I have the same one, some are good some are underdosed.
19 year old doin drol huh?
Yes, good stuff it is.Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
when i used them they were great
Androlic is a good sh1t to make you grow like hell, bro, enjoy'em!
Like i said before I took 1 a day for 7 days just to try it out and wow I felt strong 2 extra reps on the benchpress.
i'm on one now, started on half last week. i have noticed a huge strength increase, i'll be moving upto one and a half and then 2.
I just started mine 6 days ago and i to am already 2 reps stronger on my bench...
"Keysteroid" - Your androlic is OK. How many weeks you want to use it? It's better not to use more than 4-5 weeks, because it's very toxic for you liver.
its the best dude but when u done with this one try 75mg now thats power
do you fake ones though
75 mgs ED is a childs dose of drol.Originally Posted by clive
Now 75 mgs 2 x ED is a mans dose.That's when you see what drol is all about!
I got exactly same ones, I have been on them for 2 weeks and I dont feel much difference.
guys i just started the whole roid thing so i need some help i bought testoviron,anadrol 50 and aquipose will that be a good combination for 6 weeks and what else should i take not to loose all the wieght i gain clive from south africa
I have the exact same stuff.
Currently on day 8.
Started feeling them yesterday (day 7)
I'm on 1 and a half tabs a day.
But I'm having some bp problems.
Was 161 over 88 last week Friday.
214 over 88 monday this week
And today I got it checked again and it was 167 over 115
So I'm guessing I'm gonna have to stop usage even before they realy start kicking in.
Sorry to hijack but Androlic in comparison to Anapolon what do u think?
Same thing bro.(oxymetholone)Originally Posted by judge_dread
Some guys say that Anapolons are stronger but I don't feel that...I'd rather take
Drolics than Anapolons...that's just me.
Thats some serious BP. At 214/88. Maybe you have a nervous problem when your checking your BP??Originally Posted by Dtox
Go to Walmart and take your BP 3 times. Good luck and be careful.
Nope.....dead calm when I have my bp taken....
I'm gonna have it checked everyday for the next few days.
And if it's still this bad by next week this time or even worse...I'll stop using the as and Do my pct.
Then Leave it for 12 weeks or so and be sure to get medication for the bp before trying another cycle.
Had the same problems when I did my first Cycle on Test and Eq @
400mg Test per week
300mg EQ per week
Got so bad after 4 weeks that I could'nt work out at all.
Originally Posted by Dtox
If your sensitive to AS than try some light stuff like
Masteron,Primobolan and Anavar tabs.
How about mine...are they crap? Got them online.
man ur posting that pic everywhere lol
HOLY FK its only a 5 year old thread.. what da hell
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