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Thread: my long awaited cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    my long awaited cycle

    alright guys ive posted ideas lately about what my cycle is gunna be well i just finalized let me know what you think

    week 1-4: prope 100mg eod
    week 1-4: test e 750mg
    week 4-8: drol 100mgs ed
    week 4-8: test e 1000mg
    week 9-18: omna 250 eod
    week 19-22: prope 100mg
    week 19-22: whinney 50mg ed

    then followed w/proper pct.....i have a ????? about HCG, i just got it, never used it before so anyone who is well inforemd about please PM to help with the ??????

    my stats are 5'11" 225lbs 13%bf i plan to gai some serious weight on this one..... the front load with prope is new for me.....but i still wanted to use drol so i just bumped it back 4 weeks to still have a longer frontload it is basically an experiment i am trying to shock my body......and i know it is long but my body reacts better to longer cycles, and that is why i switched the compounds to myabe fool my receptors...wish me luck...and i have 1 more question, i am going ot run .5mg of liquidex daily due to the high amount of test, i also have nolva....should i run that along side the liquidex or only if i get nipple problems? alright brothas let me get an ear full on what you guys think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    that cycle is savage i like it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Chicago area
    i like drol or d-bol to kick the cycle in but prop will be the nolva with l-dex whole cycle long @ 20 mg ED...bump up if needed, that's alot of test. I use HCG all year long...i do 2500 iu's every 5 days....sometimes mid cycle i'll do a whole 5000 iu amp in 5 days. It really helps to bring the balls back to size and you make a ton of sperm, your girl will love it!! I notice good gains mid cycle when I bump up the HCG. you can take two amps of the powder and 2 of the solution, mix and store in sterile rubber top vial...put in fridge, but make sure you use it within 2 weeks.. GOOD LUCK BRO!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    that is one powerful cycle bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Sorry to steal your thread but I had a similar cycle and wanted what you guys thought about it

    Week 1: Anadrol 50mg ED

    Week 2-5 Test Enanthate 400mg, EQ 200mg, Test Propinate 50mg ED

    Week 6-15 Test Enanthate 400mg, EQ 200mg

    During Cycle Taking: Proviron 25mg ED, Nolvadex 10mg ED, Vitamin B-6 200mg ED.

    Off Cycle: 10,000IU's, Clomid 50mg's 32tabs .

    Wanted to know what you thought about this cycle and if I wanted to add winstrol to the cycle when would be the best time to add it. Also when would be the best time to start the Anadrol and at what mg's and how long. If you you can critque this cycle and make it better bro's I'm open to Ideas.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    bump...anyone else?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    BUMP.... Yeah I need some feedback on what you bors think about my cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    well guys, pins are loaded food is cooked, and im ready for first thing in the morning wish me luck i hope for serious growth

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Sorry to steal your thread but I had a similar cycle and wanted what you guys thought about it

    Week 1: Anadrol 50mg ED

    Week 2-5 Test Enanthate 400mg, EQ 200mg, Test Propinate 50mg ED

    Week 6-15 Test Enanthate 400mg, EQ 200mg

    During Cycle Taking: Proviron 25mg ED, Nolvadex 10mg ED, Vitamin B-6 200mg ED.

    Off Cycle: 10,000IU's, Clomid 50mg's 32tabs .

    Wanted to know what you thought about this cycle and if I wanted to add winstrol to the cycle when would be the best time to add it. Also when would be the best time to start the Anadrol and at what mg's and how long. If you you can critque this cycle and make it better bro's I'm open to Ideas.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    that is too low of a dose of eq

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    well guys just finished up 3.5 weeks of my current cycle and im up 14 lbs, not much water cus of the liqidex and nolva, feeling great.....had to cut the prope out becasue of a reaction i had to it and i switched the drol to pink thais and im blowing up....hard work and hard eating

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