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Thread: LOG:road to next show(nov. '06)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    LOG:road to next show(nov. '06)

    i decided to start a log from now untill my next show wich will be in november 2006.i know this is a long time but i want to gain alot quality muscle before diet begins(3 months before).i'm almost fully recovered from a pec major surgery and can workout chest almost now its time to go for it.

    some stats:
    age 31
    weight 114kg
    height 183cm
    bf% prob around 12-13% but will check it this week to be sure.
    arms(cold measure) 48cm

    at this moment i'm on:
    test-e 1000mg ew
    primo 600mg ew

    ordered 500iu of jintropin wich arrives around then i'm gonna do(building up to) 4iu ed untill show.

    gonna cycle slin 4-5 weeks on at 10iu pwo and maybe 5iu in the AM.
    lr3 igf-1 inbetween if its financial possible.

    current cycle will be stopped end of october and then i'm gonna cruise on 250mg test-e a week untill january,if i make it and not start again sooner.

    next cycle will prob only excist out of 2500mg test-e ew for as long as i see gains.i don't think i need anything else as i feel that test/hgh/slin/t3 with some lr3 now and then should do the job,if not were gonna adjust to new plan.

    i hope i can make a daily update on how things goes and respond to as many questions/sugestions as possible.i'll become a father for the very first time in any days so if i can't respond quickly then that would be the reason,but that will i let you guys know also


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Looking forward 2 reading your daily logs.....Also congrats for when the day arrives of becoming a dad!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well you know I'll be with you all the way, shoot me a PM if you have any questions.
    Last edited by MrMent1on; 12-06-2005 at 07:53 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    I want to see this log bad..................You deserve great results and with your knowledge I'm sure you will do dam well. Good Luck buddy!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    I'm certain you'll do well with this cycle.Good luck on it!!

    Also,I wish you and your wife all the best with the new family member coming aboard.


  6. #6
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    Jul 2004
    its now been 1.5 years from my last competition and i'm really looking forward to it.nothing gets me motivated as a upcoming contest.this is gonna be the first time i'll be prepairing with hgh/lr3/slin/t3 in my arsenal and i have never go above 1600mg of aas,so i'm kinda excited on what it shall bring.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    2.5g test e, ew.......Now that's what I'm talkin' bout....

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Good luck bro, looking good as always.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Best of luck with your prep big guy, looking foward to reading your log.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    still debating on how to incorperate slin?
    gonna cycle it 4-5 weeks thats for sure but don't know if i stick to pwo only or add an AM shot with my hgh.and what about non-work out days? AM only?

    was thinking myself to shoot 10-15iu pwo(mon-fri) and 5iu AM(mon-sat) not shooting on sunday morning to be able to have a normal family breakfast untill pre-contest diet begins.

    ok hit me with sugestions...


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    All I can say about the Slin is that I've gotten better permanant results from it than just about anything. I'm running some LR3 now and havent really noticed much of anything.

    Basically in saying all that, I think you should go with 10-15iu PWO and 5iu AM. The reason being b/c you seem to be the Slin Master and I"m sure you can control your Blood Glucose levels with no problem. 5iu AM isnt much but enough to start pushing some building material into those muscles. I'm starting back up in 2 weeks and am going to do it like that. For me, anything over 10iu PWO is tourture. So 10iu PWO and 5iu AM sounds like a dam good combo.

    Best of Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Rodge, if AAS isn't present, slin in the AM can be beneficial to stave off catabolism, otherwise stick to PWO doses only. So depending on where you position your AAS cycle(s) depends on where you'll position your insulin doses.


  13. #13
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Rodge, if AAS isn't present, slin in the AM can be beneficial to stave off catabolism, otherwise stick to PWO doses only. So depending on where you position your AAS cycle(s) depends on where you'll position your insulin doses.

    i'm the first one to admit that you should stick to pwo only with slin but this time i'm not trying to stave off catabolisme in the AM or shutle nutrients but to get the most out of the you know both has to be present in the liver to create igf-1.


  14. #14
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    hgh arived today but was'nt at home so now i have to wait another day and go to the post office tomorow.i hate it when this happens,i just want it to keep it cool in my fridge.although jintropin can survive a month at room temperture i rather not push it.


  15. #15
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    i'm really looking forward to get back on the hgh cause the last time it was merely to recover from surgery,wich worked great. but this time i want to gain alot. i know hgh is'nt a great mass builder but i'm planning on eating an awesome bulk diet and hope that the hgh can keep my BF% somewhat acceptable. i really want to hit 120kg and add 2 cm. on my arms.


  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I hate picking up drugs from the post office.


  17. #17
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    okay everything is in the fridge,looking good. starting off at 3iu ed and bump it up after 2 weeks.
    gonna start tomorow morning 1.5iu of hgh and 5iu of humalog in one syringe shooting it IM.
    gonna do the same thing pwo with 10iu of humalog in it.


  18. #18
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    second day that i shot slin in the AM,bumped it up to 6iu.
    gonna get my bf% measured today so i'll post them up later this day.
    not much to tell at this moment its gonna take a while to notice anything from the hgh and i'm allready in my 10th week of the 1000mg test/600mg primo so no drastic changes to report from that.


  19. #19
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    AM slin bumped up to 8iu.
    had my bf% measured and was 13% at a weight of 115kg.
    had an awesome workout yesterday had to do shoulders,triceps and biceps all in one workout due to missed wo wednesday.pump was incredible and measured my arms after working out and it was 50cm.(this is my target cold measurement).
    really slept good tonight since a long time.i've always been a terrible sleeper but when on hgh this def improves a lot,even more when i drop the slin and switch the hgh injection from pwo to before bed.

    btw i'm researching avandia to see if its usefull to incorperate in this cycle.any sugestions?


  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    btw i'm researching avandia to see if its usefull to incorperate in this cycle.any sugestions?

    I'm pretty sure you said that you used Metformin before or maybe you recommended it?? I have been reading up on Avandia as well and have seem comparisons between the two.
    I always research my balls off before taking anything. Once again, best of Luck Rodge. You deserve it.


  21. #21
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    Jul 2004
    no recomended to use something to lower blood sugar while on hgh ie slin,metformin or even r-ala combined with cromium picolinate.but from what i found on avandia it seems to perfectly fit in.not sure on doses and when to use you take it even when on slin and what about lr3 igf-1? they both increase insulin sensetivity.


  22. #22
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    btw i really had a shitty diet yesterday mc D and pizza and more of these garbage and hardly any protein.toke my 3 nephews to the "monsterjam" and had a realy great time but back to a clean bulking diet today.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This is a bad ass cycle,you will to well, be great if you could add Igf.Whats your diet like? how much protein do you take?
    wish you and your wife all the best with your new member.


  24. #24
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    Jul 2004
    07:30 100 gram oats,0.5ltr skimmed milk,40 gram whey iso,piece of fruit.

    09:30 100 gram whole weed pasta or brown rice,250 gram lean beef.

    12:30 large can of salmon,2 table spoons of mayonaise,4 slices of bread.

    15:30 500 gram of cottage cheese,2 scoops weight gainer.

    17:00 pre workout shake:25 gram milk protein,25 gram whey iso,2 bananas.

    18:00 work out

    19:30 pwo shake:60 gram whey iso,60 gram dex mixed with a sportsdrink.

    20:30 200 gram chicken breast,60 gram rice or pasta.

    22:30 500 gram cottage cheese,4 scoops weight gainer,30 gram alfalfa.

    midnight shake containing 50 gram milk protein.

    Last edited by rodge; 10-11-2005 at 01:38 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.

    09:30 100 gram whole weed pasta or brown rice,

    It's not enough you guys in Holland can go to Amsterdam and smoke weed in bars,now you guys are putting weed in your pasta?

    JK..I know you meant wheat...


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    It's not enough you guys in Holland can go to Amsterdam and smoke weed in bars,now you guys are putting weed in your pasta?

    JK..I know you meant wheat...

    hi bro
    i was wondering how it came i always was that happy after lunch time to buy a dictionary i gues.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ok its been a while since i updated so here i go.

    i have'nt worked out since last thuesday cause of the birth of my lovely daughter,and now that she and my wife are back from the hospital i'm going back to the gym tomorow.
    def gonna jump back on my bulking diet cause i weighed myself today and i was 114.5kg. i weighed myself last thuesday and it was 116.5kg so i lost 2kg. this is due to shitty eating and skipping meals.

    as for the aas, i stopped the primo and lowered the test-e to 250mg ew. i was gonna run it for another 2 weeks but now that my baby girl is here and all the family and friend drop by to see her it kinda hectic so i decided to quit early and cruise for a while untill everything is in about 6-8 weeks i'm gonna jump on 2500mg of test a week.i can't wait to see how that goes as i have never been on more then 1000mg test.

    not much news from the hgh. i'm on 4iu ed split in two, AM and right before bed since i dropped the slin.last slin shot was wednesday morning.
    i def sleep better now on hgh so far thats the only thing i notice. no cts what so ever.

    got some lr3 in the mail but not sure when i will start it,prob as soon as it arrives(i'm a bit impatient).

    still researching avandia,if its usefull in this cycle and if so what dose to use.if anybody wants to chime in,please do.

    so i can't wait to get back in the gym tomorow to see how it goes after not been working out for a week.


  28. #28
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    got my workouts back on track and diet is going smoothly,i'm getting used to the enormous amounts of food.

    started a somekind of pct instead of cruising. its been 2 weeks since my last test shot so i'm starting nolva at 20mg ed, clomid at 100mg ed. think i'm gonna run it for 6 weeks then 2 weeks nothing,then back on the juice.monday i'm gonna start lr3 at 80 mcg for 4 weeks and then slin for 4 weeks. that gives me 8 weeks of pct/receptor clearance. still running the hgh at 4iu ed and plan on running that dose even on lr3.

    gonna do bloodwork just before i go back on the roids to see where i'm at.

    weight as of today 117kg. lets see if i'm able to keep it that way or even gain a litle(not likely) instead of loosing some due to coming off.

    plan was when i go back on to just use test-e at 2500mg ew but now i think i go a step further,not sure what to add tho,but pinnacle has trowed up some good ideas in another thread so...


  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Rodgey.....Yeah baby.... I'm a watching this play out....Can you take pics as you make progress for us? Take one every 30 days?

    You see that movie "Be Cool" with Vince Vaughn in it? His character's name is Rodgey....Funny flick....

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sounds like your back on track,a good state of mind,you can win this baby,what ideas has that nutter pinnacle has given you? I showed this to a mate in my gym he said if he was you he would add Trenbolone Acetate and Dianabol. keep it going big boy.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Rodgey.....Yeah baby.... I'm a watching this play out....Can you take pics as you make progress for us? Take one every 30 days?

    You see that movie "Be Cool" with Vince Vaughn in it? His character's name is Rodgey....Funny flick....
    was planning on taking some pics now and then to keep you guys up with the progress and comments on what to improve. i really hate takin pics when i'm out of shape tho .

    have'nt seen the movie. some guy at the gym started calling me that when i started workingout,the guy was a complete d!ck and did'nt stay long at the gym but the name had been taken over by others.

    Last edited by rodge; 10-05-2005 at 11:44 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Sounds like your back on track,a good state of mind,you can win this baby,what ideas has that nutter pinnacle has given you? I showed this to a mate in my gym he said if he was you he would add Trenbolone Acetate and Dianabol. keep it going big boy.

    cause he's always talking about drol at high doses and how he loves it. i have'nt done an oral in years and my only drol cycle was when i was was a drol only cycle 100mg ed for 8 weeks,no pct. man have i done some stupid cycles in the past before i got to this site.

    this is how i think i'm gonna do it:
    week 1-16 test-e 2500mg ew
    week 1-14 deca 500mg ew
    week 1-4 drol 150mg ed
    week 14-18 drol 150mg ed

    i know tren is the best option but i can't stand the sides esp the nightsweats.


  33. #33
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    Jul 2004
    got my lr3 igf-1 so i'm gonna start tomorow morning.
    40mcg AM/ 40mcg pwo (mon-fri) sat/sun 50mcg AM. 4 week cycle.

    keeping the hgh at 4iu ed.


  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Awesome thread, I love when people journal there cycles. The more I read this site the more yall are makin my skinny ass want to add aas to my hgh, now Im even thinkin about addin slin after listening to Rodge and Jayhova always ravin about it.

    Congrats on the baby girl.

  35. #35
    Goodluck with cycle rodge, About your statement HGH and slin must both be present in order for the liver to produce IGF-1. Does this mean you were shooting HGH and slin together in the morning, and then doing your 10iu slin shot and your HGH PWO. Thanks and Goodluck!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Goodluck with cycle rodge, About your statement HGH and slin must both be present in order for the liver to produce IGF-1. Does this mean you were shooting HGH and slin together in the morning, and then doing your 10iu slin shot and your HGH PWO. Thanks and Goodluck!
    when used together i shoot 2iu hgh and 8iu slin in the am and another 2iu hgh with 12-15iu slin pwo.


  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.

    this is how i think i'm gonna do it:
    week 1-16 test-e 2500mg ew
    week 1-14 deca 500mg ew
    week 1-4 drol 150mg ed
    week 14-18 drol 150mg ed

    I like the cycle.You can sneak some EQ in thier as well.That will help in pumping down all the food required,plus you'll get a little size off it as well.

    And what's up with the Avandia?Are you using it?At what dose?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I like the cycle.You can sneak some EQ in thier as well.That will help in pumping down all the food required,plus you'll get a little size off it as well.

    And what's up with the Avandia?Are you using it?At what dose?
    i knew you would like it

    was debating between deca and EQ, i thought like deca gives some more mass and joint lubrication and since its a bulking cycle. but like you said EQ will help down the sh!tload of food. can't afford both unfortunatly so it has to be one or the other. what would be your choice(others chime in as well)

    the avandia is in backorder,gonna start it as soon as it arrives at 4mg ed.


  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    i knew you would like it

    was debating between deca and EQ, i thought like deca gives some more mass and joint lubrication and since its a bulking cycle. but like you said EQ will help down the sh!tload of food. can't afford both unfortunatly so it has to be one or the other. what would be your choice(others chime in as well)

    the avandia is in backorder,gonna start it as soon as it arrives at 4mg ed.

    Damm right!!!The Test dose is right up my alley!!

    Shame you can't afford both.In that case,go with the Deca for reasons you already stated above.

    Thanks for the dosing protocol on the Avandia!!!


  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    i knew you would like it

    was debating between deca and EQ, i thought like deca gives some more mass and joint lubrication and since its a bulking cycle. but like you said EQ will help down the sh!tload of food. can't afford both unfortunatly so it has to be one or the other. what would be your choice(others chime in as well)

    the avandia is in backorder,gonna start it as soon as it arrives at 4mg ed.


    Deca for sure! Its superior when it comes to bulking IMHO....

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