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Thread: 5 weeks out, just tore my right bi.

  1. #41
    real gear not the fake one you get here
    will cost you 140$ only for week
    for 1700 mg per week

  2. #42
    Actually my PCT costs me 10times the price of my gear. Good try though, You are 18 and obvious don't know much about anything. Why even bother waking up in the morning if you aren't willing to learn but just to be a pest.

    Where are you stats? At this point post a pic of your Arm or Leg flexed, that would be sufficent.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 10-04-2005 at 09:51 AM.

  3. #43
    haha and what you know ?
    from the pics I can see you are just like the guy above

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Learnin from the best...
    all that test was taken in weeks 12 till seven the pics are from week five after taking two weeks to cut the water i put on with all that test. any way thank to everyone else for all the positives.

  5. #45
    From your pics... Oh yea you don't have any. Peace.

    Good work Webb, "I know" what you went through to get where you at. Props to you.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    thanks i new 99% of the responses would be positive and thats what i needed to hear. hopefully we wont have to deal with this anymore, and can discuss what the rest of us actually signed up to this site for.

  7. #47
    mud warned you.....

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    moving to austin
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    thanks i new 99% of the responses would be positive and thats what i needed to hear. hopefully we wont have to deal with this anymore, and can discuss what the rest of us actually signed up to this site for.
    bro....dont let a cheesedick like that get you down. you have all the right things going for you. once you get your first show under your belt, you will take off from there. its as addicting as going to the gym. you are constantly striving to do better the next one (and there will be a next one). i do not compete any more, but i do train a couple of guys in my town i live in. it is the greatest sport out there, imo. after the show, go to the judges and ask them what needs to be improved. as i said earlier, as of right now, its your upper back and traps. but in five weeks, you CAN bring those up better (at least more detail, if not size). make sure you keep your diet in check, i wish you the best of luck. let us know how it went.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    mud warned you.....
    Thanks bro

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    thanks for all the positive input and i wil definetly keep everyone updated, even posting some more pics soon

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    i think i'm still going to do the show as long as i dont need surgery. i'm doing cardio abs and lower back twice a day and leg ext and ham curls eod.thanks for the posing advice i will give it a try. what you think about my legs i have always felt there to small, but i think i am to small in general so who knows. it is a provincial show in canada, on november 5.

    That wouldn't happen to be the Muscle Beach it?

  12. #52
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    no its a provical show out in the maritimes. i just moved out here from alberta, i lived outside edmonton for 25 years.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thats too bad..I would have been your number one fan...cheering you on!

    I wish you the best of luck for your show! And, it always gets better....!
    Take Care.....your looking Awesome!

  14. #54
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    thanks, it nice to get e female perspective on how i look specially from one who obviously is in amazing shape. your pics look really really good. its also kinda nice to talk to somone back home, you can still be my number one fan if you like, come to think of it you would be my only fan.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    thanks, it nice to get e female perspective on how i look specially from one who obviously is in amazing shape. your pics look really really good. its also kinda nice to talk to somone back home, you can still be my number one fan if you like, come to think of it you would be my only fan.
    Awww! I don't know whether to laugh or cry with you!!!

    I'll be your number #1 FAN!!!! Forsure!!
    This being your first show...I can see many more to come in which; your gonna be an absolute threat.

    I foresee you at the Canadian Nationals one day...perhaps we'll meet. By the way...2006 CNBF are in Edmonton!

  16. #56
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    i'm reallly excited for this show but even more to do it all again i'm sure you'll agree it's very addicting. well then thats where we'll have to meet. after we both win the overall we'll go out for a drink and some really well deserved pizza ha ha ha.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    i'm reallly excited for this show but even more to do it all again i'm sure you'll agree it's very addicting. well then thats where we'll have to meet. after we both win the overall we'll go out for a drink and some really well deserved pizza ha ha ha.
    Muscle Beach is the same, I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best on your day to shine.

    Too bad your way in N.B....I seen pics of last years prov...pretty good competition!
    See ya at Canadians next buy the beer (yet, a fruity drink for me), and I'll buy the pizza! DEAL?

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    that sounds like the best deal i have made in a long time, and i cant wait. thanks for all your support and i hope you know i'll be thinking of you and wishing you all the best. as for the competition i hope its good cause that will make it a better victory when i win.

  19. #59
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    updated pics, now 4 weeks

    just thought i would update the photo's this week. sorry for the size and quality. my bicep has seemed to healed a little i can now hold a flex for a second or two, my weight is staying close to 225 which i'm happy about. i've upped my cardio to twice a day as well as abs twice a day. le me know what you think.
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-23-2006 at 08:15 PM.

  20. #60
    Lookin good! Dial in your diet and you will do very well. Have someone help with your posing, it will make or break you. The main one that stuck out was the double bicep pose. Your lats should be spread and stomach tightened up more. goodluck.

  21. #61
    Join Date
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    thanks for the tips, i'm really going to start focusing on my posing now. it's easier to aee what your doing wrong when you have a little more definition.

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