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Thread: ALA/Milk Thistle On cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    ALA/Milk Thistle On cycle.

    I am running my FIRST cycle cosinsting of:

    Week 1-10 : T200 ( 400mg/week )
    Week 1-10 : EQ ( 400mg/week )
    Week 8-13 : Winstrol ( 50mg/ED )

    I want to take ALA & Milk Thistle throughout cycle to be safe, since Winstrol is involved in cycle. I have some questions.

    1) Do I need to take BOTH the ALA and the Milk Thistle?

    2) What are the dosages I should be taking throughout cycle?

    3) I went to GNC, and only saw 1 bottle of ALA, containing (60) 100mg tabs....Thats not a lot, and it costs 25$! Where can I get it?

    4) How much ALA and Milk Thistle do I need on-hand?

    5) ( off topic ) How much Nolvadex do I need to have on-hand during cycle in-case gyno symptoms occur? I was going to get (40) 10mg tabs, which is 400mg worth. Don't forget I will be running Liquidex throughout ENTIRE cycle as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Hey bro,

    I have been told by people to run the ALA only. Some say the milk thistle is also a must, but that will ultimately be up to you.

    I went and bought my first bottle of ALA at GNC. I got the 250mg capsules (bottle of 30) for $25. Start at 750mg a day is what I have seen most of the vets on here say. I know you can get the stuff cheaper, I just haven't looked yet. Maybe someone else can send you in the right direction for that.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I am going to run ALA and Milk Thistle to be safe.

    What dosage should I run them at during weeks 1-10?

    Should I increase dosage weeks 8-13 while actually on Winny?

    Please give me dosages I need to run of each.

    Milk Thistle - 1000mg's/day Whole cycle?
    ALA - 600mg's/day whole cycle?

    Or does it need to increase weeks 8-13?

    Thanx guys!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    well u can def get it cheaper at some internet sites, this web store may sell it cheaper, i have not browsed in a while but do a search on the web for supplement stores and thousands will pop up. peace bro and great luck

  5. #5

    Thumbs up that sucks!!!

    I live in jersey and we have a place called "The vitamin shop"It has 10 times more products than gnc and is 35% less expensive I bought a bottle of 100 1000mg ala for $18 bucks!!!that sucks that gnc pulls that shit!!And if you live in jersey/conn/or new york than you guy's know vitamin shop

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    BUMP...... Nobody answered my question regarding dosaging.

    Also, when should it be taken? With Food? Juice?

    All at once? Split up? Please give me details on the ALA/Milk Thistle.

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