better steroids than rec drugs right? Why are steroids illegal, i mean seriously. If someone wants to elevate their testosterone level then why shouldnt they be allowed to? If i want to alter my state of mind by using over the counter meds and/or liquor i can. so why not with steroids. Everything can be deadly and harmfull if abused, so why single out steroids? If women want to get breast augmentation, botex, glute implants to alter their apperance their is certainly a risk factor in doing so. On the mans perspective to bulk up and have more muscle is what society finds more attractive. Since i can't go to my plastic surgeon and order 12lbs of muscle implanted in my body why should i not be allowed to use steroids to help. I don't use steroids but have several clients that do so. That's all it is. Self improvment. Instead of using a scaple we use a needle and more hard work than most people will ever understand.
It's not as bad as you think. If he stays on make a deal w/ him to get his blood work done every 2 weeks. First sign of increased liver enzymes, or out of range creatanine levels he's off the juice. I can get a chem-22 w/ liver panel done here for $36.00, no doctor visit required. Walk in, get your blood taken, and i get my results faxed to me the very next day for $36.00. That's about the cheapest insurance you can buy.