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Thread: Add Winstrol for more mass and keeping gains?

  1. #1

    Add Winstrol for more mass and keeping gains?

    I am taking a cycle like this...
    Dbol 30 mg/day 1-5 weeks
    EQ 600 mg/wk 1-12 weeks
    Sust 500 mg/wk 1-12 weeks
    I have clomid for post cycle and nolvadex on hand in case of any gyno.

    My question is that i have read that if you add winstol it may help with some mass gains and help to keep gains. I was wondering if i would benefit from adding it to my cycle and if so how would i add it in. Thanks for any help you can give me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    If you're going to add in the Winstrol, you might want to drop the D-Bol. Both in one cycle will be pretty hard on your liver. I'd go with the D-Bol over the winny though. You should be fine with keeping gains as long as you have the EQ in there, and Clomid at the end.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I agree with ryan.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You could get away w. throwing it in 50mg/ed from weeks 10-15. Thats gives you 5 weeks for your liver to recover from the dbol.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by Douglas Quade
    You could get away w. throwing it in 50mg/ed from weeks 10-15. Thats gives you 5 weeks for your liver to recover from the dbol.
    I agree. That's a pretty standard method of running dbol & winny in a cycle. I have done it and I still have my liver!

    DQ's right on: run it right up until week 15, then the day after you stop, start your Clomid.

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