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Thread: Need, Real Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria

    Need, Real Advice


    My Name is Mike ,I live in South Africa.
    My stats are as follows..

    1.74m Tall
    77 kg
    3 years natural

    I have already got my gear and this is my cycle.

    Mikes cycle

    Week EQUIPOISEmg/week TESTOSTERONE.CYP mg/week
    1 150 200
    2 150 200
    3 200 200
    4 200 400
    5 150 400
    6 150 400
    7 100 200
    8 100 200
    10 Start clomid

    Take Nolvadex Every day 25mg

    I will be using Test.cyp as you all know it's very cheap in South Africa it comes in a box of 10 at 2ml/200mg.
    I manged to get EQ relatively cheap it is a 10ml bottle 1ml/50mg
    My question is how many injections will I require when taking EQ and is it possible to mix it with the Test ? (when i reach 200mg of EQ on week 3 does this mean i will need 4 jabs a week ? )


    P.S (If you have not used the following 2 steroids please do not post your advice) Thanks!
    Last edited by morpheus; 05-19-2002 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    london ENGLAND UK
    you need 2 raise your dosages for some real good gains say 400mg eq and 600mg cyp.thats just my opinion also the problem u have is you have 50mg/1ml eq now thats gonna be alot of injections (ouch)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    6ft. away...but you can't
    I would suggest keeping the levels constant and not tapering.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Dont taper.

    Weeks 1-10 EQ @ 300-400mg /week
    Weeks 1-11 Test. Cyp @ 200-400mg/week

    Clomid starting week 13. (EQ takes 3 weeks to metabolize out of your system, Test Cyp only 2 weeks.)

    EQ @ 50mg/ml is difficult becasue it means that you do have to take 6ml/week for 300mg and 8ml/ week for 400mg. Ouch!

    YOu can shoot up to 2ml per time in your quads and 3ml per time in your glutes. That will mean less jabs each week if you do bigger injection volumes.

    Nolvadex prevents estrogen from binding to the estrogen receptors in the body. Nolvadex is generally taken if and when symptoms of gyno first appear. The typical dosage is 80mg the first day, 40mg every day until the symptoms subside and 20mg a day through the end of Clomid therapy. If you are taking low-moderate doses of steroids (200-600mg a week falls into that class) you can half the Nolvadex dose.
    Last edited by Ajax; 05-19-2002 at 01:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    There is one point you left out ..............How old are you????????
    But as ajax said dont taper there is no need .............

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by Ajax
    Dont taper.

    Weeks 1-10 EQ @ 300-400mg /week
    Weeks 1-11 Test. Cyp @ 200-400mg/week

    Clomid starting week 13. (EQ takes 3 weeks to metabolize out of your system, Test Cyp only 2 weeks.)

    EQ @ 50mg/ml is difficult becasue it means that you do have to take 6ml/week for 300mg and 8ml/ week for 400mg. Ouch!

    YOu can shoot up to 2ml per time in your quads and 3ml per time in your glutes. That will mean less jabs each week if you do bigger injection volumes.

    Nolvadex prevents estrogen from binding to the estrogen receptors in the body. Nolvadex is generally taken if and when symptoms of gyno first appear. The typical dosage is 80mg the first day, 40mg every day until the symptoms subside and 20mg a day through the end of Clomid therapy. If you are taking low-moderate doses of steroids (200-600mg a week falls into that class) you can half the Nolvadex dose.
    what ajax said.............. man you really saved me some typing on this one. just returning the favor brother.

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Thanx Ajax, finally some good advice.

    I will be starting this cycle next week, I am just worried about the Administration of Equipoise.
    You say i can take 3ml in one jab this means i will be taking 2 jabs a week consisting of 300mg, and then another 2 jabs of test at 200mg a jab. So in other words I will be taking 4 injections a week.
    Do ypu think I can get problems with all these jabs?
    Or is their an easier way to take Equipoise ? I have did alot of research and this is the cycle i have choosen I hope it is a good cycle for a Newbie.
    Thanks for your advise.

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