Here I am. 5'6 160 lbs 11-12% bf. Constructive criticism is welcome guys. I need to hear it. First cycle just around the corner. Will update pic in 10 weeks![]()
Here I am. 5'6 160 lbs 11-12% bf. Constructive criticism is welcome guys. I need to hear it. First cycle just around the corner. Will update pic in 10 weeks![]()
YOu should see great results after your first cycle...
what are your plans for your cycle???
I'm gonna try a low dose first so it will look like this:
Wk 1-10 200mg of Test
Wk 1-10 200mg of Eq
Clomid post cycle
your only 160?
look alot bigger than 160
good work
You definitely look alot bigger than 160.
Very nice you look good for 160, I think you'll get very good results with AS, good luck on your first cycle!
Thanks guys, I like to hear that I look bigger than 160. Bodyweight does not have any place to go on my little 5'6 frame. I guess that is where the illusion comes in to play. Ya'll can say the bad stuff too. Like my lack of bicep. I cannot get those bastards to grow.
Last edited by Fish; 06-03-2002 at 03:46 PM.
Your traps are huge man, pecs look good as well. Good job, your gonna be a freak when you cycle!
Fish, I will be so bold as to suggest increasing the frequency of training your biceps, they recover very fast despite the fact that they receive indirect training by the back. I try to hit my biceps in one way or another at least every 3rd or 4th day (naturally). Intensity with biceps is important too, I feel I get the most intense burns with standing barbell curls (straight & ez-bar), I tend to respond with high volume training, so I'll probably do a series of about 10-12 sets to failure with under 2 minutes rest, and then maybe some concentrations at the end. Also, biomechanically speaking, the way most people do alternating bicep dumbell curls they are working the brachialis and brachioradialis (by starting with palms facing inward when to their sides). Keeping the palms facing forward the whole time will put a majority of the stress on the biceps themselves. Anatomically this is called "supination" I think (with specific respect to the ulna and radius).
I'm seeing good progress so "to each one his own". Just thought I'd share this.
You look great in that pic.
You've got to weigh more than 160, man. I'm the same height as you, and I weigh 164 (30" waist) I don't think I look as big as you. DAMN.
The only way this is possible is if you don't work your legs. (This is not a flame--I'm really confused about this). Help me figure this out.
Keep growin'.
Last edited by BASK8KACE; 06-03-2002 at 07:24 PM.
As everybody has already pointed out you look a lot bigger then 160lbs...great job and your first cycle should give you some nice muscle gains....XXL
I appreciate the comments about me looking bigger than 160 but I mean come on, I don't look that big. I have a 30"waist also Bask8kace and if that's you in the picture right there you are way bigger than me bro. And of course I work my legs. I mean they are not tree trunks but I still hit them just as hard as any other bodypart.Originally posted by BASK8KACE
You look great in that pic.
You've got to weigh more than 160, man. I'm the same height as you, and I weigh 164 (30" waist) I don't think I look as big as you. DAMN.
The only way this is possible is if you don't work your legs. (This is not a flame--I'm really confused about this). Help me figure this out.
Keep growin'.
Fish, you want cirtiscism??? dam man you look pretty damn good not being on AS. You are gonna be freakn huge after this cycle. no critiscim here. I don't think anyone thinks they have big arms man. There is another post on here about bicepts. I menan unless you have like 15" guns or osme shit, i htink they always look small. compared to your chest and shoulders. Just keep doing what your doing man.
oops didn't mean 15" guns. hahahahhaha mean 25" guns
DK442, you had me scared there for a minute!!Originally posted by Darkknight442
oops didn't mean 15" guns. hahahahhaha mean 25" guns
hahahahah i know me too, i relaized after i hit post reply... lol
Thanks, Fish--Yes, that is me in my avatar. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself. Either way, the main point is that you look great in your pic.
Keep up the good work.
Hey fish.....what do you do for your traps? They look great!
Just shrugs and deads, my traps have always responded well. One of the few bodyparts that do respond.
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