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Thread: my first cycle test, deca, eq.(log)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Talking my first cycle test, deca, eq.*UPDATED PICS*

    Started a 10 week test, deca, and EQ cycle on 4-15-05. 1cc of each every week. First week in the right shoulder, left shoulder the next. Only sore for a few days. Start weight 155lbs@5'11. (was 160lbs until stomach flu a few weeks before that). The flu motivated me to start after losing 5 lbs.
    Daily diet is as follows.
    10:00 a.m.-Four waffles, (or 2 bowls of oat cereal) 1 yogurt,1 banana, protein shake.
    1:00 p.m.-bowl of rice, 2 lunchables( edit*cutting that out)) or chicken breast depending on if im at work. or a side of steak (work at a restaurant)
    2:00 p.m.-Gym for 45-60 minutes. Carbo force and muscle sandwich post workout as im driving home from the gym. Get home eat some peanut butter and have another protein shake until I can wait for dinner.
    5:00 p.m.-anything with meat. Usually 2 chicken breast or steak. veggies, milk.
    6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Usually snack on wheat thins//bagel,,...anything that has carbs. and some lunch meat.
    10:00 p.m. Usually go out and get some ice cream w/ my girlfriend or go to her work and eat something until she gets off. (usually chicken breast)
    12:00p.m-1:00-a.m. Protein shake before I go to bed. 2 scoops peanut butter.

    I make sure I consume more than 5000 calories a day and eat 200g of protein, and I probably drink about 14 bottles of water a day. I don't ever let let my body go over 3 hours w/out eating except for when I go to bed. Even then I Make sure I'm so full I can't breathe b4 bed. 75g of my protein are before sleep.

    I'm now on the 13th day of my cycle and I weighed myself at 168lbs(just after ****ting)!!!! 155-168 in 13 days

    My workouts consist of a low number of reps w/ heavy weight, usually 6-8 reps, 7-8 needing a spot. Last set usually 6.
    My strength gains are unbelievable. Here are a few of my strength gains. These are just workouts now, not maxI'll post more workouts closer to the end of my cycle. But as for now here are a couple...

    Strait bar curl- 60lb's to 80lb's not my max
    bench press- 185lb's to 205lb's not my max.
    latpulldown-130lb's-150lb's not my max.
    Squat- 200lb's-230lb's. Not my max.

    Things I've noticed, my arms get blood red while working out(this started on the 4th day after my first injection), My appetite has increased. I'm always hungry, My farts smell fukin gross, I'm getting to where I can't stand the smell, and there my farts. I'm getting tired of pissing.
    It seems like all I wanna do is lift. I don't have any temper or anger issues yet, except at the gym, I yell at the weights .Well actually..ok my temper is getting worse. My pumps are insane at the gym. no other side effects, My nuts were a bit sore the other day but only for like a day. I honestly didn't expect gains this fast. Thats ok though, it's doing nothing but motivating me. Thats about it. I'll post again in a week and update my gains.
    Last edited by IXISiDiuSIXI; 11-02-2005 at 02:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    worthless cycle.......too many compounds for a first cycle.......not running your **** long enough...eq and deca should be ran at least 11 weeks......(test a week longer) ...your diet doesnt look anywhere near 5000 cals....and most importantly...starting a cycle when you're only 155 lbs and 5'11"? i'm 5 10 and 220 and feel skinny as hell......but to each his own........good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    cant believe you have luchables in your diet. If they are dairylea lunchables I would ditch them bro they are just processed chemical crap. I would run the test for two weeks longer than deca and eq. Just out of interest why deca and EQ? You would have been ok with just one or the other along with the test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I don't eat lunchables everyday, I switch my diet up everyday. and yes, it's over 5000 calories. I'm running this cycle because there has been a lot of talk on the boards about running EQ and deca together. I was going to save the EQ for next cycle but I figured I give it a shot and see what happens, hopefully I won't have to do another cycle too and having that on hand will just make me want to. you can say my diet is wack and you would do this and that, but obviously I'm doing something right to be gaining like I am. I've heard all the comments about "don't start your cycle, your body hasn't got to it's full potential, yada yada" You guys don't know my body. Everyone has their peak, just so happens I have ****ty genes and I'm naturally skinny. Everyone in my family is. I hit my peak @ 160lbs. I consumed the same amount of calories and protein for 6 months b4 I started the cycle(only gained about 6lb's).Then lost that when i got sick. Lifted hard 2 years b4 that. Gained a total of about 10lb's in two years.... It's really frustrating to see that happen. All in all I respect your opinions, but please, no more "your not to your full potential comments" the cycle is already started. diet comments are welcome plz. I'm cutting more dairy out of my diet though. I have enough test to run 12 weeks which I will btw. clomid and nolva on hand. I'll update soon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Don't post your diary on a public board if you don't want to hear people's opinions on it. You might not get so offensive if you didn't know you were wrong.

    Good luck in life.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    no way in hell your peak is 160

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    I don't eat lunchables everyday, I switch my diet up everyday. and yes, it's over 5000 calories. I'm running this cycle because there has been a lot of talk on the boards about running EQ and deca together. I was going to save the EQ for next cycle but I figured I give it a shot and see what happens, hopefully I won't have to do another cycle too and having that on hand will just make me want to. you can say my diet is wack and you would do this and that, but obviously I'm doing something right to be gaining like I am. I've heard all the comments about "don't start your cycle, your body hasn't got to it's full potential, yada yada" You guys don't know my body. Everyone has their peak, just so happens I have ****ty genes and I'm naturally skinny. Everyone in my family is. I hit my peak @ 160lbs. I consumed the same amount of calories and protein for 6 months b4 I started the cycle(only gained about 6lb's).Then lost that when i got sick. Lifted hard 2 years b4 that. Gained a total of about 10lb's in two years.... It's really frustrating to see that happen. All in all I respect your opinions, but please, no more "your not to your full potential comments" the cycle is already started. diet comments are welcome plz. I'm cutting more dairy out of my diet though. I have enough test to run 12 weeks which I will btw. clomid and nolva on hand. I'll update soon.
    What test are you running?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CrossroadS
    Don't post your diary on a public board if you don't want to hear people's opinions on it. You might not get so offensive if you didn't know you were wrong.

    Good luck in life.
    I do want people opinion's on it, if that sounded offensive I'm sorry, and posting my diary on the boards will give others information. Isn't that what the boards all about. I'm just saying, I've heard all of the negative comments already on starting this cycle in other threads. Too much for first cycle, only run test, not at your peak, ect ect..I'm not getting offended at all. All other comments are welcome. Your just wasting your breathe when you say that I should've this and should've that, not at my maximum natty potential ect. I'm seeing results and I'm seeing them fast, isn't that all a cycle's about, "results". Me posting this log will only give others information on this stack, a person of my height, weight, ect. It's educational even if it's a bad idea. Maybe I'm doing too much and not eating right, but atleast people can read that and if it's wrong they can learn from my mistakes. But if it turns out good maybe it's something they want to try.

    btw, im running qv e
    Last edited by IXISiDiuSIXI; 04-28-2005 at 12:27 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    I do want people opinion's on it, if that sounded offensive I'm sorry, and posting my diary on the boards will give others information. Isn't that what the boards all about. I'm just saying, I've heard all of the negative comments already on starting this cycle in other threads. Too much for first cycle, only run test, not at your peak, ect ect..I'm not getting offended at all. All other comments are welcome. Your just wasting your breathe when you say that I should've this and should've that, not at my maximum natty potential ect. I'm seeing results and I'm seeing them fast, isn't that all a cycle's about, "results". Me posting this log will only give others information on this stack, a person of my height, weight, ect. It's educational even if it's a bad idea. Maybe I'm doing too much and not eating right, but atleast people can read that and if it's wrong they can learn from my mistakes. But if it turns out good maybe it's something they want to try.

    btw, im running qv e

    Everyone here is telling you that what you are doing is wrong is educational too....not a waste of breath IMHO.

    Hey I'm gonna eat McDonalds Every day, and drink a 12 pack of cokes and eat a bag of cookies before bed. I know I can put on weight if I do this. I know its not the best way, but it will work. You are wasting your breath to tell me to eat good food and workout and I will gain weight. If this turns out good and I don't die, maybe people will try it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    I'm seeing results and I'm seeing them fast, isn't that all a cycle's about, "results".

    I forgot this part. You aren't seeing results. You are seeing the process. Building muscle on cycle is part of the process. Keeping muscle POST CYCLE is considered results. Having a natural base that can sustain the extra muscle after you get off the sauce is the only way to keep that muscle on. It is a fact. But if you like your money away to get big for a few months so the bully at school will stop picking on you, go ahead.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    **UPDATED**b4 and after pics

    wow been awhile since I've logged on here. But it's time for my second cycle so I figure I would post the results of my first cycle. Let me note that I didn't know much the first time I did the cycle so this time will be a lot different. I never got to finish the diary of this because of a lot of situations, moving across the country, breaking up with gf, moving back, working 30 hours a week and going to school full time. But let me also note that with the supposedly "worthless" cycle, I ended up gaining 33 lbs in 10 weeks. (155lbs-188lbs) 1cc of each once a week. so

    wk 1-10 250mg test
    wk 1-8 300mg deca
    wk 1-8 200mg eq

    I could only run the deca and eq for 8 weeks because I didn't have enough test and I didn't want my pct all f*ked up so I had to stop the deca and eq at wk 8 so I could run test for 2 weeks longer. I know your gonna say thats not enough eq and thats not enough test but obviously something was working because I grew. As for my diet it pretty much stayed the same throughout the entire cycle. I was wasn't worried about gaining any fat as you can tell. As far as PCT. didn't happen, All my shit got lost during the move and I was so stressed out about the gf I didn't give a sh*t. But I had a hard time for like a month getting my sh*t hard so I'm not doing that again. These pics were taken when I weighed in at 185lbs. My weight currently goes up and down from 175-177.

    But now I'm ready to do my second one right but I'm not sure at all about the dosages this time. I plan on running the same cycle all qv products again. I was thinking...

    wk 1-14 test E @ 500mg a wk
    wk 1-12 deca @ 400mg a wk
    wk 1-12 eq @ 400mg a wk
    PCT clomid and nolva

    Let me know what you guys think.

    first 2 pics are b4 shots.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    have they started calling you juicehead yet?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    lol- juicehead, roidboy, whatever, I've been called everything I just tell people what I eat and I take no2 and the stupid one's believed me.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Well bro, I must say eventhough a lot of people didnt agree, you did have a noticeble change. Congrats.
    What I suggest you do is stay of the sauce for a while since you got to a decent size .Now keep lifting and eating right till you grow more and more, then maybe consider juicing.

    Good Luck bro.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    why test E again? not cyp or sust?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I haven't really researched cyp, I just know I didn't have any bad side effects with the test e and I got some good gaines so I figure I'll just stay with it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    honestly buddy you need to buy some creatine and train natural for a year
    Last edited by superfat73; 11-03-2005 at 08:00 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    wow been awhile since I've logged on here. But it's time for my second cycle so I figure I would post the results of my first cycle. Let me note that I didn't know much the first time I did the cycle so this time will be a lot different. I never got to finish the diary of this because of a lot of situations, moving across the country, breaking up with gf, moving back, working 30 hours a week and going to school full time. But let me also note that with the supposedly "worthless" cycle, I ended up gaining 33 lbs in 10 weeks. (155lbs-188lbs) 1cc of each once a week. so

    wk 1-10 250mg test
    wk 1-8 300mg deca
    wk 1-8 200mg eq

    I could only run the deca and eq for 8 weeks because I didn't have enough test and I didn't want my pct all f*ked up so I had to stop the deca and eq at wk 8 so I could run test for 2 weeks longer. I know your gonna say thats not enough eq and thats not enough test but obviously something was working because I grew. As for my diet it pretty much stayed the same throughout the entire cycle. I was wasn't worried about gaining any fat as you can tell. As far as PCT. didn't happen, All my shit got lost during the move and I was so stressed out about the gf I didn't give a sh*t. But I had a hard time for like a month getting my sh*t hard so I'm not doing that again. These pics were taken when I weighed in at 185lbs. My weight currently goes up and down from 175-177.

    But now I'm ready to do my second one right but I'm not sure at all about the dosages this time. I plan on running the same cycle all qv products again. I was thinking...

    wk 1-14 test E @ 500mg a wk
    wk 1-12 deca @ 400mg a wk
    wk 1-12 eq @ 400mg a wk
    PCT clomid and nolva

    Let me know what you guys think.

    first 2 pics are b4 shots.

    you grew because of the lunchables!

  19. #19
    Did you realize you whited out your face in all pics except the last one? Just thought you should know. Im not even going to comment I could go all day.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mmmm lunchables, I hear ronnie eats them with his child

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Did you realize you whited out your face in all pics except the last one? Just thought you should know. Im not even going to comment I could go all day.
    yes I know, but you can barely see so I didn't bother. But plz, go all day, I'd love to hear it from an 18 year old who shouldn't even be on here. as for those of you who said you shouldn't of done this and shouldn't of done that, I obviously proved all of you wrong and I did it with about half the gear.

    As for staying off the gear I have for over 6 months. I want to cycle again so for one, I can do PCT correct this time and hopefully keep ALL of my gaines, and for 2, see how my body reacts to higher dosages. But if you want to continue to flame thats fine, just gives me more motivation.

  22. #22
    congrats on your gains! though there is some tweaking you may want to do for next time if you decide to keep the same cycle, particularly the amount of test vs. deca. I'm just saying you might wanna check into it. funny how some people on forums want to help and some people just want to argue and waste space with garbage way of topic, isn't it? good luck man!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Congrats and good luck in future

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    listen yall its irritating to see all of the negative remarks. im sure he knew this would happen. anyway i would suggest upping your protein intake to atleast 250grams ed, i can see good progress so far. keep it up bro. lift hard!

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