What's the point in doing drug testing if the "hardest" substances, taken on Friday night, might be undetectable on Monday morning? http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/...ng_info1.shtmlOriginally Posted by Bigen12
Better, what's the point in drug testing, say, a cashier at Lowe's, or anyone else who isn't a nuclear power plant operator?
If the argument is that job performance is adversely impacted by drugs, wouldn't pre-work performance/reaction testing prevent both people who are high and those who are sleepy, hung over, etc., from being a safety risk?
Just like the rest of the "War on Drugs", testing only serves to line the pockets and feed the personal feelings of those who are involved at the expense of the liberties and dollars of those who have done nothing wrong.
If steroid testing were cheap enough that employers did it regularly, would it still be in the private sector's rights to test for steroids? After all, they have the right to control what people do on their non-work time, right?