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Thread: Kidney pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Kidney pain

    Hey i am on week 3 of dbol test e and eq and i hadnt really been drinking enough water and my kidneys are killing me today.. should i stop the dbol? or just catch on my water and drink some cran juice.
    Is there anything else that can help kidney pain?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Im on week 8 of sust and did my dbol already...I noticed around weeks 4 some slight pain in the kidney area.. since my 5th week, Ive gotten my H2O intake up to about 1.5-2 gallons a day.. no B.S... I fill my little half litre container with cold purified water about 10 times a day. And I swear I NEVER, EVER drank water before in my life. It was always beer beer beer.....It seemed I sort of started to crave it actually... the same might happen to you.. Its very important to drink tons of water.. way more than what you might think....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    When youre on test(or any cycle for that matter) you need to drink more water than normal i.e. 1 gal or more. Also could be back pumps from the dbol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    yeah, dbol gave me that fishy feeling in the lower back too. Drol has to be the ultimate stresser. I've never done drol. Too much risk to benefit in my book. Believe me, it's been very tempting over the years but I never danced with the devil. I'm doing turanabol now and I'm getting great solid gains. When I don't get enough water I do notice the crappy feeling back there. I eat very clean and I take a plethora of vitamins. I take milk thistle and I even take that chocolate xocyl antioxidant drink. My friend sells the stuff and gave me a bottle for free. Make sure you're on milk thistle and I hear Liv52 is good.

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