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Thread: Dad who found steroids in son's room says thanks.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    Your house, your rules... nuff said!

    Im very impressed you joined this site to learn for your son's benfit.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyHitter
    Your house, your rules... nuff said!

    Im very impressed you joined this site to learn for your son's benfit.
    His house his rules great... but he said he wouldn't hesitate to bust his son. This is bullshit.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    good on yer

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Do not worry about your son, you are the chief... I recommend not going against your family. People who typically use steroids are very health conscious. The negative about steroids come from mass media or uneducated lips per say. If it is about his health talk to him, if it is about legal issues I say why enforce a bull shit law?
    Exactly what I think!

    PS I think its great that hes got a father like you with an open mind and the willing to get on here and learn the truths/lies about AAS use and the people who use them. I would NEVER have touched them 8 months ago, then I read about and learned about them, came to the conclusion it is a B***Sh1t law and needs rethinking!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    well said!!

    [QUOTE=Mealticket]better steroids than rec drugs right? Why are steroids illegal, i mean seriously. If someone wants to elevate their testosterone level then why shouldnt they be allowed to? If i want to alter my state of mind by using over the counter meds and/or liquor i can. so why not with steroids. Everything can be deadly and harmfull if abused, so why single out steroids? If women want to get breast augmentation, botex, glute implants to alter their apperance their is certainly a risk factor in doing so. On the mans perspective to bulk up and have more muscle is what society finds more attractive. Since i can't go to my plastic surgeon and order 12lbs of muscle implanted in my body why should i not be allowed to use steroids to help. I don't use steroids but have several clients that do so. That's all it is. Self improvment. Instead of using a scaple we use a needle and more hard work than most people will ever understand.QUOTE]

    I think Im gonna cut and paste this section, print it and keep it in my wallet to give to people when they ask why I use steroids!! Perfectly said!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    If you think I won't have my son busted your sadly mistaken
    Maybe not a bad idea since you can control the process? If he's living under your house, he needs to follow your rules and the law since that is your job. That is your call since you pay the bills.

    I don't think busting him is the answer, I think having him survive on his own is? On a 1st offense, possessing a schedule 3 drug for personal use is misdemeanor. Now distributing it, that's a different story. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Maybe not a bad idea since you can control the process? If he's living under your house, he needs to follow your rules and the law since that is your job. That is your call since you pay the bills.

    I don't think busting him is the answer, I think having him survive on his own is? On a 1st offense, possessing a schedule 3 drug for personal use is misdemeanor. Now distributing it, that's a different story. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    If you don't want your son talking to you for a long time, Turn him in. If you want to maintain a good relationship, kick him out.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    I assure you your son is looking at no jail time.
    I understand what you are saying, but to say that a non-dealing steroid user is without risk of jailtime is simply false. I think that Rick Collins, author of Legal Muscle, might agree with me here. He has seen many guys to to jail for said. I know of a guy that didn't get jailtime, but he got probation, and in retrospect, he very much regrets getting those steroids shipped to that PO box of his.

    Besides that, it was stated that the 'son' provides steroids to his friends. That makes him a dealer as far as the legal system is concerned.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    On a 1st offense, possessing a schedule 3 drug for personal use is misdemeanor. Now distributing it, that's a different story. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    Okay, since you asked.

    First offense for possession of a schedule III substance (federally) carries a penalty of not more than a $250,000 fine and/or 3 yr in prison. There is no specific clause for personal-use amounts for steroids that I know of.

    On the other hand, if he has a small amount of gear, he is unlikely to be prosecuted at the federal levels. State laws vary by state, of course.

    Bottom line if you don't want to get caught.

    Take Virigia for example. Possession of a schedule-III substance without a prescription is only a misdemenor, but that misdemenor is a conviction for which the punishment is confinement in jail for up to twelve months and a fine up to $2,500, either or both.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    His house his rules great... but he said he wouldn't hesitate to bust his son. This is bullshit.
    I didnt see that part... I would not agree with busting my own son... but I dont know the whole situation and sometimes turning someone in (ex. aa/rehab) is the best bet....

    good luck!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyHitter
    I didnt see that part... I would not agree with busting my own son... but I dont know the whole situation and sometimes turning someone in (ex. aa/rehab) is the best bet....
    True, true.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    If you think I won't have my son busted your sadly mistaken
    Are you serious, think about the mistakes youve made in your life. My father would die for me, and i dont know how many times i have let him down. But now years later after ive grown up we are great friends. Did your father not love you or something. You shouldnt even be threatening him with stuff like that, if he is on gear right now, your going to cause him to have a freakin heart attack.

    Chill out, you found the gear, hes been using it,nothign happened, kick him out, dont put him in jail...your an jerk if you do..period
    that shows real love, your 52 right,how much do you think your son will want to be around you if you do that to him, he grandkids nada..peace thats the last i have to say on the a google search for steroid forums, there are at least 10 big boards that i know of with members rangin from 40,000 to over 100,000..people are not educated and thats what these boards are for, and yes for some amusement..

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Southeast Texas
    Meso, you're a piece of shit for making that comment. Gear Dumb at least has the decency to try to educate himself on aas. No matter what you're opinion is on the legal aspects of aas, they're still ILLEGAL!

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    If you think I won't have my son busted your sadly mistaken
    Don't have him busted, just sit down and evaluate the situaton, with your son. Tell him that if he keeps on doing what he is doing, move out. Sounds like he is a bit of a rebel. DONT SCREW UP THE LIFESTYLE OF THE REST OF US, JUST FOR YOUR OWN SATISFACTION. Peace of mind is a great thing to have. But the best peace of mind comes from within your own family. Good Luck, and don't make any irrational decisions, without putting some serious thought to the consequences that they might bring. Do you really want your son to have a police record at 22. I SURE HOPE NOT

  14. #54
    Thank you

  15. #55
    If I thought busting my kid was the best solution I'd have done it by now. My goal is to get him to quit or get out of the house.
    My goal is not to get him in trouble with the law. I'm in a bad spot here. I don't agree with all the laws on the books but if everyone got to pick and choose what laws they follow we might as well all be under 6 foot of water like New Orleans. It would be total chaos. I not an idiot. I know many laws are based on politics and influenced by special interest groups, but the bottom line is if I think the only way I can help stop my kid from hurting himself is by busting him. That's an easy choice for me. Just like you guys I'm going with what I feel is right. We all live with the consequences. From what I've learned so far from guys with a lot of posts, which my son believes means your smart on the subject, he's playing with fire with tren and shouldn't even be using until he's older. His focus in his life, in my opinion should be education and career and getting out on his own, not BB. I can tell by the answers I get here that by and far this site is occupied by decent, eductaed people with good intentions. All except one has treated me with respect. But, I don't care how smart you are everyone is capable of mistakes and I think my son is making a big one now at this time in his life.
    If he moves out and can take care of himself and decides to do this, I will never approve but, again that's his choice and his life. I'll always love him and worry about him. That's what parent do. He's not paying room and board because he was in school and supposedly had a "plan" for his future and had some school loans.
    Thanks again

  16. #56
    Busting your son is not the only way. If my dad sent me to prison over my cycle that i just finished, i would never forgive him even if he was trying to help. How on earth do you help someone by sending them to jail??? Just get him out of the house if you don't want him there and let him run his own life, he's a man now.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    have you ever thought that maybe this is what makes him bodybuilding career makes me enjoy life way more then i did before it. You say your son doesnt drink or do other drugs, you have a great kid then bro, lots of people are into coke and x these days.....your son is living his life....dont judge him, hes making the right decisions based on his own needs, and passions.

  18. #58
    GearDumb, you cannot talk him out of it believe me. He has done his research, he has his mind and body set on it, he doesnt drink and smoke probably because he wants to stay as healthy as possible while using steroids which means he is very serious about it. I certainly cannot imagine anyone talking me out of it, I have always wanted to be very muscular and strong since i was about 7 years old. Why? Being different from everybody else makes me happy. I haven't let go of that dream and i don't think i ever will, im 20 now and just started with AAS, and i don't drink or smoke because i am serious about it, so i can relate to your son.

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by Texsun
    Meso, you're a piece of shit for making that comment. Gear Dumb at least has the decency to try to educate himself on aas. No matter what you're opinion is on the legal aspects of aas, they're still ILLEGAL!
    You just joined to talk shit to me? Did I make you feel insecure about something? Did your feelings get hurt? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*two quick sobs*Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa

    texsun< >everyone that has intelligents.
    Last edited by Mesomorphyl; 09-08-2005 at 09:05 PM.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Chicago area
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Your a ****ing piece of shit bud! It is not like he is murdering people... The war on drugs is a war on personal freedom and a great big way of taxing the people without being able to stop it. Test all your piggies in the station, I bet you get some positive tests... But cops stick together and are above the law, so nothing would happen to them. To go against your own family after having been somewhat educated beyond the mainstream media is sickning.
    WOW, WELL SAID BRO!! A little story of my own, the gym I belonged to up untill a few years ago was owned by a cop, he still owns it but he's no longer a cop. He got busted for selling gear out of his gym, alot of gear, they investagated him for 2 years before they arrested him. The reason they waited???...most of the cops on the force were getting their gear from him. When they finally busted him, it was in agreement he wouldn't rat out the other officers who bought from him, in return....get this.. NO JAIL TIME!! all he got was a discharge from the force. Pretty nice huh, cops are geared and everyone know it.

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    OK - you have brought up an interesting point; you say it's because they are illegal, costly, and risky.

    Risky - Not really - not when you're doing it with a lot of knowledge of how to respond to risks as they show up, with education on PCT. Risk with Tren is being angry, losing hair, things like that. Not death. I think 22 can decide that - without a perental signature, or financial coersion.

    Costly - He doesn't have to spend money on rent unless he doesn't comply with your terms. Hmmm... That's a grey area. I disagree personally, but many don't.

    Illegal - So, you've tested all your underlings, and you personally NEVER commit crimes? Dude, you couldn't sell me that lie if it came bundled with a winning lottery ticket. It's hypocricy, and you know it.

  22. #62
    Risk - I agree he can and will decide for himself but I just want him to know the consequnces and really be ready to accept them.
    Costly - The minute he's not pursuing school and a career the rent kicks in regardless of the gear. If he can afford the gear he can afford to help out or move out.
    Illegal-So if I use your logic then every cop has broken the law and every cop is a hypocrit for enforcing it. I guess we should just disband all police departments.When I was younger I broke the law, I shoplifted, I drove drunk, but that doesn't mean I was right or that I'm a hypocrit for realizing that I was wrong and go out and arrest a shoplifter or drunk. That just means I grew up and yes since I turned 18 I've never committed a crime! PS. I grew up in the housing projects and was out of the house at 18 and in the Army at 19, hired as a rookie cop at 22 and graduated from college at 26. I walked the talk I'm giving my son.I'm a Police Chief in a city of 50,000. I was successful in my profession because I can relate to people and I always treat them with respect no matter what they did because I don't know where they came from and what their life experiences were. You can hold people accountable without judging them personally. I liked and helped many people that I arrested over the years. If one of my coppers tested positive for aas they'd be in trouble, and their job would be on the line. That's just the way it is. Nobody made us raise our right hands and swear to be one of the good guys. Anyways my son is getting ticked because he thinks were getting off the topic and doing family therapy on line. What can I say????

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Man, I just gotta say... I wish I could trade with him. lol. You seem like a VERY cool guy.

    In mediation, both parties are seldom perfectly content - but the compromise you mentioned here I think is EXCELLENT. If he PAYS rent (FMV for his room) then he can decide. Until then, you can decide. THAT IS FAIR! I support that 100%, and in doing so I believe you will maintain the communication lines, the trust of your son, and probably the support of the decision by most people here. Also, you will remain in the loop and get to see if there are warning signs that his preferences are ignoring. What about blood work? Get the facts.

    With regards to the overview of your path ... and your views on how you handle people who work for you, or that you have arrested etc., it's just too bad we can't fill the entire enforcement staff of the US with guys like you. Hats off to you sir!

    Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge my attempts at contributing. I wouldn't say we strayed from the subject, I'd say we're just scrutinizing the real thing here. The one thing many 22 year olds lack (and I'm not saying your son does, just that I did when I was 22, and in the Marine Corps) was full awareness of mortality. My liver isn't some state in a different country. I can't just order one online. Injuries you get as a teen/young adult you often don't realize will be with you for life often. I hope you are reading a lot of the profiles on this website, especially the ones by Hooker, a well respected authority on AAS. He has brought this community a long ways in terms of dispelling myths, etc. I also hope you watched that HBO special. It's not risk free, but it's not the hype the media purports it to be.

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    Anyways my son is getting ticked because he thinks were getting off the topic and doing family therapy on line. What can I say????
    So your son is there with you good. What site does he frequent for steroid information? Maybe you should lay out his cycle and we can get a looksee for saftey sake... What do you say?

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I agree... lets see the details. Sounds (so far) like Tren, Prop, and AI and SERMs. Good to me in my opinion. It's less than the next cycle I plan on doing.

  26. #66
    Thanks TrumanHW. I'll let my son decide if he wants to share is regimen with you guys. Take care.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    On the East Coast
    You house ... your rules Dad, that should be it. Tell him to do whatever he wnats when he gets his own place but for now you're the man of the house. Your son needs to get his priorities straight.

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    I think everyone has a valid point here. BUT just because steroids can be safely used and are being used by loads of people, obviously, does not make them legal. The govt is trying its best to keep teens and athletes from using AASs to keep sports 'legitimate' in the public eye.

    Tell your son if he wants to use illegal substances to move out, that way you clear yourself of any kind of liability.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Gear is safe if used properly and responsibly, but your son is being selfish by having illegal substance in ur house when he knows u r in a position of huge responsibility. He shud stop using or move out, jmo

  30. #70
    PLMike is right. Careless use of drugs (remember Blue Nitro) has demonized several formerly legal drugs (such as steroids). Kids are not entirely to blame, ass faced losers who center they're life around bodybuilding (yet NEVER make it to the pro level) are equally to blame. A larger life lesson can be learned by the wise here <. If ur butt ugly (no matter who ass kissers tell U u look like) don't make ur physical appearance ur ENTIRE indentity, especially if u DON'T have what it takes to make to the top. I'm pretty damn thick (legs/butt) but I know they're are many who have much better genetics (for BB'ing) than I do, that's ok. I have MUCH more to offer women than just a muscular body and pretty face, the person U are gets chicks decent (I mean winners like female private practice 100k+/yr doctors... NOT skank rejects who've been screwed so many times it's like tossing a hotdog down a hallway. Bodybuilding is AT BEST a hobby which a select few can make a very short career pursuing.
    Last edited by TomPlatz; 09-08-2005 at 06:25 PM.

  31. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    If I thought busting my kid was the best solution I'd have done it by now. My goal is to get him to quit or get out of the house.
    My goal is not to get him in trouble with the law. I'm in a bad spot here. I don't agree with all the laws on the books but if everyone got to pick and choose what laws they follow we might as well all be under 6 foot of water like New Orleans. It would be total chaos. I not an idiot. I know many laws are based on politics and influenced by special interest groups, but the bottom line is if I think the only way I can help stop my kid from hurting himself is by busting him. That's an easy choice for me. Just like you guys I'm going with what I feel is right. We all live with the consequences. From what I've learned so far from guys with a lot of posts, which my son believes means your smart on the subject, he's playing with fire with tren and shouldn't even be using until he's older. His focus in his life, in my opinion should be education and career and getting out on his own, not BB. I can tell by the answers I get here that by and far this site is occupied by decent, eductaed people with good intentions. All except one has treated me with respect. But, I don't care how smart you are everyone is capable of mistakes and I think my son is making a big one now at this time in his life.
    If he moves out and can take care of himself and decides to do this, I will never approve but, again that's his choice and his life. I'll always love him and worry about him. That's what parent do. He's not paying room and board because he was in school and supposedly had a "plan" for his future and had some school loans.
    Thanks again

    Why not help and support him in his gear usage? and tren isn't fire. My second cycle and I'm 22 and I'm using it w/o any sideeffects. SO why get him to quit or out of house? You're only causing problems and making them appear out of thin air. He'll do them anyways, all you have to choice to do is kick him out (make his life a lot harder) or you can support him and help him to minize risks.

    Hurt him or help. kicking him out or busting him doens't equal help Chiefman.

  32. #72
    IF they were a legal substance, would you be ok with him using? Just curious. For example, would you be ok with him drinking everynight at a friends house if he did not drive home intoxicated?

  33. #73

    I am GearDumbs son and as requested here is my cycle history.

    Cycles 1&2
    Wk 1-11 Liquidex .5mgs EOD
    Wk 1-11 Nolvadex 10mgs ED
    Wk 1-9 Bromocriptine 2.5mgs EOD
    Wk 2-11 TestProp 100mgs ED
    Wk 2-9 Tren at 75mgs ED
    Wk 2-11 HCG 500ius shot every Sat&Sun

    3 Days after last Test injection start PCT which consists of the usual Clomid at 300/100/50 for 28 days. I supplement w/ Tribulis as well.

    There it is gentlemen. These are my cycles. I've done my research and read as much as I could. I took my advice from Pheedno, RedBaron, BillyBathgate, Bill Roberts, Hooker, Einstein????(The guy who was banned), Medhed, Luto, WierdAl, etc. I vist (w/o question the best),, T-Mag, BeyondMass, Steroidology, Elite, etc. These guys taught me everything and they backed all their info. w/ sufficient amounts of evidence. I waited till I was 21, busted my ass in the gym since I was 14. Yes 14! And yes I did bust my ass. My nutrition is top notch. I utilize the P+C and P+F meal type diet. I know what Im doing. IMO Im the ideal canadite for an AAS user, in terms of age, knowledge, and dedication. I'm in this game for life gentlemen and Im not going to stop.....................

    However, I am currently underway in my PCT. I will take a break from this UNTIL I move out on my own. I'm wrong for bringing an illegal substance into my Moms...YES MOMS HOUSE....(I don't live w/ my father so his job is NOT jeopardy!!! ) and I apologize for that. I had to hide it from her and use it w/o her consent because of the typical reaction of people when the word "steroid" is mentioned.

    I want to clear up a few other things. I DO NOT sell or distrubute drugs of any kind to my friends or anybody for that matter. Im not a dealer and never will be. Like ya'll say "it's usually the sources/dealers that are targeted NOT the user." I also DON'T use Cialis. Ppl on here can vouch that when you take Test the last thing you have to worry about is impotence. PCT has giving me zero troubles in this area as well.

    I want to thank everybody for taking the time out to educate my father and give your opinions on this subject. It's all much much appreciated.


    PS - To Mesomorphyl.....I ASSURE you that Texsun is NOT is NOT my father. I read the other 2 posts he typed and that is not something he would know or say. Believe me.
    Last edited by BrownBomber; 09-08-2005 at 08:26 PM.

  34. #74
    just a little history on me as it will be needed later in my post. I work as an LPN, I work counceling children with behavioral problems etc. I am also a coach. I train many athleates, 4 of which either have or are currently olympic athleates. I have worked with numberous other athleates and professional fighters.

    first off let me tell you that nearly every athleat you see on tv is using steroids or has used them on a regular basis. yes even those littel 12 year old gymist girls you see compeating in the olymics, and yes even the figure skaters, cyclists, powerlifters, the list goes on and on bro. most all of them use anabolic steroids. most of the celeberties you see on tv use steroids. its fact, I have worked with alot of people, women and men. I was tipped off to this post by a friend.

    now that is out of the way as a person with an associates degree in child/family counceling, that just from reading your posts alone I think the problem is not at all the steroids. the gear is just a catalyst for the underlying problems. it sounds to me like you put a great deal of pressure on your son to get an education, and to get a career. that is not un-natural for a parent to do. the problem to me seems to be A. your frustration with him not moving into something like that as fast as you would like him to, and B. he rebelion against you for pressuring him. the problem is 50/50, and neither you or him are to blame. He likely sees you as not supporting him in something he truely likes to do. it doesnt matter weather or not he has a chance of being a pro. I know when I was a teenager I was sure I was going to be a rock star. it was my dream and my goal. my father knew it was not realistic, and conveyed his concerns to me. then he did the coolest thing that any parent could do. he offered to buy me any and all equipment needed in my journey, helped me book gigs at local bars, school dances etc. he became my manager. the stipulation though was that I had to get and maintain honor roll. he spent probly 10k all together, and most of it in vein as far as me becoming a rock star. however he supported me more then anyone in every single thing that I ever did. he also tought me about business in the process. showed me how much money I was making and how to manage it. he took what I loved, no matter what it was, and made it a learning experience for me. he never gave me anything not even ideas for the most part. he would just ask me what do you think is going to happen here etc. he puposly allowed me to make mistakes that I could learn from. he then would say ok why did this happen, and how can you prevent it from happening in the future. there are countless examples of how he did this. but I hope that you see the point. my father was one of the only people that not only belived in me, but supported me in every single thing I ever did. not only did he support me in the process, but he took the oprotunity to make it a learning experience, and tought me all about life threw the many activites he supported me in.

    now years later he admits how hard it was for him to watch me do certain things, and to support me, but he knew that at the time those are the things I wanted to do.

    my point is that alot of times parents dont necisarily understand what their children do, nor do they agree with them. there are many different ways to deal with it, but the problems I encounter most are that parents try to change their kids minds with exagerated information, and force. the most frequent reaction they get from their children is rebelion, and distancing. if you try to force your children to not do something they very much want to do, two thigns will happen. you will argue alot more, and they will most likely do it behind your back.

    I want to give you a few more examples of thigns my father did that were very unconventional in how he raised me and how it had a very possitive effect on my life growing up. the two most important and unconventional things he did was about drinking and sex. as far as drinking my father had an out of sight out of mind approach. he sat me down and said I know your going to drink, so here are the rules. dont let me see it, if I do ill poor it out, do it here at home, and dont drive. if you throw a party no one who has been drinking leaves. many of friday nights my father spent the night mostly in his room as me and my friends drank at partys at my house. we had to drink out of plastic cups, and if you drank you couldnt leave untill the next day at 10a.m. none of me or my friends ever got a dui, none of us turned out tohave drinking problems. my father knew I would drink and would rather I do it in a controlled enviroment, where he was somewhat present and could supervise froma distance. all of my parties were safe, and to this day me and all of my friends feel very strongly about drinking and driving.

    the next example is about sex. 2 years before I ever had sex, I was 12, and my father came into my room and handed me a box of condoms out of the blue. he then said to me. "I dont think you are having sex, and im not telling you to start, but when ever you dohave sex make sure you use these. I will provide as many as you need, just please make sure you use them. he then talked to me about std's, getting girls pregnant, and how those mistakes could effect me for the rest of my life. to this day I dont have any children, and have yet to get an std. I am 28 years old, and not yet married.

    just using those examples alone you can see my father didnt exactly support me drinking or having sex, but he knew that I was inevitably going to do them. so he educated me, supervised me, and made sure that I knew to the fullest extent what the consequences of my actiosn could be. there were other little talks here and there when he became concerned with this or that, and I respected him and his oppinions because he respected me, and allowed me to make my own decissions.

    next I want to tell you about a very important time in my life. my father was wondering how it was that I was making so much money just coaching people etc. so finally one day he asked me about it. I was stil reluctant to tell him. so I said ok ill tell you, but before you harp on me about what im doing and how dangerous it is, I would like you to educate yourself on the true actual risks etc. I then told him that I was using anabolic steroids, and had been for the last 5 years. I explained to him that I educated myself and researched everything very thouroughly for a full year before actually taking anything. my father for the first time in his life said absolutely nothing, and gave no advice; very unusual for our discussions. 6 months later he came down to visit, we talked about it over breakfast, and he said that it was my decission to make, and he was confident in the way that he had raised me that I had done the research and wouldnt do anything to injur myself. 6 months later he told me he had been doing some research on hgh, and age rejuvination. he offered to pay my coaching fee if id help him set up a maintance cycle, diet, training program and to help him readn and monitor his blood work.

    let me tell you that I love my father more then anyone else in my life. we are good friends, and talk/visit on a regular basis. he is proud of me for everythign I accomplish no matter how silly it is. he loves me unconditionally, and I can tell you would never in a million years have me arrested even if for some god forsaken reason me and him got into a physical fight.

    what you need to do is look at your options and realize that there will be penalties to your actiosn as to how you handle this, jsut as he has possible penalties. so you have these options. kick him out. this will place distance between you and him. it will make it more difficult for him to support himself, and it is very likely he will begin selling steroids to make enough money to survive. chances are he will be arrested on the charges and it will very negatively effect his life as an adult. he will likely resent you for what he views as you placing him in that situation. option 2, you can allow him to live there and charge him rent. instead of harping on him for wanting to lift weights and have a great body, maybe partake in weightlifting with him. while taking the time to educate yourself on what he is doing etc.

    lastly is my favorite option and of course deserves its own paragraph lol. set him down, explain to him why you dont like him using steroids, and what concerns you have. tell him that although you could try and force him to do something, your not going to do that out of respect for him, and his life. lastly make a deal with him. you can live here for X amount of dollars a month. find out how much it will cost him to take 2 classes per semester, then charge him that much for rent. offer to pay for his classes, and pay for his regular blood work so that he may use steroids safely. explain to him very firmly that you are not doing this because you support what he is doing. you are doing it only because you care about his saftey, and you realize it is obviously important to him to partake in such activites. then explain to him that if you are going to be respectfull and understanding of his wishes that he needs to give you the same respect by attending atleast 2 classes per semester, and maintaining good grades. he will have atleast 2 years of prequisite classes before hehas to choose his major. durring this time he wil have the advantage as a student of not having to worry about paying for this or paying for that. thus giving him the oprotunity to focus his attention on what career he wants to choose for him and not for you. this will lift the weight of your expectations off of him, while still letting him know that you do expect certain things from him. you love him and will support him in anything that he wishes to do so long as its "morally" right, not legally right. I think that you will be very surprised in how you relationship with him will change for the better.

    lastly let me just say that sounds like you have an excelent kid. you should be very proud of what he has already accomplished. most kids his age are out drinking and partying every weekend. alot of kids are not motivated to go toschool, and if you force them to, they will simply fail or not do as well as they could have if it was something they were into and wanted to do for themselves.

    it took a long time before I wanted to go to college. that was one thing my father probly did pressure me about. I went to school, and simply didnt apply myself because I really didnt want to go to college at that time. it was hard for my father to accept, but he did to an extent. I went to vocational school, I went to comunity college. I just couldnt decide what it was that I wanted to do. it made it worse becaue I knew I was leting my father down by not going. finally I told him I would go even though I didnt want to, and just take my prequisite classes part time, so that I could still work, and have a good time. durring that time I oppend my own automotive shop. again my father stepped up to the plate and supported me. he helped me get theloan, showed me how to ballance my books, he even worked at the garage with me on many occasions. he knew it wasnt something id likely do for the long run, but was willing to support me if thats what I decided would make me happy for the rest of my life. he didnt like it at all. he told me on several occasions he didnt like it. told me that he worked his ass off my whole life so I could get a degree and be more then him. I told him that he had to realize that I wasnt him, and that I might decide in the long run taht I dont want that for myself. he didnt like it but knew that he couldnt force me to do something I didnt want to do.

    well after a few years of doing my own thing, I got my associates in nursing, and now have my bachlors. I have since then gone back and gotten my associates in family counceling, and am considering getting my BD in counceling. mostly I just love school, love learning, and love making myself better, and more in demand. with the degrees that I have I can get all different kinds of jobs, and I can do what I want where ever in the world I decide to do it.

    my basic poitn to you is this. obviously you as a father care very much for your son. obviously you are proud of who he is for the most part, you ust want more for him. thats totally natural as a parent. however making him feel free and respected will go a very long way towards you two having a great relationship. there were very few things my father ever told me you will do this or you will do that. my father didnt dictate to me what I was going to do. my father gave me direction. he let me go along the paths that I chose, but gave me the insight, and knowledge that allowed me to think about the things I was doing, and analize how they could help or hurt me; and eventually that knowledge and direction gave me a great life, full of wonderful adventures and experiences.

    being a father or the head of the house hold isnt always about, I make the rules. sure its easy to become a dictator as to what wil and will not take place. however its much more profitable both you and him to allow him to be free, and feel free to express his oppinions, and do what he feels is right for him. I really hope that before you talk further to your son or take any actions you set down and do yourself what your trying to force him to do. think about your situation, and how you can best handle it for your sons sake, and for your relationship with him. im not telling you what to do. im just trying to help you gain some insight as to how you decission could effect you relationship with you son for a very long time, and also will effect him and his life for a very long time.

    lastly I forgot to say, that him dealing to his friends needs to stop as long as he is living with you. that should be one of the demands made flat out. however I dont think you no matter how hard you try will be able to convince him to stop taking steroids or working out. I hope this long post has really helped you...freak

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    brownbomber.. u sound like u have definetly done your research and u r not some gear happy kid abusing steroids... good luck with everything bro i hope it all works out well for u... for what it's worth your dad doesn't sound like a bad guy... i think he is just concerned about u... at least he was willing to come on here and get educated about the truths behind gear instead of the media hype on it...

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    holy fu(kin shioT!

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Plus, I LIKE your cycle! It's roughly what my next one will be!

  38. #78
    You should write a book, supergeneticfreak. Although, it should not be published.

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by supergeneticfreak
    just a little history on me as it will be needed later in my post. I work as an LPN, I work counceling children with behavioral problems etc. I am also a coach. I train many athleates, 4 of which either have or are currently olympic athleates. I have worked with numberous other athleates and professional fighters.

    first off let me tell you that nearly every athleat you see on tv is using steroids or has used them on a regular basis. yes even those littel 12 year old gymist girls you see compeating in the olymics, and yes even the figure skaters, cyclists, powerlifters, the list goes on and on bro. most all of them use anabolic steroids. most of the celeberties you see on tv use steroids. its fact, I have worked with alot of people, women and men. I was tipped off to this post by a friend.

    now that is out of the way as a person with an associates degree in child/family counceling, that just from reading your posts alone I think the problem is not at all the steroids. the gear is just a catalyst for the underlying problems. it sounds to me like you put a great deal of pressure on your son to get an education, and to get a career. that is not un-natural for a parent to do. the problem to me seems to be A. your frustration with him not moving into something like that as fast as you would like him to, and B. he rebelion against you for pressuring him. the problem is 50/50, and neither you or him are to blame. He likely sees you as not supporting him in something he truely likes to do. it doesnt matter weather or not he has a chance of being a pro. I know when I was a teenager I was sure I was going to be a rock star. it was my dream and my goal. my father knew it was not realistic, and conveyed his concerns to me. then he did the coolest thing that any parent could do. he offered to buy me any and all equipment needed in my journey, helped me book gigs at local bars, school dances etc. he became my manager. the stipulation though was that I had to get and maintain honor roll. he spent probly 10k all together, and most of it in vein as far as me becoming a rock star. however he supported me more then anyone in every single thing that I ever did. he also tought me about business in the process. showed me how much money I was making and how to manage it. he took what I loved, no matter what it was, and made it a learning experience for me. he never gave me anything not even ideas for the most part. he would just ask me what do you think is going to happen here etc. he puposly allowed me to make mistakes that I could learn from. he then would say ok why did this happen, and how can you prevent it from happening in the future. there are countless examples of how he did this. but I hope that you see the point. my father was one of the only people that not only belived in me, but supported me in every single thing I ever did. not only did he support me in the process, but he took the oprotunity to make it a learning experience, and tought me all about life threw the many activites he supported me in.

    now years later he admits how hard it was for him to watch me do certain things, and to support me, but he knew that at the time those are the things I wanted to do.

    my point is that alot of times parents dont necisarily understand what their children do, nor do they agree with them. there are many different ways to deal with it, but the problems I encounter most are that parents try to change their kids minds with exagerated information, and force. the most frequent reaction they get from their children is rebelion, and distancing. if you try to force your children to not do something they very much want to do, two thigns will happen. you will argue alot more, and they will most likely do it behind your back.

    I want to give you a few more examples of thigns my father did that were very unconventional in how he raised me and how it had a very possitive effect on my life growing up. the two most important and unconventional things he did was about drinking and sex. as far as drinking my father had an out of sight out of mind approach. he sat me down and said I know your going to drink, so here are the rules. dont let me see it, if I do ill poor it out, do it here at home, and dont drive. if you throw a party no one who has been drinking leaves. many of friday nights my father spent the night mostly in his room as me and my friends drank at partys at my house. we had to drink out of plastic cups, and if you drank you couldnt leave untill the next day at 10a.m. none of me or my friends ever got a dui, none of us turned out tohave drinking problems. my father knew I would drink and would rather I do it in a controlled enviroment, where he was somewhat present and could supervise froma distance. all of my parties were safe, and to this day me and all of my friends feel very strongly about drinking and driving.

    the next example is about sex. 2 years before I ever had sex, I was 12, and my father came into my room and handed me a box of condoms out of the blue. he then said to me. "I dont think you are having sex, and im not telling you to start, but when ever you dohave sex make sure you use these. I will provide as many as you need, just please make sure you use them. he then talked to me about std's, getting girls pregnant, and how those mistakes could effect me for the rest of my life. to this day I dont have any children, and have yet to get an std. I am 28 years old, and not yet married.

    just using those examples alone you can see my father didnt exactly support me drinking or having sex, but he knew that I was inevitably going to do them. so he educated me, supervised me, and made sure that I knew to the fullest extent what the consequences of my actiosn could be. there were other little talks here and there when he became concerned with this or that, and I respected him and his oppinions because he respected me, and allowed me to make my own decissions.

    next I want to tell you about a very important time in my life. my father was wondering how it was that I was making so much money just coaching people etc. so finally one day he asked me about it. I was stil reluctant to tell him. so I said ok ill tell you, but before you harp on me about what im doing and how dangerous it is, I would like you to educate yourself on the true actual risks etc. I then told him that I was using anabolic steroids, and had been for the last 5 years. I explained to him that I educated myself and researched everything very thouroughly for a full year before actually taking anything. my father for the first time in his life said absolutely nothing, and gave no advice; very unusual for our discussions. 6 months later he came down to visit, we talked about it over breakfast, and he said that it was my decission to make, and he was confident in the way that he had raised me that I had done the research and wouldnt do anything to injur myself. 6 months later he told me he had been doing some research on hgh, and age rejuvination. he offered to pay my coaching fee if id help him set up a maintance cycle, diet, training program and to help him readn and monitor his blood work.

    let me tell you that I love my father more then anyone else in my life. we are good friends, and talk/visit on a regular basis. he is proud of me for everythign I accomplish no matter how silly it is. he loves me unconditionally, and I can tell you would never in a million years have me arrested even if for some god forsaken reason me and him got into a physical fight.

    what you need to do is look at your options and realize that there will be penalties to your actiosn as to how you handle this, jsut as he has possible penalties. so you have these options. kick him out. this will place distance between you and him. it will make it more difficult for him to support himself, and it is very likely he will begin selling steroids to make enough money to survive. chances are he will be arrested on the charges and it will very negatively effect his life as an adult. he will likely resent you for what he views as you placing him in that situation. option 2, you can allow him to live there and charge him rent. instead of harping on him for wanting to lift weights and have a great body, maybe partake in weightlifting with him. while taking the time to educate yourself on what he is doing etc.

    lastly is my favorite option and of course deserves its own paragraph lol. set him down, explain to him why you dont like him using steroids, and what concerns you have. tell him that although you could try and force him to do something, your not going to do that out of respect for him, and his life. lastly make a deal with him. you can live here for X amount of dollars a month. find out how much it will cost him to take 2 classes per semester, then charge him that much for rent. offer to pay for his classes, and pay for his regular blood work so that he may use steroids safely. explain to him very firmly that you are not doing this because you support what he is doing. you are doing it only because you care about his saftey, and you realize it is obviously important to him to partake in such activites. then explain to him that if you are going to be respectfull and understanding of his wishes that he needs to give you the same respect by attending atleast 2 classes per semester, and maintaining good grades. he will have atleast 2 years of prequisite classes before hehas to choose his major. durring this time he wil have the advantage as a student of not having to worry about paying for this or paying for that. thus giving him the oprotunity to focus his attention on what career he wants to choose for him and not for you. this will lift the weight of your expectations off of him, while still letting him know that you do expect certain things from him. you love him and will support him in anything that he wishes to do so long as its "morally" right, not legally right. I think that you will be very surprised in how you relationship with him will change for the better.

    lastly let me just say that sounds like you have an excelent kid. you should be very proud of what he has already accomplished. most kids his age are out drinking and partying every weekend. alot of kids are not motivated to go toschool, and if you force them to, they will simply fail or not do as well as they could have if it was something they were into and wanted to do for themselves.

    it took a long time before I wanted to go to college. that was one thing my father probly did pressure me about. I went to school, and simply didnt apply myself because I really didnt want to go to college at that time. it was hard for my father to accept, but he did to an extent. I went to vocational school, I went to comunity college. I just couldnt decide what it was that I wanted to do. it made it worse becaue I knew I was leting my father down by not going. finally I told him I would go even though I didnt want to, and just take my prequisite classes part time, so that I could still work, and have a good time. durring that time I oppend my own automotive shop. again my father stepped up to the plate and supported me. he helped me get theloan, showed me how to ballance my books, he even worked at the garage with me on many occasions. he knew it wasnt something id likely do for the long run, but was willing to support me if thats what I decided would make me happy for the rest of my life. he didnt like it at all. he told me on several occasions he didnt like it. told me that he worked his ass off my whole life so I could get a degree and be more then him. I told him that he had to realize that I wasnt him, and that I might decide in the long run taht I dont want that for myself. he didnt like it but knew that he couldnt force me to do something I didnt want to do.

    well after a few years of doing my own thing, I got my associates in nursing, and now have my bachlors. I have since then gone back and gotten my associates in family counceling, and am considering getting my BD in counceling. mostly I just love school, love learning, and love making myself better, and more in demand. with the degrees that I have I can get all different kinds of jobs, and I can do what I want where ever in the world I decide to do it.

    my basic poitn to you is this. obviously you as a father care very much for your son. obviously you are proud of who he is for the most part, you ust want more for him. thats totally natural as a parent. however making him feel free and respected will go a very long way towards you two having a great relationship. there were very few things my father ever told me you will do this or you will do that. my father didnt dictate to me what I was going to do. my father gave me direction. he let me go along the paths that I chose, but gave me the insight, and knowledge that allowed me to think about the things I was doing, and analize how they could help or hurt me; and eventually that knowledge and direction gave me a great life, full of wonderful adventures and experiences.

    being a father or the head of the house hold isnt always about, I make the rules. sure its easy to become a dictator as to what wil and will not take place. however its much more profitable both you and him to allow him to be free, and feel free to express his oppinions, and do what he feels is right for him. I really hope that before you talk further to your son or take any actions you set down and do yourself what your trying to force him to do. think about your situation, and how you can best handle it for your sons sake, and for your relationship with him. im not telling you what to do. im just trying to help you gain some insight as to how you decission could effect you relationship with you son for a very long time, and also will effect him and his life for a very long time.

    lastly I forgot to say, that him dealing to his friends needs to stop as long as he is living with you. that should be one of the demands made flat out. however I dont think you no matter how hard you try will be able to convince him to stop taking steroids or working out. I hope this long post has really helped you...freak
    Great Read!

    BB, I backed off of texsun being geardumb... it was just funny how this guy came on immediately lashing out after having 1-3 posts. I bet texsun is a cop though.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina
    I find myself trying hard to swallow my ego in order to get school work done instead of hitting the gym. Nothing makes me feel like more of a man than to get that pump and smash those weights with every ounce of energy in my body. However, I'm smart enough to know how far bodybuilding can take me and that it is just a big hobby of mine. Education is the key to my future and I treat it like a life and death situation. I think about my future kids and wife and what foundation I'm building for us. Everybody gets to this point in their life and I thank God I am able to understand that right now.

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