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Thread: Calling all Hgh users 30 and under!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Arrow Calling all Hgh users 30 and under!!!

    * Pls, only post if you have cycled HGH and are 30 yrs. old or younger.


    Age, brand of HGH, IU's taken (ED/EOD/5on,2off/6on,1off), duration of cycle, end result. weight gain/loss, bf %'s, estimated strentgh gains (by %) (based on compound exrecises)

    *Also, specify whether cycled by itself(hgh) or along with AAS, IGF... etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Jacksonville, FL
    5'9, 175, 29, 3iu's, 6/1. I have been off steriods and everything for 3 years. Started up this year and currently on my 2nd cycle of aas. 21 pds total so far. Complete body change. The best thing about GH is the pct from steriods. I'm not losing anythng when I get off aas. I love GH!

  3. #3
    5'8, 178, 28yrs, 3iu's, 5/2. I am taking test Cyp at 200mg per week for 10 weeks. My first cycle ever and its doctor prescribed based on low levels from the blood test results. I am right on my 4th week using both and have gained 9lbs. I still am retaining my 7.5% bodyfat. I do hold water somedays though. I dont think I have seen the effects of the Somatropin yet just the test. We will see by month 3 what happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    5'9" 202, 29 (will be 30 in 12 days) 3-4 IU's 5/2. Been taking fitropin for 2 1/2 months so far and have lost a good portion of fat deposits around my waist and can see new ab defintion. Also been cycling tren for 9 weeks and test for 12. Got two more weeks of test and then PCT. When I started the gear and HGH was at the same time and was 190 then so Ive put on 12 lbs and lost some bf too. People guess I weigh about 220 all the time, but not there yet! After this second kit of fitropin is up, i have 3 kits of jino waiting in the fridge

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Southern California
    32 5'11 210 2 iu per day occationally 5iu or more a day not very often though because it makes my elbow hurt at anything over 3iu. No fat loss maybe more endurance though. No strength increase. I have been on for 4 months used Humatrope, jintropin, an serostim. Lab tests show IGF1 levels on all of them at 2iu are between 420-450. I will be off this month and won't be using it again. Too expensive and too much of a pain in the butt. No results to speak of.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    keep it up guys... this thread will help many and allow for us to share valueble information!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    6'1 246 usually 6iu' ed 5/2 but if using with igf-1 its cut to 3iu's ed. Age 21

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    age 25, 4IUs 5on 2 off, gained 10lbs this cycle and taking 100mg test a day with 30mg tren and was taking 400mg EQ/week. I dont think 4 IUs was enough to give me great muscle growth however I am staying very lean but for about 2 months I was so freakin tired at work I felt like napping all day. I have used 40mcg of IGF-1 LR3 also. HGH is freaking expensive and I need to buy some more soon, getting low.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005

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