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Thread: spot injections with test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    Question spot injections with test

    I have read that spot injections with winny is effective (albiet short term), but can you spot inject with test. I have done many cycles before with test and always shot in my glute or thigh. If it works (that is, bulks up the muscle without irritating it) I would like to do my next test shot (phenyl prop.) in my shoulders. Anyone done it (MIKE?) . . . and if it does not work, I would be curious as to why it works with winny and not test, if anyone knows.

    Thanks injections

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    Ok the answer is kind of a no......heres the deal - its wont really work with test in theory unless its suspension you're doing and you're not I am sure - but to be in honest when I shoot in my quads and dont work them, they still grow prety well, better than the rest - so contrary to popular belief I believe they really do work VERY slightly - almost so little it really isnt worth it - but the thing can shoot in your shoulders anyway - so might as well - just start injecting into your shoulders, go for it


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Thanks Mike. I'll let you know the results. Any slight difference should be noticable to me (maybe not others), since I have been monitoring my build for years.

    btw, where are you going to put that tire?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I have heard that prop works well for spot injections! Any feedback?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Actually used to get 100 mg steris labs prop from a girl in high school her dad owned the local pharmacy. Use to hit my delts and bi's seemed to work for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    What I've found so far:

    If the substance has an ester, it will NOT help give you any site gains. This is regardless of whether its prop or decanoate.

    Things like Test suspension, bold base, definitely give site specific gains, because they can be immediately used by the muscle tissue around them.

    Injectable 17-aas such as winstrol and dbol probably give some small amount of site specific gains, but it's not nearly as good as the previously mentioned ones.

    PGF2a is supposed to be a beast for site gains, but it's quite uncomfortable to inject.

    There is a slightly higher level of hormone in the area where you inject it. This is because the hormone diffuses from the injection site. In order for the hormone to reach the rest of the body it has to diffuse into the blood stream where it binds a steroid globulin and is transported through out the body. The testosterone receptor is actually near the nucleaus of the cell, not the cell membrane as the above post suggests. the hormone passes through the cell membrane in order to get into the nucleus where it can change gene expression and protein levels.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I believe splinter has said it all and said it right.

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    -The Baron-

  8. #8
    i always injected my shoulders and i can say i have very big shoulders i think it helps abit!!!!

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