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Thread: My pics from before my First cycle

  1. #1

    My pics from before my First cycle

    HI, Im new to this board but have been on Elite Fitness for a while now. I started out (in these picturesat 6'0" 170 and not real sure of body fat, i guess close to 10%) Now I am currently 215 and close to the same body fat just distributed differently. My abs are more visible but I have new estro-fat deposits on my back and butt...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	postpic#1.jpg 
Views:	1773 
Size:	28.7 KB 
ID:	835  

  2. #2
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	postpic#2.jpg 
Views:	1725 
Size:	45.8 KB 
ID:	836  

  3. #3
    One more...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	my back.jpg 
Views:	1644 
Size:	24.7 KB 
ID:	837  

  4. #4
    sorry no leg pics, they will be included when I take my final results pictures in a couple weeks. My thighs have went from 24 inches to 28 so its not that they are small I just didnt think to take any at the time I had access to the digital camera. Look foward to your comments( probably about how skinny I am/was) but any advice is always welcome!


    PS In about 2 weeks I will be done and I will post my end results. Look foward to hearing what yall have to say (flames) so it will motivate me in the gym!
    Last edited by Chuck T; 12-02-2001 at 06:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro, not the best quality pics but they get the job done. First pic looks pretty inpressive. Can see the abs, waist looks tight, nice chest and biceps. The 2nd and 3rd pics (front and back) are a little more tell tale. You are afflicted (as many of us are) with a wide waist. This takes away from that nice v-taper in the back and x-frame overall presentation. This could be a mute point since you are almost finished your cycle, but if I were you I would do a lot of back and delt work. By bringing up those two areas, you will give the illusion of a much smaller waist. Other than that, muscularity looks good, BF...not bad at all (if you ever wanted tot compete you would have to drop it). There is work to be done, but you have a lot going for you as well.


  6. #6
    Thanks Pete, Yeah, I dont have the best genetics with the small waist and wide shoulders and all but I try to make the best with what I have. I also think that the small fat deposits I have on my lower sides of my back really effect the way it appears too) I have really worked my back and delts(along with everything else) hard so far. My chest went from `40in in the picture to now 46 but my waist also has went from 33 in the pic to 34.5 now Its not a bad ratio but I will be working getting my waist smaller. My legs have grown like weeds. All I do for my them are squats and a couple different calf exercises. Quads went from 24in in the pic (even though you cant see them) to 28in at the moment. I have to give credit to fina for helping my strength increases. I began squating 315x3 right before I started the fina was up to 405x1, 2 weeks later 405x4 and now 2 weeks later 405x8. I know it might not be alot of weight but i think it is a good improvement.

    Thanks for the reply Pete its appreciated


  7. #7
    Also I took my last shot of sus today ....But is till have about 2.5 weeks of fina then hitting the clomid. I will try and get some updated picks and look foward here what yall have to say.....Also could anyone comment on if I was right at guessing my BF% in those pics is? I thought about 10%?



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Bro nice overall picture good chest development I would guess Bf to be 11-12%

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    West Des Moines, IA
    dude the first pic rocks,, other are a little heavier.. I guess it all depends on your goals
    good weight gain

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