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Thread: Nolvadex/Allergic reaction HELP

  1. #1

    Exclamation Nolvadex/Allergic reaction HELP

    i just started taking novadex at 20mg a day from ar-r about 2 weeks ago and the past few days i have been itching alot all over my body and everything was wondering if anyone has had this happen to them or could possibly help me with this. i don't have a rash or anything and taking nolva is the only thing that has been different. so anything would help i am thinking of stopping use of this to see if the itching stops thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Allergic Reaction

    You are NOT experiencing an allergic reaction. Read the side-effets of Temoxifen Citrate (nolvadex)... if it were a drug allergy, you would have hives, rashes, sweating, swelling of the skin that travels up your body. Curiously enough, are you injecting or taking orally? Also, taking any other drugs, over the counters, herbals, etc.?

  3. #3
    i am taking it orally the liquid from ar-r as far as drugs go i am on test e but have been on for about 8 weeks now taking this nolva is the only thing that has changed i did a search for sides and it did say stuff about itching and dry skin. any other tips on this matter would be great thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    tips on side effects

    Sorry to hear that but it is very common. If you're just on test, I wouldn't see it too awefully necessary to take nolvadex... for future reference HCG OR CLOMID work way better. If the itching is localized, try cotizone 10 or some topical cream to just treat the symptoms if they become uncomfortable also... lotion for your skin if you experience drying. The draw back is that excessive drying of the skin can lead to eczema which is much more difficult to get rid of. You'll most likely see eczema on around your mouth, elbows, or feet before anywhere else. It appears as if athletes foot but seldom spreads. It would be safe to say in any circumstance that if your symptoms become WORSE then cease use and retry it a few days later. It will not hurt. Take care and good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    clomid works better while on a cycle than nolvadex?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clomid performs a dual function. Nolvadex does not protect your hypothalamus NOR does it protect your pituitary gland. Who knew that these two glands actually are responsible for our testosterone output? Clomid CAN function as an aromatase inhibitor but most stack it with nolvadex. It basically comes down to this; "How much do you want to spend on things that are not necessary?"

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