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Thread: My pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    My pics

    Was wondering if you guys and gals could help me...

    I have been training on and off (mostly off) for 2 years.

    I have been going to the gym quite a lot recently 2-3 times a week. Try and do 20-30mins of cardio and then lift some weights (normally dumbells).

    I normally have problem with my weight and have posted all the stats in my profile, suffered from an eating disorder for years.

    I have enclosed pics for your critique..

    Try not to laugh
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Arm.jpg 
Views:	179 
Size:	3.0 KB 
ID:	56499   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Chest.jpg 
Views:	191 
Size:	3.7 KB 
ID:	56500   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Side.jpg 
Views:	131 
Size:	2.6 KB 
ID:	56501  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    yo, you need to gain some weight man, i would cut that cardio out for alittle and get on some weight gainers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Londonboy
    Was wondering if you guys and gals could help me...

    I have been training on and off (mostly off) for 2 years.

    I have been going to the gym quite a lot recently 2-3 times a week. Try and do 20-30mins of cardio and then lift some weights (normally dumbells).

    I normally have problem with my weight and have posted all the stats in my profile, suffered from an eating disorder for years.

    I have enclosed pics for your critique..

    Try not to laugh
    What you need is a good diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and good fats my friend. Lots of heavy lifting, cardio 1-2x a week to keep the bodyfat low...and FOOD. LOTS of FOOD. Every 3-4 Speeds the metabolism up, and keeps the body anabolic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BooCooo
    yo, you need to gain some weight man, i would cut that cardio out for alittle and get on some weight gainers.
    I dont think that would be good for him, he does not have a low BF at all, look at his midsection. Keep the cardio before your workouts and focus on some protein shakes and NON fat foods. Bulk but to it healthy, chicken, rice etc. You need to squat, dead, and bench to up your muscle mass and kick your test levals up.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Thanks for the advice guys

    I take EAS Pro Whey after training.

    I tend to do 30KG dumbell fly's but seem to have plateaued at the that level.

    Suggestions to bulk and keep lean would be helpful..?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Londonboy
    Thanks for the advice guys

    I take EAS Pro Whey after training.

    I tend to do 30KG dumbell fly's but seem to have plateaued at the that level.

    Suggestions to bulk and keep lean would be helpful..?

    Quote Originally Posted by FROST
    Keep the cardio before your workouts and focus on some protein shakes and NON fat foods. Bulk but to it healthy, chicken, rice etc. You need to squat, dead, and bench to up your muscle mass and kick your test levals up.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yep I will do that...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Londonboy
    Yep I will do that...
    If you search the forums you will find good mass gaining routines, It will give you some ideas.


  9. #9
    i used to be built like you... really not all that long ago, but thats me in my avatar like 5 months ago and before my test,deca,dbo cycle so i'm a good bit bigger. but look man all you have to do is eat.. eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat!!!! and hit the gym hard!.. when i say hard i mean do everything till you feel a burn not till you think your done.. dont be like.. well thats 10 reps i'm done.. go for 12 if you can go more even. You should be able to tell exactly what you worked on the day before the morning you wake up... If your unsure what workouts to do and you want a good workout plan get a personal trainer for like 3 sessions and have them put something together for you. or just look on the workout forum on here... i'm proof skinny guys can get bigger

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Do they have tanning booths in London?


  11. #11

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Do they have tanning booths in London?

    Dont be a prick, he's asking for help.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    3,762 was still funny though

    I was skinnier than you when I started lifting about 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. To get bigger I started lifting 3 hours a day and eating almost 10,000 calories a day! I didn't use any weight gainers, but I did drink four 50 gram protein shakes every day. I would got to an all-u-can-eat buffet three times a day and spend an hour eating each time. I would also have snacks in between my meals. I went from 140lbs to 195lbs in under 5 months, naturally. I gained a substancial amount of fat, but I got rid of it with a fair amount of cardio. Right now I weigh 250-260lbs at 7-9% BF. EAT EAT EAT man, then EAT some more.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Also it would be a good idea to step up your gym time. 2-3 times a week is very medial when seeking serious results from your body. Good luck with everything though

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    nothin' can be said here except EAT

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Londonboy
    Thanks for the advice guys

    I take EAS Pro Whey after training.

    I tend to do 30KG dumbell fly's but seem to have plateaued at the that level.

    Suggestions to bulk and keep lean would be helpful..?

    30kg dumbell flye???

    get on the bench press my son

    looking at your pics i would say 30kg dumbells would be far too heavy for u to use for flyes anyway

  17. #17
    What do you want help with exactly? What are you goals?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman was still funny though

    I was skinnier than you when I started lifting about 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. To get bigger I started lifting 3 hours a day and eating almost 10,000 calories a day! I didn't use any weight gainers, but I did drink four 50 gram protein shakes every day. I would got to an all-u-can-eat buffet three times a day and spend an hour eating each time. I would also have snacks in between my meals. I went from 140lbs to 195lbs in under 5 months, naturally. I gained a substancial amount of fat, but I got rid of it with a fair amount of cardio. Right now I weigh 250-260lbs at 7-9% BF. EAT EAT EAT man, then EAT some more.
    I did similar... gained 45 lbs... now I am back down 10 lbs but my body fat is under control... at my age I cant keep growing without control of fat... no matter how it goes.. I am still 35 lbs higher then 3 years ago abd gave nice abs now.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    A hut in Atlanta Georgia
    30kg dumbell flye?!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I don't even know what 30kg is ! If you want really serious results, you are going to have to hit the weights, squats, deadlifts, cleans, power moves. 2 to 3 times a week is a bit low, but you can work with that if you do it right when you are there. I wouldn't say to cut back necessarily on the cardio, but it seems to be your main focus. Flip that around, and make the weights your first priority.

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