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Thread: cheating or not cheating

  1. #41
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i say kill him ..
    quality post...........................

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by chigirl
    have any of you cheated before and how did you act when they said something to you? Did you act mad or act like you didn't give a shit? What did you say to the person?
    Actually I did cheat a few times. I was only 15..but I didnt love her anymore..I dont know why I should have just broken up with her. We went out for a year 1/ i felt like that was just how it was you know? Mainly she just annoyed me..and I did at times get mad at her for being annoying etc....

  3. #43
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    i dont and I never will Thats the thing..maybe I could have forgiven her if she stopped talking to him..but she talked to him after she kissed him..
    so u were the guy that was used to see how she really felt about her prevoius bf...

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    quality post...........................
    thats wut im renowned for!

  5. #45
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    I was just thinking of something. You said the phone log showed a list of calls from him to her. Also, these calls were kept secret until you found out.
    Now you are secretly posting on this forum, wondering if he's cheating. Doesn't all this sneaking around tell you something?

    Btw, tomorrow when you meet w/ this girl try and be as cool as possible. If she sounds like your husband (is saying stuff that he has said), then chances are she has been coached.
    To sum things up, if I were talking to a girl (repeatedly) behind my wife's back, I'm pretty sure It'd be for the nookie.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    so u were the guy that was used to see how she really felt about her prevoius bf...

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    I think he was joking about how your x used you, to see how she felt about her previous bf.

  9. #49
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    Where is the thread starter?
    Chigirl, we would like an update tomorrow please.

  10. #50
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Me..I talk to my ex now..just online to see how things are going w/ her bf and how things were going w/ mine. I would NEVER see her. Oh and also on the above she would tell him she loved him. I would never say I love you to this girl that would be really awkward.
    Your b/f?

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    yup, hes probably fucking her.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    Not to have a shitty outlook on your situation but I was in a similar situation.My girlfriend was sleeping with this guy behind my back a few years ago.I never even knew who he was until I started getting suspiscious and found a cell message and busted her.I forgave her and she ended up doing it again.This time I found out who he was and confronted him.He just about shit his pants when he found out who I was(I wasnt nice but I kept my hands to myself)I suggest confronting both of them together.Its natural for men and women to be attracted to eachother it just sucks when your the one getting hurt.Keep your head up and good luck

  13. #53
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    he is cheating maybe not sex but talking on the phone and trying to hide it then when he is cought try to make an excuse !!

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    decatur TN
    you seen the sighns just dont close your eyes to it sad to say ive done it before ! !

    every thing you have said that he told you ive said before .....i just hope he will wise up and see whats ahead down the road ,,,,, it's not worth it

  15. #55
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    looks like a duck.. acts like a duck.. quack quack.. sorry.. why are you asking a question you know the answer too

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    Common signs of cheating significant other
    1) Frequently picks fights over nothing(this is mental justification of the actions they are taking-you fight all the time so they need someone else)
    2) Spending excessive amounts of time with or conversing with co-workers/old friends or former lovers.
    3) Increase/Decrease in sexual activity(either or, doesn't matter, some decrease due to a loyalty felt towards their new partner, some try to compensate to and have more sex in attempt to cove up extraneous activities)
    4) Normal activities take much longer than they should-like a three hour trip to the grocery store for some eggs.
    5) Establishing email/cell phone accounts on the sly-checking you computer history and CC reciepts will help with finding these.
    6) Signifacant other begins to change style of dress-gets in shape or other personal changes that reflecdt an attempt to make ourselves more attractive.
    These are by no means all inclusive, but are some of the top tell tale signs of infidelity. Do not expect this woman to tell you the truth, unless it serves her goals of obtaining your man she won't. They may not have actually initiated physical contact yet, but IMO they are moving that way. You need to decide if you want to keep him, or curb his ass-if he is worth keeping you need to put a stop to this pronto, and he has to accept not seeing/talking to her for any reason.

  17. #57
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    get a P.I. to do a survelliance on him, only way you will ever catch him. Let me know what state you live in, I know several good P.I.'s

  18. #58
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    get a P.I. to do a survelliance on him, only way you will ever catch him. Let me know what state you live in, I know several good P.I.'s
    he is rt, also you can go to a security agency and make him take a polygraph, they are inexpensive and most P.I. places have access to someone who can administer thetest, if he didn't do anything then he should have no problem taking the test.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    he is rt, also you can go to a security agency and make him take a polygraph, they are inexpensive and most P.I. places have access to someone who can administer thetest, if he didn't do anything then he should have no problem taking the test.

    yeah that would go well. here honey will you please take a polygraph for me i beleive you are cheating on me, hiering a P.I. would be the way to go to know for shure

  20. #60
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    if the guy isn't guilty, then he should take it, he was the one being shady, burden of proof lies in his lap, if innocent he should want to prove himself

  21. #61
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    Feb 2005
    easy, i do the same thing. but i wont cheat on my girl. i tlak to her and ask her advice on how to fix things i screwed up. what christmas presents are good for her. also, i get help on my workouts. i talk to her almost everyday and its nice. she is married, but just a friend. i wont do anything or try wanything with her becuase i love my girl too much. if thats what he says, then fine. i told my girl already and she was like oh, thats cool! jsut dont cheat or ill dip your balls in a blender! then i say ok with no hesitation! haha. if he is secretive, and hesitates on things you ask him, or if he is giggling like a school girl watch out!

  22. #62
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    I have some things I'de like to say:

    Were you young when you got married? If this guy is able to raise suspicion AFTER you are married then you obviously chose a man with poor qualities.. bad decision on your part to not see who he really was.

    You are MARRIED to this man, and you shoudl know him better than anyone else. So if he is able to suddenly make you raise suspicion, then this means something is out of the norm, and you know it's not right.

    If this guy is talking to his ex, WHILE he is married, then he definately IS NOT ready for marriage! He is not moving on, (with you) instead he is hangin on to yesterday's trash, when he DOES NOT NEED TO BE.. because he has YOU.

    The fact that he is calling his EX, is not good, that's the bottom line. He has a family now, and him calling his ex, is disrupting it, and he is jeopardizing it.

    If he knows he is hurting you by calling his ex, then he must stop. If he doesn't stop, then he obviously does not care. (he has a WIFE and an ex: who is more important in a MARRIAGE?) His role is to make you happy to cherrish and to honor...

    You have EVERY RIGHT to feel uneasy about them talking.
    Just lay it down for him. Tell him you are extremely uneasy about him talkin to his ex. ===> His reply better be a GOOD FUHKING ONE.
    Marriage is not a joke.

  23. #63
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    And you can put him to a decision, because you have that right as his wife.

    If you DON'T want him to call her, tell him thats how it's going to be. it's either his "ex" ( some person, a friend etc) or his WIFE.
    How can he pick another woman over YOU, a woman he is MARRIED to.

    **See how im trying to emphasize MARRIAGE?**

  24. #64
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    Were you young when you got married? If this guy is able to raise suspicion AFTER you are married then you obviously chose a man with poor qualities.. bad decision on your part to not see who he really was.
    Almost sounds like you're blaming her, which is a bit rough!

    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    If this guy is talking to his ex, WHILE he is married, then he definately IS NOT ready for marriage! He is not moving on, (with you) instead he is hangin on to yesterday's trash, when he DOES NOT NEED TO BE.. because he has YOU.

    The fact that he is calling his EX, is not good, that's the bottom line. He has a family now, and him calling his ex, is disrupting it, and he is jeopardizing it.

    If he knows he is hurting you by calling his ex, then he must stop. If he doesn't stop, then he obviously does not care. (he has a WIFE and an ex: who is more important in a MARRIAGE?) His role is to make you happy to cherrish and to honor...

    You have EVERY RIGHT to feel uneasy about them talking.
    Just lay it down for him. Tell him you are extremely uneasy about him talkin to his ex. ===> His reply better be a GOOD FUHKING ONE.
    Marriage is not a joke.
    Are you sure it's his ex SnaX?

  25. #65
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chigirl
    have any of you cheated before and how did you act when they said something to you? Did you act mad or act like you didn't give a shit? What did you say to the person?
    I did years ago on my first wife. I would get aggrivated easy with anything she would say. I was probably trying to justify what I was doing. I was just waiting for an excuse to leave. even though things at home wern't that bad. he will deny it all the way. it sounds like you know the answer to your question. if he hasn't done it already, he's thinking about it. get one of those voice operated recorders and connect it to the telephone line. you'll find out real quick. I don't know any man that just has a girl for a friend. I hope it works out for you soon, cause lifes to short.

  26. #66
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    You're right i am being a little rough.

    What im trying to get at, is action cures fear. if you're worried he's messin around, then take action and talk to him. let him know where you stand.

    My bad

    I sort of got the ex from chest and her/his mutual friend mixed up. All the while i meant his friend. Sorry about that.

    Just trying to get things in the clear.

    Thanks for callin me on that!

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    You're right i am being a little rough.

    What im trying to get at, is action cures fear. if you're worried he's messin around, then take action and talk to him. let him know where you stand.

    My bad

    I sort of got the ex from chest and her/his mutual friend mixed up. All the while i meant his friend. Sorry about that.

    Just trying to get things in the clear.

    Thanks for callin me on that!
    No sweat, you obviously had good intentions, just got a little confused in all the excitement!

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