I have done 2 cycles previously, then an injury which Ive had for around 2 years, decided to make me have to stop training to rest it. Its a long story which I wont get into but Ive been off for 3 months of complete training (Other than football). During this time, Ive gained some fat that Id lost back and also lost some of the hard earned muscle! In total, Im down about 1st, and BF up a couple of % or so, and strength dropped quite a bit!
Anyway, its now been 2 weeks or so since starting back. The injury is still there but the docs do F all for it! I am about to be getting some natural therapy help on it this week. Anyway, the injury is no where near as bad as it was. When I train I just keep away from what causes the pain a lot and things have gone well so far. Strength is now getting picked back up too.
So, my first cycle which was early this year, was a poorly researched sus/deca/dbol at v low doses (Got all my info from mick hart!! Before finding this site). I gained some weight from it, but did poor PCT and lost it all!! Then I did a test prop/var cycle, gained a little bit but not much but did feel like fat had been lost, so turned out not as bad a cycle as I first thought! (Its only when I see my shape now that I realise how much I got out of that cycle!)
Then the injury kicked in a it all went down hill! ended up being slightly less than the start weight, and basically where I am now.
I want to do a cycle after xmas. Heres what I was thinking -
wk 1-12 = Deca @ 200/250mg EW
wk 1-14 = Test Enth @ 750mg EW
Nolva as and when needed, and B6 daily 200mg oral.
PCT - wk 16-19 = Clomid 300/100/50mg and nolva 20mg ED plus tribulus/tongkat ali.
Ive been reading a couple of posts lately regarding Dbol and its doses. From what Ive read, I was wondering instead of using it to jumpstart @ around 30mg, what if I took it at a low dose of 10mg ED for the full 12wks ? I know all the downsides of orals for long periods, but at this low dosage, I thought it would help keep the DBol's gains more, and not stress the liver.
The idea of this cycle is to gain as much muscle mass as possible.
Also, the reason I have the test @ 750mg, is becuase ive read many places, and from hookers info (Hooker I regard as the best source of advice there is) that the gains made on cycle are directly proportional to the amount of AAS used - more does equal more gains.
Im using the deca to help with my joint problems and keeping it fairly low to account for the high test amount. I also want a more keepable amount of muscle mass.
One more question. not regarding this cycle, but more, cycles in general. Once youve finished with a cycle, calling it your last one, if you train correctly, and eat correctly, will you likely keep the extra size for the years to come, even if it has takne you past your genetic potential ?
Thanks again guys for all the advice!