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Thread: HGH 6 weeks only?

  1. #1

    HGH 6 weeks only?

    I am doing cycle of
    1-10 week 750mg Testosterone
    6-10 week 300mg Primobolan

    And would like to add 2 I.U. for 6 weeks 5days on / 2days off but I am afraid that 6 weeks would not be enough.
    Ouestion :
    1. Do you guys think I would see any results if I do only 6 weeks of HGH.
    2. And when should I start it on the end or begining of the cycle.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Save your money.6 weeks is worthless.HGH needs to be ran for a minimum of three months to see the effects.
    Look into LR3 IGF-1.That would be much more effective for the short cycle you're running.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    you plan on running primo for 5 weeks

    too short and way to less mg's to see results imo, unless your a woman


  4. #4
    I would hold on to the primo and GH until you can get more. You need to bump that primo up to atleast 400mg for a minimum of 10 weeks. And as Pinnacle mentioned, 6 weeks of GH is pretty much worthless.

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