything i can do that will help the injection go smoothly. I have no problem with "pain" i think its just normal but any techniques would help

  2. #2
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    consintrate on going in a getting it done, if I think about it too much, or try new ways I screw it up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    just find your happy place, pretend that you're injecting someone else that will kick your ass if you screw it up, and always remember to stab thru the muslce, not on it. Count to 3 and inject on 4. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO ASPIRATE!

  4. #4
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    Las Vegas
    i suppose a small amount of anxiety is normal, after a while tho you actually look foward to injections.
    there is no better medicine for me than mind medicine i.e. the sooner i get this shot done, the sooner my muscles grow.
    as for shakes and sweats, i personally have never had them prior to an injection. maybe inject into an easy site like quads till you get used to it.

  5. #5
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    delts and quads
    Do the delts. It's painless. Trust me. As soon as the tip touches your skin, it goes in before you know cuz it's pretty sharp. If your friend can do it, you can do it better. If you're too worried just put some ice to numb it. Relax, man up, poke, aspirate, and inject slowly.

  6. #6
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    The point of no return.
    Anything gets old after awhile, even injecting yourself. You will eventually calm down. It takes some people longer to become comfortable with self injecting. Others adjust right away. I still get a bit "shaky/sweaty" if I'm hitting a site I've never hit before. I was on clen at the time I did my first injection. Talk aabboouutt sshhaakkyy. It was more like getting a tattoo than an injection.

  7. #7
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    South Carolina
    What are you afraid of bro? Not like it's gonna kill you. Just stick it in and shoot. After a while it will get a lot easier.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2004
    i used to get like that.. just bite on somthing.. i used to bite the needle cap, or a pencil.

  9. #9
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    145 not afraid of the pain or anything its just the actual putting the needle through the skin that gets me anxious...i inject into the quads...i think i get nervous of not going quick enough or going too far (1 1/2 needles) i think its just my hand positioning...any thoughts on making a fist around the syringe for the actual injection?

  10. #10
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    The point of no return.
    For quads I just hold the barrel between my index finger and thumb. You can rest the side of your palm on your thigh if you are feeling unsteady.

  11. #11
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    if ur doing quads, use both hands. rest the edge of ur hand (by ur wrist) on ur leg to steady it. slowly insert needle 2/3 in (u said 1 1/2" pin, right?) which would be 1" in. use ur other hand on the plunger. DONT FORGET TO ASPIRATE. SLOWLY inject the oil, take ur time. after its all in, wait a few seconds, then pull it out and press a cotton swab over it for a few minutes. My first time i was scared sh*tless, but I said f*ck it and just slowly slid it in and u know what, i didnt even feel it. i love doing it now.

  12. #12
    First I feel around the injection area to find a place that doesn't "Feel sensation/pain" (Like on my delts, If I pinch this one spot it hurts, but like 2 cm's to the side I feel nothing).

    Then I take the syringe and set it on the skin at the spot I've picked.

    When I'm ready I try and use a swift motion to get the needle in quick.

  13. #13
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    jab it right in through the skin. Stretching the skin can help. Once you have jabbed in through the skin, smoothly and steadily stick it into the muscle at the desired depth. Unless you get close to a nerve, the only pain at the time of injection is from piercing the skin. Changing the pin after drawing the gear into the rig will help. The rubber stopper dulls the pin. A brand new pin for your shooter will make a noticeable difference. Remember... JAB through the skin. Careful not to hit the fingers holding the skin stretched. This is practically impossible on glutes but works great on quads and pecs.

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Tazwell
    i used to get like that.. just bite on somthing.. i used to bite the needle cap, or a pencil.

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