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Thread: Dad who found steroids in son's room says thanks.

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    I am GearDumbs son and as requested here is my cycle history.


    Hang in ther bro, it will all work out in the end, i dont know you but i read all your post and you asked all the right questions to educate yourself. Good luck and God Bless

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    Risk - I agree he can and will decide for himself but I just want him to know the consequnces and really be ready to accept them.
    Costly - The minute he's not pursuing school and a career the rent kicks in regardless of the gear. If he can afford the gear he can afford to help out or move out.
    Illegal-So if I use your logic then every cop has broken the law and every cop is a hypocrit for enforcing it. I guess we should just disband all police departments.When I was younger I broke the law, I shoplifted, I drove drunk, but that doesn't mean I was right or that I'm a hypocrit for realizing that I was wrong and go out and arrest a shoplifter or drunk. That just means I grew up and yes since I turned 18 I've never committed a crime! PS. I grew up in the housing projects and was out of the house at 18 and in the Army at 19, hired as a rookie cop at 22 and graduated from college at 26. I walked the talk I'm giving my son.I'm a Police Chief in a city of 50,000. I was successful in my profession because I can relate to people and I always treat them with respect no matter what they did because I don't know where they came from and what their life experiences were. You can hold people accountable without judging them personally. I liked and helped many people that I arrested over the years. If one of my coppers tested positive for aas they'd be in trouble, and their job would be on the line. That's just the way it is. Nobody made us raise our right hands and swear to be one of the good guys. Anyways my son is getting ticked because he thinks were getting off the topic and doing family therapy on line. What can I say????
    Good post GD. You are the father and I think you are handling this well. Kudos...

    A lot of POs juice, at least a few of em around my area. Police Officers are not tested for steroids to the best of my knowlege? There would have to be a specific test to detect it. One of my friends is a local county officer and he told me they do not unless it's specifically requested. I'm sure this may vary from state to state. What's your rules at your precinct?

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber

    I am GearDumbs son and as requested here is my cycle history.

    Cycles 1&2
    Wk 1-11 Liquidex .5mgs EOD
    Wk 1-11 Nolvadex 10mgs ED
    Wk 1-9 Bromocriptine 2.5mgs EOD
    Wk 2-11 TestProp 100mgs ED
    Wk 2-9 Tren at 75mgs ED
    Wk 2-11 HCG 500ius shot every Sat&Sun

    3 Days after last Test injection start PCT which consists of the usual Clomid at 300/100/50 for 28 days. I supplement w/ Tribulis as well.

    There it is gentlemen. These are my cycles. I've done my research and read as much as I could. I took my advice from Pheedno, RedBaron, BillyBathgate, Bill Roberts, Hooker, Einstein????(The guy who was banned), Medhed, Luto, WierdAl, etc. I vist (w/o question the best),, T-Mag, BeyondMass, Steroidology, Elite, etc. These guys taught me everything and they backed all their info. w/ sufficient amounts of evidence. I waited till I was 21, busted my ass in the gym since I was 14. Yes 14! And yes I did bust my ass. My nutrition is top notch. I utilize the P+C and P+F meal type diet. I know what Im doing. IMO Im the ideal canadite for an AAS user, in terms of age, knowledge, and dedication. I'm in this game for life gentlemen and Im not going to stop.....................

    However, I am currently underway in my PCT. I will take a break from this UNTIL I move out on my own. I'm wrong for bringing an illegal substance into my Moms...YES MOMS HOUSE....(I don't live w/ my father so his job is NOT jeopardy!!! ) and I apologize for that. I had to hide it from her and use it w/o her consent because of the typical reaction of people when the word "steroid" is mentioned.

    I want to clear up a few other things. I DO NOT sell or distrubute drugs of any kind to my friends or anybody for that matter. Im not a dealer and never will be. Like ya'll say "it's usually the sources/dealers that are targeted NOT the user." I also DON'T use Cialis. Ppl on here can vouch that when you take Test the last thing you have to worry about is impotence. PCT has giving me zero troubles in this area as well.

    I want to thank everybody for taking the time out to educate my father and give your opinions on this subject. It's all much much appreciated.


    PS - To Mesomorphyl.....I ASSURE you that Texsun is NOT is NOT my father. I read the other 2 posts he typed and that is not something he would know or say. Believe me.
    Bro, if you only knew if I could go back in time and be 22 again. You are a lucky SOB....Damn it!!!!!! I wish it was 1992 again....hehe....Got laid a lot and had fun..I took steroids for the 1st time when I was 22. I got my best gains from 20-22 naturally with a good diet though. I really wish I would of took more advantage of my natural HPTA and GH cuz now I think back and realise I made great gains with supps, training and eating. You are way smarter when it comes to training and eating than I was.

    Just PCT correctly and get on tongkat ali with trib. Did you use HCG before PCT? No big, you're young and you'll bounce back easily. You built a good base so use creatine and induce your own test with trib & tongkat and maybe use nolva if you get natty higher estrogen levels. PLease try that for a year and see how it goes. You will be so proud of yourself and you only have a few more years of this window of natural high levels of test and GH. It's free bro, take advantage of it! I'm jealous of you! I'm a 36 year old dude that has to take AAS to try and keep up with you natty young studs. Then the AAS works against my own libido and gives me sexual sides into a cycle. Not fun....You have the world in your hands (pants actually) right now, don't pass it up..try natty, please....I wish somebody was telling me this back 1992..the internet was prehistoric at that time....You have way more information at your disposal so that makes you way more knowldeable than we were 15 years ago.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 09-08-2005 at 09:48 PM.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber

    I am GearDumbs son and as requested here is my cycle history.

    Cycles 1&2
    Wk 1-11 Liquidex .5mgs EOD
    Wk 1-11 Nolvadex 10mgs ED
    Wk 1-9 Bromocriptine 2.5mgs EOD
    Wk 2-11 TestProp 100mgs ED
    Wk 2-9 Tren at 75mgs ED
    Wk 2-11 HCG 500ius shot every Sat&Sun

    3 Days after last Test injection start PCT which consists of the usual Clomid at 300/100/50 for 28 days. I supplement w/ Tribulis as well.

    There it is gentlemen. These are my cycles. I've done my research and read as much as I could. I took my advice from Pheedno, RedBaron, BillyBathgate, Bill Roberts, Hooker, Einstein????(The guy who was banned), Medhed, Luto, WierdAl, etc. I vist (w/o question the best),, T-Mag, BeyondMass, Steroidology, Elite, etc. These guys taught me everything and they backed all their info. w/ sufficient amounts of evidence. I waited till I was 21, busted my ass in the gym since I was 14. Yes 14! And yes I did bust my ass. My nutrition is top notch. I utilize the P+C and P+F meal type diet. I know what Im doing. IMO Im the ideal canadite for an AAS user, in terms of age, knowledge, and dedication. I'm in this game for life gentlemen and Im not going to stop.....................

    However, I am currently underway in my PCT. I will take a break from this UNTIL I move out on my own. I'm wrong for bringing an illegal substance into my Moms...YES MOMS HOUSE....(I don't live w/ my father so his job is NOT jeopardy!!! ) and I apologize for that. I had to hide it from her and use it w/o her consent because of the typical reaction of people when the word "steroid" is mentioned.

    I want to clear up a few other things. I DO NOT sell or distrubute drugs of any kind to my friends or anybody for that matter. Im not a dealer and never will be. Like ya'll say "it's usually the sources/dealers that are targeted NOT the user." I also DON'T use Cialis. Ppl on here can vouch that when you take Test the last thing you have to worry about is impotence. PCT has giving me zero troubles in this area as well.

    I want to thank everybody for taking the time out to educate my father and give your opinions on this subject. It's all much much appreciated.


    PS - To Mesomorphyl.....I ASSURE you that Texsun is NOT is NOT my father. I read the other 2 posts he typed and that is not something he would know or say. Believe me.

    Brother, you got one hell of a Dad. Be sure to keep it out of his house at least until you move out, and dont move out just to gear, I wish I hadnt!!!!!!

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by GearDumb
    If you think I won't have my son busted your sadly mistaken
    Your a ****ing loser man, to go against your own son who isn't in my opinion doing anything wrong or "ilegal". Its funny my father never turned me in , when he found my stash in my room, he just through it away. You bust your own son, I think your a shitty father

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by rev911apollyon
    Your a ****ing loser man, to go against your own son who isn't in my opinion doing anything wrong or "ilegal". Its funny my father never turned me in , when he found my stash in my room, he just through it away. You bust your own son, I think your a shitty father

    Do you understand that he is a police chief? It's job/career issue. He clearly loves his son, that's why he is here.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rev911apollyon
    Your a ****ing loser man, to go against your own son who isn't in my opinion doing anything wrong or "ilegal".
    A man who cares about his son and takes the time to do some good research is a loser?

    His son isn't doing anything illegal? Are you ****ing stupid?

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    lilyve: this isn't a damn advertisement forum.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Really good post but you should not kick out your son what will that do? Just make him hate you!

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by lilyve
    Hi guys,

    We have gathered together some of the best cheat and
    exploit writers and top guide creators in the market to
    launch the fastest growing cheat and exploit site in the
    and also, all the infomation are free.
    Pls join us:

    Get the fu<k out of here with your video game spam!

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    its great you're concerned yet open minded to what he has decided to do...follow your heart and let God do the rest..good luck!

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    im 22 and in a simular situation, have him go for monthly blood work, he'll be fine, Also can you adopt me, my parents arent really open to juice and threw out my gh

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    United States of Texas
    GD has some hard choices to make here; he is the police chief and if he is in Texas possession of steriods is a felony. That being said please don't think that in all his years as a PO he hasn't made some enemies both on the street and in the police department. Any of those people finding the chief's son in possession will make life extremely hard for the chief; 6 degrees of separation seem more like 2 or 3 degrees of separation when you are a police officer, everyone knows you and/or your family.

    To GD I have to ask if the military is an option for your son? You did your time why not tout the great opportunities of military service to your son? In fact now is a great time because he can virtually wipe out those student loans with all the bonus's they are offering. I am sure I will get flammed from some of the more liberal members here by offering that solution but I could care less. IMO if you are an American citizen you should serve your country if you are able wether you believe in what the president says and does or not; regardless of your personal opinions of the man he is the president.

    BB has done his due dilligence in researching the gear and at his age he is an adult and can make his own decisions. However I think it comes down to how much of an adult one chooses to be. At 22 the priorities for habits should be second to getting on your own two feet and living as a man. When I first started using gear it was a costly habit and I had to make a decision between gear and paying bills and not moving back in with my parents. Now that I am a few years down the road from that I own a house, a $50k car, have a great job and gear for the rest of my life. Get the priorities right and you can afford your habits later.

    GD feel free to PM me.
    Last edited by sniper105; 12-07-2010 at 03:56 PM.

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