hey that works, thanks.
How's the rest look?
You like the finishing with test e or not?
hey that works, thanks.
How's the rest look?
You like the finishing with test e or not?
Like I said earlier on in the thread.I like the compounds you've chosen(except the var).Originally Posted by dragon69
Personally,I'd just stick to the Test E throughout.Switching from a wishy washy Test like sust over to a more stable compound like enanthate seems unnecessary.I'd prefer not to risk peaks and valleys when switching over from those two different types of Test.I suppose my approach might seem cautious/old school.But I'm a believer in keeping plasma levels stable as possible.That's why I break out my weather beaten soap box every chance I get to preach ED shots over EOD shots when short ester compounds are the topic of discussion.
Amen to the ED sayeth the pincushion ...
yes and I AM doing ED with the prop/tren. I think I could feel the diff after the 2nd day with the EOD so I went ED and bingo.
Problem is I don't have enough Enanth, only 20ml. I know the sust would kick in quicker due to the mix but come PCT that 3-4 week thing with sust worries me. So I thought this was best of both worlds. Thought it would build up and not be a problem for transition. But maybe you're right on this.
Too bad there isn't a readily available ester in between the enanth and prop, that would be better.
Here's a quick list;
40ml sust 250
40ml winnie 50
20ml test e
20ml tren a 100 (prefer to save for later)
150 var 20mg
80ml prop/trenA/mast combo (75mg of each)....(this will be it's own cycle with 25-50mg more prop added)
Could add TBol as well.
Would need to get the EQ and Mast yet.
So what would you do here.....I will be adding so keep that in mind.
I should add that I wanted to divide that into 2 cycles.....the prop/mast/tren and some other cycle.
See what I have there and tinker away then. Things will of course need to be added.
I want to make this into 2 cycle w maybe some test left (either sust or enanth) over to through into a 3rd.
Here's a quick list of what I currently have;
40ml sust 250
40ml winnie 50
20ml test e
20ml tren a 100 (prefer to save for future cycle)
150 var 20mg
80ml prop/trenA/mast combo (75/75/75mg)...future cycle w winny or var
Could get some TBol to add if you recommend it.
Would need to get the EQ and Mast yet.
So what would you do here.....I will be adding more gear to complete it (likely Eq/Mast or whatever else you come up with) so keep that in mind.
Just a newbie but my 1 cycle of sust 250 every third day put a lot of water weight on me. Doesn't seem like something good to be use for a cutter especially at high doses or am I wrong?
Nope - I think you accurately surmized the consensus view of long esters, and then, one step worse for some reason ... sust. Are you taking an anti-e? Or a serm?
Ya, Although SOME find sust worse for water, but the overall view of it is there's less water than enanthate, cyp etc. So again, what other choice do I have other than Prop then? (if I'm using prop it'll be ED and might as well go with tren a too so then I'd be back on the prop/tren)
Yes, I have Arimidex, Letro, Proviron and Nolva handy. Likely will use letro. That should handle water retention.
But you know, this is why I have listed what I have so it can be tinkered with.
I want to make this into 2 cycle w maybe some test left (either sust or enanth) over to through into a 3rd.
Here's a quick list of what I currently have;
40ml sust 250
40ml winnie 50
20ml test e
20ml tren a 100 (prefer to save for future cycle)
150 var 20mg
80ml prop/trenA/mast combo (75/75/75mg)...future cycle w winny or var
Could get some TBol to add if you recommend it.
Would need to get the EQ and Mast yet.
So what would you do here.....I will be adding more gear to complete it (likely Eq/Mast or whatever else you come up with) so keep that in mind.
Just to be clear, I don't care if I use sust or not here. But I just don't know what other choices I have that would go with the masteron frequency of EOD (hense the sust). That puts prop out. Could use enanthate but would have water with it and would have to wait 4-5 weeks on it too. Give me a better option and I will try to use it.
You CAN shoot Prop EOD ... and you may as well shoot Masteron ED ... And you COULD frontload the enanthate.
thought about frontloading the enanthate. But it's a water retainer more than sust.
Don't like EOD w prop, tried it. Could totally feel the change w ED.
I want to make this into 2 cycle w maybe some test left (either sust or enanth) over to through into a 3rd.
Here's a quick list of what I currently have;
40ml sust 250
40ml winnie 50
20ml test e
20ml tren a 100 (prefer to save for future cycle)
150 var 20mg
80ml prop/trenA/mast combo (75/75/75mg)...future cycle w winny or var
Could get some TBol to add if you recommend it.
Would need to get the EQ and Mast yet.
So what would you do here.....I will be adding more gear to complete it (likely Eq/Mast or whatever else you come up with) so keep that in mind.
wELL to tell ya the truth ya sound knowledgeble Truman but YOUR LITTLE AS **** so I wouldnt take any advice from you
Don't be so ignorant.Originally Posted by NoobJuice
There are 3 factors you're IGNORING.
1. I don't WANT to be big... so I will NEVER be big.
2. I've only been using AAS for year.
3. I wasn't giving you advice - I was giving Dragon69 advice...
Acruing information and putting info together as a "big picture concept" is much more valuable to me than someones genetics and goals.
In fact, (I'm SERIOUSLY not intending to put myself in these people's league...) if I recall correctly, William Llewellyn, author of the Anabolics 200* series, is a medium framed guy at "biggest." Does that invalidate his findings, contributions, research, or opinions? Using someone's SIZE as the measure of their words' worth is about as stupid a crutch I've heard of. Next why don't you tell me I'm too young to have accurate information, or try to predict where I'm at in my life, what I've experienced, etc ... by my age. These are things that people with POOR judgment use as tools ...
Wise up a bit hommie...
But most importantly, I wasn't offering you advice. So there's no need for you to take any.
Dragon ... sorry ... that guy has no business being in this thread unless hes going to be staying on topic and helping you find out how you can accomplish your goals.
WHICH! By the way ... one of my best friends is in town ... so I will analyze this for a while this evening, and try to come up with a recipe for you to economically attain your goals - of course, I look forward to your rebuttal, and eventually, to come to an agreed solution that meets the circumstances demands.
Hey it happens man.
Again, I just want to use some compounds I have and maybe add some to the list (like the EQ/Mast). I am going to ask the lab if they can make me a different estered test, somewhere between the enanthate and the prop (perhaps maybe like a 5 day ester). (since you hate the sust idea)
So, do you have any suggestions for a test ester that I can inquire to the lab about?
Phenylprop or something like that maybe?
....keeping in mind I want it to be EOD since the mast will need eod as well.
Perfection. unless of course you're thinking tren... but otherwise - that's as good as it gets... until someone comes out with the Masteron phenylprop ester.
so you like the phenylprop idea.
I have asked the lab to make it.
Any other ideas w EQ involved in this mix?
dragon, what med school do you go to?
I am already in practice
I like EQ ... I see no reason to not add it.
I wouldn't use NPP and EQ in same cycle though.
because they do pretty well the same thing and it's just another compound with potential progesteronic effects.
funny I went and reviewed the EQ profile which talks about a common misconception being that eq and deca are similar. Sorry man.
Hmmmm, did you say before that you'd actually used NPP?
What has been your observations of eq thus far results wise?
bump for truman
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