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I am GearDumbs son and as requested here is my cycle history.
Cycles 1&2
Wk 1-11 Liquidex .5mgs EOD
Wk 1-11 Nolvadex 10mgs ED
Wk 1-9 Bromocriptine 2.5mgs EOD
Wk 2-11 TestProp 100mgs ED
Wk 2-9 Tren at 75mgs ED
Wk 2-11 HCG 500ius shot every Sat&Sun
3 Days after last Test injection start PCT which consists of the usual Clomid at 300/100/50 for 28 days. I supplement w/ Tribulis as well.
There it is gentlemen. These are my cycles. I've done my research and read as much as I could. I took my advice from Pheedno, RedBaron, BillyBathgate, Bill Roberts, Hooker, Einstein????(The guy who was banned), Medhed, Luto, WierdAl, etc. I vist AR.com (w/o question the best), Anabolex.com, T-Mag, BeyondMass, Steroidology, Elite, etc. These guys taught me everything and they backed all their info. w/ sufficient amounts of evidence. I waited till I was 21, busted my ass in the gym since I was 14. Yes 14! And yes I did bust my ass. My nutrition is top notch. I utilize the P+C and P+F meal type diet. I know what Im doing. IMO Im the ideal canadite for an AAS user, in terms of age, knowledge, and dedication. I'm in this game for life gentlemen and Im not going to stop.....................
However, I am currently underway in my PCT. I will take a break from this UNTIL I move out on my own. I'm wrong for bringing an illegal substance into my Moms...YES MOMS HOUSE....(I don't live w/ my father so his job is NOT jeopardy!!! ) and I apologize for that. I had to hide it from her and use it w/o her consent because of the typical reaction of people when the word "steroid" is mentioned.
I want to clear up a few other things. I DO NOT sell or distrubute drugs of any kind to my friends or anybody for that matter. Im not a dealer and never will be. Like ya'll say "it's usually the sources/dealers that are targeted NOT the user." I also DON'T use Cialis. Ppl on here can vouch that when you take Test the last thing you have to worry about is impotence. PCT has giving me zero troubles in this area as well.
I want to thank everybody for taking the time out to educate my father and give your opinions on this subject. It's all much much appreciated.
PS - To Mesomorphyl.....I ASSURE you that Texsun is NOT is NOT my father. I read the other 2 posts he typed and that is not something he would know or say. Believe me.