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Thread: getting off juice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    long island, NY

    help getting off juice!!!!!!!

    im currently on 500mg sust/ 300 mg deca/30mg dbol. ive been on it for 4 weeks and i got to get off. thsi was my first cycle and i think it will be my last. jucie is really working out for me. dont get me wrong . i made some serious gains dbol and the sust (deca didnt kick in yet) but doing all this is starting to have its disadvantages. ive found my self havoing a extremly explosive temper. i got fired from work for giving my supervisor a beating. my girlfriend is mad becasue all i want to do is have sex. and she found my gear and told me shes leaving me unless i stop. so i guess its over everthing got me thinking. but how do i get off. i took my last injection on sunday. how do i take the clomid. i have tons of it but i just want to know how much to take. do u think it will be hard for me to briong my neatural test back after only 4 weeks.


    p.s- i have more respect for all of u guys. u all show devotion and dedication to this sport that everyone overlooks.
    Last edited by HeavyHitter87; 10-24-2005 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
    start 18 days after last sust injection

    day 1: clomid 300mg
    day 2-11: clomid 100mg
    day 12-21: clomid 50mg

    day 1-21: nolva 20mg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    damn bro, you beat down your boss? thats hardcore. its really too bad your girl isn't more accepting of your using gear, if i were you id finish my cycle and tell her to to fu_king accept it, but thats just me. anyway, you should get some clenbuterol asap, and run it at 100-125 mgs ed through the duration of the clomid use to help you keep more of your gains, without clen its going to be very difficult for you to keep much of your gains cause you were on for such a short time. as for the clomid, start taking it around 1 1/2 weeks after your last injection. i usually run it at 80 mgs ed for 10 days, then reduce the dosage to 40 mgs ed for another 5 days, then reduce it to 20 mgs ed for another 7 days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you must have problems off cycle....its not the gear bro...its you....its just easy to point a finger at the gear

    and you made gains from the dbol and sust?? how do u know that its from those 2 and your deca hasnt "kicked in" yet???? steroids don't kick in bro. you're not gonna wake up and say "holy shit, that deca is working now"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    damn bro, you beat down your boss? thats hardcore. its really too bad your girl isn't more accepting of your using gear, if i were you id finish my cycle and tell her to to fu_king accept it, but thats just me. anyway, you should get some clenbuterol asap, and run it at 100-125 mgs ed through the duration of the clomid use to help you keep more of your gains, without clen its going to be very difficult for you to keep much of your gains cause you were on for such a short time. as for the clomid, start taking it around 1 1/2 weeks after your last injection. i usually run it at 80 mgs ed for 10 days, then reduce the dosage to 40 mgs ed for another 5 days, then reduce it to 20 mgs ed for another 7 days.
    i wouldnt listen to this guy. clen to help keep gains....right. and why a week and a half after last injection?, where are you getting this info from?!

  6. #6
    that sucks man. I woulda told her you were finishing and this is your life and she knows nothing about juice and to accept it..but o well. You must have anger problems on cycle..rage isn't really depending on the juice as it is as much as your natural tendencies

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    long island, NY
    i assume it was the sust and dbol becasue when i did my research i understodd that deca takes around 4 weeks to really feel the effects.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Red Stick La.
    I agree with Wolfy, if you're a jerk before the juice then you are going to be a bigger jerk when on. It comes down to self-control man....plain and simple. You don't bash someone's head in just because you can or think they deserve it, keep that up you will end up in jail or dead.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ranran
    I agree with Wolfy, if you're a jerk before the juice then you are going to be a bigger jerk when on. It comes down to self-control man....plain and simple. You don't bash someone's head in just because you can or think they deserve it, keep that up you will end up in jail or dead.
    Im with you on this one without a doubt.
    And in regards to your Girl , I would kinda take that as an advantage. It depends, If things are not going great dump her and get big so that other lady friends can say, damn that bro is hughe. What do you think. Your ex would want your balls afterwards. Then you can think about getting back. But thats besides the point, the point is that you finished your cycle and you got big. Man in life you gots to do what you like. Imagine if you marry this girl and she controls you that way? Forget it.
    Another option is that you tell her that you aint into roids anymore but yet you continue doing so whotout her knowing and tell her your ALL NATTY.

    How you like them Apples?
    Last edited by BigPimpin76; 10-25-2005 at 03:10 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Oh and by the way its kinda funny to hear that someone beats his own boss. You dont hear that kinda crap everyday. But then again you should control yourself.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    hey godkilla, you obviously don't know sh_t about clen if you think it doesn't help you keep your gains

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    phuck everybody u can always get a new job and a new girl and assault usually only carries probation.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    you must have problems off cycle....its not the gear bro...its you....its just easy to point a finger at the gear

    and you made gains from the dbol and sust?? how do u know that its from those 2 and your deca hasnt "kicked in" yet???? steroids don't kick in bro. you're not gonna wake up and say "holy shit, that deca is working now"
    Totally agree about the gear not making someone into a violent schmuck.

    SHIAT WOLFYEVH, where the F*CK were you when I posted my response to a thread about wanting to hurt people REALLY BAD b/c he is on AAS? DANG!!!! You suck! I could have used some back up there you know. lol.

    Anyways, I didn't follow up with the thread since it went south fast....people patting each other on the back and holding each other's c*cks saying gAAS will make you violent and shiat and singing songs about it. I'm over-simplifying and exaggerating it...but, nonetheless, it was disturbing.

    Sorry for the digression...I made my point in the first sentence and went sideways after that. lol.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    i wouldnt listen to this guy. clen to help keep gains....right. and why a week and a half after last injection?, where are you getting this info from?!
    if u dont have any knowledge on this subject just keep ur mouth shut. u should research a subject before u make urself sound like a dumb a$$.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    i wouldnt listen to this guy. clen to help keep gains....right. and why a week and a half after last injection?, where are you getting this info from?!
    and before u come back with a stupid comment try readin this.
    Clen (Clenbuterol) : Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator. Everyone knows clen is used to burn fat. Why am I listing it here in a PCT thread? Well, for its anti-catabolic properties. Clen may lower the effect of AAS while on cycle, so I personally dont use it while cycling. It does, however, have an effect on cortisol levels. While on cycle, cortisol is not to much of a problem if you eat right. AAS use increases cortisol production, and increases receptor sites. This means that when you finish a cycle, cortisol spikes along with estrogen. This is a part of the "crash" that is often overlooked. People have reported that blocking cortisol in PCT speeds along fat loss. Clen is supposed to have a blocking effect on cortisol. So, along side of its ability to burn fat, it is anti catabolic in it ability to block cortisol until desired hormone levels are achieved in PCT. For me, it makes sense to use clen in PCT until desired hormone levels are achieved, as it also burns away fat in the process.
    Last edited by edmen2; 10-27-2005 at 12:42 AM.

  16. #16
    Last edited by ouchthathurts; 04-14-2007 at 11:14 AM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    and before u come back with a stupid comment try readin this.
    Clen (Clenbuterol) : Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator. Everyone knows clen is used to burn fat. Why am I listing it here in a PCT thread? Well, for its anti-catabolic properties. Clen may lower the effect of AAS while on cycle, so I personally dont use it while cycling. It does, however, have an effect on cortisol levels. While on cycle, cortisol is not to much of a problem if you eat right. AAS use increases cortisol production, and increases receptor sites. This means that when you finish a cycle, cortisol spikes along with estrogen. This is a part of the "crash" that is often overlooked. People have reported that blocking cortisol in PCT speeds along fat loss. Clen is supposed to have a blocking effect on cortisol. So, along side of its ability to burn fat, it is anti catabolic in it ability to block cortisol until desired hormone levels are achieved in PCT. For me, it makes sense to use clen in PCT until desired hormone levels are achieved, as it also burns away fat in the process.
    im behind you 100% on that..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    if u dont have any knowledge on this subject just keep ur mouth shut. u should research a subject before u make urself sound like a dumb a$$.
    thnx for the advice, but i alrdy made myself look like a dumbass. thought i knew what i was talking about, but i was mistaken. thnx for the clen info and srry bout the worthless post everyone, i offer no excuses just an apology.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla
    thnx for the advice, but i alrdy made myself look like a dumbass. thought i knew what i was talking about, but i was mistaken. thnx for the clen info and srry bout the worthless post everyone, i offer no excuses just an apology.
    it takes a big man to admit when he is wrong apology accepted.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    phuck everybody u can always get a new job and a new girl and assault usually only carries probation.
    Yeah and whomping your boss's ass... priceless.

    (But seriously, it ain't the gear, bro, you need a little help, you have a serious anger management problem. Been there, done that.... and am still there. Therapy helps. Haven't thrown a tv set though a window in so long, I feel down right mellow.)

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Northern California
    Juice isn't for everyone. You have decided that it isn't right for you, good job.
    Next, if you are already trying to get compounds out of your system, adding more things like clenbuterol to help hold on to what little you gained in 4 weeks IMO is going to complicate matters and won't be worth your time. A normal PCT sounds like a good idea.
    Good Luck.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    d@mn there some deep sh*t in this thread props to every one helping this guy, I would try to make a post but every one seemed to have covered it, all I can say is good luck.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Some Fort out there...
    Congrats on beating your boss....congrats bro..good job.. damn i wish i could beat the sh** out of my boss...well wait a minute i think i will, F*** it I'm gonna do it now... Must be the gear talking just playin the gear does not make you do it, it is something that people can point at and have something to blame when things go wrong. but you should prob seek anger classes.. buy your boss some flowers and try to get your job back good luck bro

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    500mg sust/ 300 mg deca/30mg dbol for your first cycle ?

    and only 18 yrs old ? how stupid .

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JayCutler
    500mg sust/ 300 mg deca/30mg dbol for your first cycle ?

    and only 18 yrs old ? how stupid .
    so much disrespect in this thread, damn!

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