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Thread: 5 weeks out, just tore my right bi.

  1. #1
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    5 weeks out, just tore my right bi.

    this me at five weeks out, the day before i tore my bicep. 6 feet tall and roughly 235 pounds. not sure about the weight cause i am going by the mirror not the scale. i know i'm really holding water in my lower back and still need work on posing. please be kind as this is my first show and first time dieting. thanks for the input.
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-23-2006 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Joliet ,IL
    srry to hear about your injury that sux.Are you still going to do the show if so what show is it.also on your front lat spread it looks as if your flexing the lats hard you have to concentrate on just spreading them out if you flex the lats themselfs hard they tend too tighten up and dont appear as wide.Once again good luck.

  3. #3
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    i think i'm still going to do the show as long as i dont need surgery. i'm doing cardio abs and lower back twice a day and leg ext and ham curls eod.thanks for the posing advice i will give it a try. what you think about my legs i have always felt there to small, but i think i am to small in general so who knows. it is a provincial show in canada, on november 5.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    i think i'm still going to do the show as long as i dont need surgery. i'm doing cardio abs and lower back twice a day and leg ext and ham curls eod.thanks for the posing advice i will give it a try. what you think about my legs i have always felt there to small, but i think i am to small in general so who knows. it is a provincial show in canada, on november 5.
    legs look alright in pic but a little bigger pic would help also full body shots head to toe would make it much easier to critique your physique.also make sure to stop training those legs a week the way I think most of us feel to small so your not alone.

  6. #6
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    yeah i hear that, but whats your opinion on my size. i will try for a better leg pic and a head to toe one for next week. thanks for the input i really need it. and i planned on stopping leg training a week before for sure.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    yeah i hear that, but whats your opinion on my size. i will try for a better leg pic and a head to toe one for next week. thanks for the input i really need it. and i planned on stopping leg training a week before for sure.
    I'd drop ALL leg training 2 wks out, thats just myself though, I hold water in them like a bitch

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Joliet ,IL
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    yeah i hear that, but whats your opinion on my size. i will try for a better leg pic and a head to toe one for next week. thanks for the input i really need it. and i planned on stopping leg training a week before for sure.
    what are the weight classes in your show,to me you dont look as big as you should at 235 see if you could get an accurate weight,how much more do you think you'll end up dropping.
    Last edited by Grudge Keeper; 10-03-2005 at 03:45 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I'd drop ALL leg training 2 wks out, thats just myself though, I hold water in them like a bitch
    I hear that, my legs are the same way I've been thinging about stopping 2 weeks out on them also.
    Last edited by Grudge Keeper; 10-03-2005 at 03:45 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    lookin good man. good luck at the comp. howd you tear your bi?

  11. #11
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    not really sure how i tore it i wasnt doing anything heavy at all just focusing more on the concentration. anything above 198 is heavyweight, so thats were i'll for my weight like i said i am going more by how i look and less on what i weigh but i think your right 235 is a little generous, and i'll probably drop at least down to 215 or 210.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Look Good Keep it up whats ur cycle look like

  13. #13
    Strange, you ask everyone this, If he wanted us to know, he might have already mentioned it.

    You are looking good for 5 weeks out. Lats could use some work, but overall you look very proportionate. Hope all goes well and no surgery so you can compete. Have someone help you with posing or ask around here, it will make or break you if you are in the running.

  14. #14
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    i think my lats are ok it's just that my posing needs some work but that will come, the guy that is going to help me has competed like six times so he'll be a great help. as for my cycle its pretty basic:
    250mg test enathate ed for weeks 12 to seven then switched to:
    75mg winny eod till 5 days out
    100mg tren eod till 5 days out
    50mg eq eod till 5 days out
    100mg prop eod till two or three weeks out
    20mg novadex ed
    arimadex ed
    4ml clen 2 days on one day off for 2 weeks then two weeks off then start again
    thats what me and a couple of others came up with based on my body type and the competition that i'm entering.

  15. #15
    Looks good, may want to drop the Eq a bit sooner because of the halflife. Maybe there will be more input on it, I'm no pro when it comes to precontest cycling.

  16. #16
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    yeah i have thought about dropping all the oil at about a week out but we'll see.
    any thought on taking a diuretic now since i'm holding water badly due to the anti inflamitoies i'm on for my bicep.

  17. #17
    Not positive, I have yet to compete so my knowledge of this is not very indepth until I make the plunge. I personally would say hold off until a week or two out, but some others may suggest a light dosage.

  18. #18
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    do you know anyone i can pm the question to.

  19. #19
    I'd personally bug SwoleCat about it, you could also try Staynstacked, Zapp, or Grudge, they are all currently about to do shows. Goodluck, I'll ask a couple of my buddies who are competing in November when I see them in the next day or two.

  20. #20
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    thaks you've been a lot of help,and just a little updat on the gun (ha ha ha) i woke up at five to go do cardio and it would barely move after i got home and had breakfast i laid down took two anti-inflammitories and put the heating pad to it for about 45min and now there is little to no pain when i move it, i think if i give it a week i should be ok.

  21. #21
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    just was hoping i could get somemore input on how i look. be honest i can take it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    just was hoping i could get somemore input on how i look. be honest i can take it.
    its tuff to see the leg pic you have. as far as the others.....traps and upper back look to be the area to concentrate on. your delts and arms and chest look pretty good. and all are in proportion. but your traps and upper lats are a little weak. 5 weeks out with a bi problem sux. especially since your only lagging body part is your back. good luck bro.

  23. #23
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    yeah some of the problem is with my posing and some is just lagging traps and lats. my bi is starting to feel better but i'm waiting till friday before i even think about picking up a weight. do you have any advice about taking a diuretic after i'm done with my anti inflamitorl meds ( its made me hold a lot of water). thanks for the advice bro.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    i think my lats are ok it's just that my posing needs some work but that will come, the guy that is going to help me has competed like six times so he'll be a great help. as for my cycle its pretty basic:
    250mg test enathate ed for weeks 12 to seven then switched to:
    75mg winny eod till 5 days out
    100mg tren eod till 5 days out
    50mg eq eod till 5 days out
    100mg prop eod till two or three weeks out
    20mg novadex ed
    arimadex ed
    4ml clen 2 days on one day off for 2 weeks then two weeks off then start again
    thats what me and a couple of others came up with based on my body type and the competition that i'm entering.
    you dont look good for someone who is ON, especially using that much!
    but good luck

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruticus
    you dont look good for someone who is ON
    but good luck
    bro...thats a ludicrous statement. and an ignorant one. post your pics!!

  26. #26
    I just told him he doesnt look good for juicer that juice that much
    he needs to work hard in his training and diet
    juice isnt everything in bodybuilding

  27. #27
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    i guess i should clarify one thing i just started all that at seven weeks out. and i said be honest not be a dick, but thanks it means a lot coming from a newbie with 12 post.

  28. #28
    I personally don't think he is really taking that much. But who am I to say. Do you juice bruticus? Whether you do or not, I'd still like to see pics. You seem to talk the talk.

    If you have any knowledge of bodybuilding, you can clearly see his body was not built overnight, he has obviously worked extremely hard to be where he is at, juice or not.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    i guess i should clarify one thing i just started all that at seven weeks out. and i said be honest not be a dick, but thanks it means a lot coming from a newbie with 12 post.
    haha I compete too but I wont post pics for several reasons
    posting pics in steroids forums gives bad reputation - this is the main reason
    but I am bigger than you
    and I am not a dick I am just telling you that you are doing something wrong! its either your training or diet and the last one is genetics
    and I am not trying to put you down, but you need to look at it from different angle because something isnt working here!
    Last edited by Bruticus; 10-04-2005 at 12:47 AM.

  30. #30
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    of course you are, we can all clearly see that from your pics. oh wait your scared people will rip and flame you and then we'll all realize that you really have no clue about bodybuilding and your really just talking out you ass. anyway lets drop it, i just wanted positive feedback and other than yours it has been.

  31. #31
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    you know what else i find funny, i just looked you up in the members list and it says you were born in 86. are you kidding me. you are saying your bigger and know all this about being a juicer your only 19 years old. i think maybe before you open your mouth about training diet or my genetics you should at least have some more training experience or at least some LIFE experience. your a joke, but i hope you have fun at your high school graduation.

  32. #32
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    you look pretty good to me. Didn't you know WEBBNB that 19 year olds have already lived a full life and have every right to put you down !!! HAHA Sometimes at 19 you think you know a lot about everything, it's just ignorance.
    Leg pic could be bigger, a bit hard to tell, but they look pretty good from what I can see. You are a pretty tall guy, like myself, so sometimes we have to be every thicker than the shorter guys just to appear as thick as they. Good luck bro, with the show and the bi.

  33. #33
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    yeah i remember when i was 19 and knew everything those where the good old days. i dont know why the leg pic is so small all the other expanded fine. growing up i always wanted to be like 6'2 now i wanna be 5'9. oh well i guess i just have to keep getting bigger. my bicep feels really good today but i;m still staying away from any weight till friday and even then it will smith machine only and nothing crazy. thanks for the input divinepwr.

  34. #34
    actually I am not 19 years old
    but you can be sure I am bigger than you and much cut even in the off season lol
    I dont have clue about bbing?
    your physique do my talking because you look like crap with all the juice you take
    so I think you are the one that doesnt know much!
    but you like to get pinned more and more and not to grow so good luck if you think this is the right way

  35. #35
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    so if your not 19 then your only 18 which makes it even funnier. anyway i'm done playing with you, i hate babysitting. go play in the sandbox or with your gi joe and do me a favor dont post on this thread anymore, unless your actually gonna grow some balls and post pics. later

  36. #36
    hahaha stupid asshole

  37. #37
    Seriously bruticus, That is a lame ass pussy excuse that you don't want to ruin your reputation... Cut out your face and post up some pics. List your stats, age, weight, height, BF. So I guess you think I have a shitty physique too. Get a life man. I can't stand haters. Look great Webb.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruticus
    hahaha stupid asshole
    If you can't post your pictures because it will "ruin" your reputation then you have no right at all speaking to anyone they way you have been. Without pictures it's all a story IMO. If I see another rude remark you are gone.

  39. #39
    oho ohoho haha
    shit I am scared now

    shit he take 1750mg test per week
    and he doesnt even look like he takes something! and just tore bicep
    I'd say he needs to look carefully with his nutrition!
    why to waste so much money on juice when you can grow without taking too much

  40. #40
    That's a 2-300$ cycle depending on who you are. Oh yea, Goodbye.

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