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A different perspective: My father is in his early 50's and Just recently decided to do his first AAS cycles. He did a lot of research and so did I since I wanted to support him.
The more you find out from reliable sources about how "steroids" work and affect the body and the possible drugs that counter the "negatives" associated with steroids, The more you realize if done correctly you're really gaining a Great benefit vs the risk.
My father is a Ph.d, Worked as a chemist in his youth (he knows a good deal about drug interactions and makeup) and a successful loving father.
He supported me doing my first cycle when I turned 22. And its worked great. If anything AAS have brought my father and I closer together w/o any real consequences.
Point: Perhaps you should do a lot of research o nthe subject now and SUPPORT your son. Make sure he does things right so the benefit is indeed for sure greater than the risks. AAS use won't only make his body more healthy and better, but it'll also aid him in becomming mroe successful in life.