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Thread: Yohimburne, Yohimbine, Tongkat Ali ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Yohimburne, Yohimbine, Tongkat Ali ??

    Okay, if someones attempting to lose a few pounds and are NOT on cycle, which of these do you like? What dosing? Where do you order from? Whats the deal with this stuff? I know Tongkat comes in various concentrations ...? Whats the deal? I HAVE read almost every thread on this board about these.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    i believe Yohimbe increases bloodflow (in extreme layman's terms) and tongat has been shown to increase natty test levels (much better choice than that crappy tribulus waste of money shit)...someone probably has more info...bump


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks AM! When are you going to recruited as a mod?

    Anyone have a place they buy their Tongkat where the price, dilution and all are all favorable?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Yohimbine is a alpha-receptor inhibitor (note that when the alpha receptor is activated the body tends towards fat formation). This is why it stacks so well with ephedrine - ephedrine is a beta receptor agonist and so it promotes fat loss when it's activated. Using the two in a ECY stacks essentially push/pulls the body into burning fat. Yomhimbine also affects blood flow in the extremities which is why it's been used for errectile dysfunction.
    Yohimburn is just a transdermal form of yohimbine (and I believe caffiene). It's supposed to have the same effect as an ECY stack, but only where it's applied so that you get spot reduction. Some swear by it, but I didn't notice any particular effect from it.

    Tongkat ali is an extract from an herb in asia. There haven't been many scientific studies of it yet, but it appears to act like LH in the body without the aromatization and negative feedback. I used it during my last PCT and definitely noticed an increase in libido. It's cheap and seems to work better than anything else out on the market.
    Last edited by Maetenloch; 09-12-2005 at 03:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks Maetenloch, are you in the US? If so, where do you order yours from? I just ordered some Yohimine, but I'm really interested in a good source for both (Yohimbine and Tongkat). Have you tried Clen/Caffeine/Yohimbine? When you say caffeine, do you mean pills? Or drinking more coffee? lol. I know, it's probably a huge difference in the actual amount, but, my question nonetheless.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Thanks Maetenloch, are you in the US? If so, where do you order yours from? I just ordered some Yohimine, but I'm really interested in a good source for both (Yohimbine and Tongkat). Have you tried Clen/Caffeine/Yohimbine? When you say caffeine, do you mean pills? Or drinking more coffee? lol. I know, it's probably a huge difference in the actual amount, but, my question nonetheless.
    I usuallly order yohimbine from ********.com and tongkat ali from I can't guarantee they're the best or cheapest, but their prices are good and they're very reliable.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    [QUOTE=TrumanHW]Thanks AM! When are you going to recruited as a mod?


    HA! probably long after you my friend...

    good info on the Yohimbe Maet...wasn't aware of why co. added that to the mix, i guess in theory it sounds good, eh?

    hey Tru, do a bit of research on Yohimbe...i found some info where it's contraindicated for lots of conditions (google scholar)...peace


  9. #9
    i just received some longjack/tongkat and il let u know how it works

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Awesome. I don't really have any medical problems that were listed. I mean, clen does cause me a few mild sides, but I'm not bothered much by them. I think I'm going to do a stack like this...

    Clen (or Cim)
    Possibly throw in 500mg of Test ...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Awesome. I don't really have any medical problems that were listed. I mean, clen does cause me a few mild sides, but I'm not bothered much by them. I think I'm going to do a stack like this...

    Clen (or Cim)
    Possibly throw in 500mg of Test ...
    clen is effective but there is evidence that it is apopotic to cardiac tissue, highly reccomend taking ALCAR with it

    Cimaterol almost worthless in humans, and most of what is being sold is not even legitimate.

    Yohimbine is effective, but short acting and not all that well tolerated orally (anxiety and nausea being two big issues for many people)

    Yohimburn ES or other yohimbine topical is more effective and has minimal if any of the "normal" side effects of oral yohimbine intake

    Tongkat- no comment on this, other than the research and material quality are both issues

    HGH- a big cost and unless you are over 40 not super effective (its effective but unless you have a GH deficiency its not worth the cost to most people)

    Testosterone- nice choice, highly reccomend concurrent use of an aromatase inhibitor

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks macro... my views have changed since I last posted that. Perhaps it's because I'm not in the "time off" section of the time on=time off ... anyway, thanks for the reply. I think this thread was about 25 days old anyway.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    clen is effective but there is evidence that it is apopotic to cardiac tissue, highly reccomend taking ALCAR with it

    Cimaterol almost worthless in humans, and most of what is being sold is not even legitimate.

    Yohimbine is effective, but short acting and not all that well tolerated orally (anxiety and nausea being two big issues for many people)

    Yohimburn ES or other yohimbine topical is more effective and has minimal if any of the "normal" side effects of oral yohimbine intake

    Tongkat- no comment on this, other than the research and material quality are both issues

    HGH- a big cost and unless you are over 40 not super effective (its effective but unless you have a GH deficiency its not worth the cost to most people)

    Testosterone- nice choice, highly reccomend concurrent use of an aromatase inhibitor
    Prop and armidex is good. Low carb, high protein diet with plenty of cardio.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Prop and armidex is good. Low carb, high protein diet with plenty of cardio.

    the only issue with prop (for some people) is the frequency of shots really must be EOD.

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