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Thread: 18 yrs old ALL NATURAL

  1. #81
    You two are pathetic, Yet I'm not suprised, just acting your age. Mature a little and then repost in a few years, both of you.

  2. #82
    ok im done now for the real stuff is there any thing i can do to get more definition on my biceps besides concentration curls hmmmmm....?

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Young&Natural
    ok im done now for the real stuff is there any thing i can do to get more definition on my biceps besides concentration curls hmmmmm....?
    Lose some bodyfat, you cannot spot reduce. Check out the diet forum, Like I said before, get your diet in check and you'll be an animal.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Lose some bodyfat, you cannot spot reduce. Check out the diet forum, Like I said before, get your diet in check and you'll be an animal.
    thanks for the tip i dont even really work my arms i just do alot of squats incline and powercleans

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by FINAMAN
    SOrry I know my comments may have been rude but this kid is way 2 cocky and conciede and he has the wrong attitude. anyways thats cool ill leave him alone but why is your answer ban? to everything is that how you dealw ith your personal life too? anything that happends you jus say im gonna quit on that or give up ont hat or run away from that or walk away from that? sometimes you need to talk about it in order to resolve your problem or issue.

    First off ...i wasn't talking about you...talking about ol' boy and his promotions manager.......and yeah...when people join up on here and in the first week start talkin smak get um the fuk outta get up off me jock cause we were cool till you stuck your foot in your mouth

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Young&Natural
    thanks for the tip i dont even really work my arms i just do alot of squats incline and powercleans

    What kind of wieght are you squatting? for how many reps?

    What kind of program are you on.....going to college to throw?

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    What kind of wieght are you squatting? for how many reps?

    What kind of program are you on.....going to college to throw?

    My promotion manager will post in my stats.

    Squats(after 4 months of lifting) -450lbs for 8 reps. I dont allow him to go any heavier due to risk of injury, in the off season.

    But his power clean is most impressive.
    His first time in the weight room he power cleaned 260lbs with bad form.
    Now it is at 335 for 3 reps
    He has great total body strength but lacks in bench press, but can incline over 300.
    and yes he is going to college to throw, and hopefully he will be put on a solid athletic weight program to help him better himself and all aspects of life.

  8. #88
    Your lifts should be higher for your weight honestly, But never the less that is pretty strong for your age. May want to look into strongman competitions or something similar, it might appeal to you.

  9. #89
    I think you have the genetics to be really fvckin strong. Tone down the cockiness tho, I'll have to add that. You're a big kid I'll say tho.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Your lifts should be higher for your weight honestly, But never the less that is pretty strong for your age. May want to look into strongman competitions or something similar, it might appeal to you.

    He does full squats. He doesnt throw on 650 pounds and make alot of noise and not move like many at the gym. Thanks for the comp by the way, and yes I have lots of room for improvement in my lifts.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    I think you have the genetics to be really fvckin strong. Tone down the cockiness tho, I'll have to add that. You're a big kid I'll say tho.
    thanks for the comp bro nice pic of ronnie

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Young&Natural
    He does full squats. He doesnt throw on 650 pounds and make alot of noise and not move like many at the gym. Thanks for the comp by the way, and yes I have lots of room for improvement in my lifts.
    I would assume so. When people say I squat X amount..I dont think that theyre doing half squats

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Young&Natural
    He does full squats. He doesnt throw on 650 pounds and make alot of noise and not move like many at the gym. Thanks for the comp by the way, and yes I have lots of room for improvement in my lifts.
    How many people are sitting at your keyboard? Or do you have multiple personalities. That is just weird.. (in my mind I see a little 150 guy sitting in the big guys lap, taking turns typing).

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    How many people are sitting at your keyboard? Or do you have multiple personalities. That is just weird.. (in my mind I see a little 150 guy sitting in the big guys lap, taking turns typing).

    no just me no midgets in my lap lol me and my friend hes pretty big too hes mt trainer im the one int he pics just two of us hes leaner than me hes 6'4 235 hes pretty cut hes bf% is like 11 he lost 20 lbs after an injury but hes turned it around like china town

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    this thread is too much for me....

  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    this thread is too much for me....
    did your brain feel the wrath lol mine too and his well ours both.
    Last edited by Young&Natural; 09-23-2005 at 01:46 AM.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Check it out, you need to really calm the f*ck down and watch your mouth.

    You should be suspended for what you said, so don't be surprised if you can't post for a good few weeks.

    In addition, why don't you get your FRIEND to log on here and speak for himself. You are posting for him like your his agent or like you are on his jock 24/7. It's cool to be supportive, but you're borderline obsessed.


    this thread is waste of time.

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    i would never want to be a big fat guy. there is nothing huge about 25% bodyfat. 18.5" arms with that much fat means nothing, i dont care if your 12 or 50, it's @ 2 inches of fat.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    nor-cal(yay area)
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Hey stupid, Hes a shot putter the more bulk you have the farther you throw, hes not going for the look in the mirror all day look , hes in it for athletic power not sit on my ass all day staring at myself. Your 230 and you say hes not big at all? Its a picture , If your midget ass was in it with him then you would see, oh yeah and your on steroids that makes it even more pathetic that he dwarfs you like a little bitch.
    great, he can throw a metal ball kinda far, i am in better condition and will perform athletically better then him in any possible contest that proves true athleticism, and not just bulk. your boy is a fat piece of shit so get off his jock you little cunt. All i was saying is that his arms are not 19.5 and he is high in body fat, so they're even smaller then that. hey i can go post pics of all the crazy athletes i want but still then i would be talking about someone else just like you and not myself. so man up and and pop his titty out yur mouth you 2 dollar bitch. sorry to the board for chiming in this late but i had no idea shitbag hellmask was taking things so personally, thanks SC for putting him in his place with the suspension. BTW i'm sure hellmask and young/natural both get no pussy whatsoever, and you can say "oh that doesnt matter" all you want, but in the end you're miserable cuz yur out of shape, ugly and stupid.
    Last edited by armwrestler22; 09-23-2005 at 05:03 AM.

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Young&Natural
    No triceps huh?
    Sorry no professional lighting or high tech camera here.
    14inches? I guess the juice blurred your vision
    Nope that trciep duznt impress me at all, no horseshoe or nethin. Your arms maybe 18 inches but they are not muscular, clearly u must just have huge bones, becoz u dont have big muscles on ur arms, and wot muscle u have is smooth as hell!! Im not flaming bro, im just pointing out in ur case 18" arms are not even slightly impressive to me, when ur mate seems to think they are amazing!!

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    Nope that trciep duznt impress me at all, no horseshoe or nethin. Your arms maybe 18 inches but they are not muscular, clearly u must just have huge bones, becoz u dont have big muscles on ur arms, and wot muscle u have is smooth as hell!! Im not flaming bro, im just pointing out in ur case 18" arms are not even slightly impressive to me, when ur mate seems to think they are amazing!!
    i agree...

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    You signed up again after being suspended (HELLMASK) so your latest account has been banned.

    Go play in traffic.


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