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Thread: eq at high dosages?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    eq at high dosages?

    whats up Bro's.

    i was wondering what kind of sides can 600mg of eq cause.

    for example, eq is compared to deca alot but a newbie on 600mg of deca a week is risking the chance of getting gyno but can eq at 600mg cause that that?

    since eq is slow to act, 600mg a week for 10 weeks sounds like a good start for a newbie with fewer sides than deca right?

    would one make good gains off that.

  2. #2
    is reccommended to do between 200 to 400mg p/week
    some cases depents on your goals if u r serious
    bodybuilder then you do hiher doses at 1000 or
    more mgs, does not mean that you will get
    side effects, it has been established that may
    cause these kind of side effects WATER RETENTION,
    PROBLEMS AS WELL but not that you personally will
    get these problems, some folks can get sides
    at low dose, personally i got deca dick just by
    doing 200mg per week first cycle nothing else,
    2nd cycle doing TEST600 weekly no sides.
    each individual will react different to AAS,
    so get more info and prepare for what's coming.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    It all depends on the person...i don't really think you'd get any sides running the EQ at 1,000mg a week, except for anxiety if you are prone to it...I've done 1,000mg EQ, 1500mg test, and dbol at the same time and didn't have any achne, hairloss or anything else...Anxiety went up a little bit though...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york
    Originally posted by ironfist
    I've done 1,000mg EQ, 1500mg test, and dbol at the same time
    what were your gains like on this cycle? they must have been through the roof

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    throw some test in the cycle, and run it around 400mgs a week. you should be fine with the 600 though if u got it and wanna take it all. JMO, peace

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