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Thread: Injury mid-cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Injury mid-cycle

    Ok, I hurt my back yesterday playing basketball. I already decided that I wont train at all this week and possibly the next week. If i can get back in the gym with in 2-3 weeks, should I stay on my tren/prop cycle or should I just go ahead and start my PCT? What would be the negative effects of being on cycle and not training for 2-3 weeks? Any experiences?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Damn bro sorry to here that. I am on week 2 of test e cycle and f'ed of my back at the gym 3 days ago. Damn leg press, my lower back popped. I went straight from the gym to the ER and spent 5 hours there getting loaded with pain killers and muscle relaxers. It still hurts but im hoping to only be out for less than a week. Not meant to hijack but im curious too...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by k_kingston
    Damn bro sorry to here that. I am on week 2 of test e cycle and f'ed of my back at the gym 3 days ago. Damn leg press, my lower back popped. I went straight from the gym to the ER and spent 5 hours there getting loaded with pain killers and muscle relaxers. It still hurts but im hoping to only be out for less than a week. Not meant to hijack but im curious too...
    Sorry to hear that bro. bump

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i am going to keep on with my cycle. I figure that im only on week two of test e. I have plenty of time to recover. I just just take it a lighter til im 100% confident of lifting heavy. I will probably extend my cycle to 12 weeks because of this instead of 10 weeks. Damn im going nuts sitting here for the last 3 days. nothing to do but , oh well i guess that's better than no work out at all. Im curious how my diet should be right now. Just keep eating big or slow down a little bit on the cals?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by k_kingston
    Im curious how my diet should be right now. Just keep eating big or slow down a little bit on the cals?
    I was wondering the exact same thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    help some brothas out? bump

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I cant beleive no one replied to this post.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fanatic
    I cant beleive no one replied to this post.
    Where is the love????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Fanatic, how long have you been on a cycle? Kingston, if you only are off a week and you are 2 weeks in, I would stay on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Good question. I would also like to know the ans. 2 weeks in then bad bike wreck at 140, walked a way with a bruised clavicle. Did not knowing at that time about anit e and side effects, did that help to contribute to my atrophy?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by fanatic
    Ok, I hurt my back yesterday playing basketball. I already decided that I wont train at all this week and possibly the next week. If i can get back in the gym with in 2-3 weeks, should I stay on my tren/prop cycle or should I just go ahead and start my PCT? What would be the negative effects of being on cycle and not training for 2-3 weeks? Any experiences?

    I separated my clavicle a bit to the left two weeks before I wanted to start my cycle. I was the worst experience of my life. I could not lift for 4 months and I lost all of my gains from the previous cycles. I hope something like that does not happen to you. I did my whole back routine then deadlifted 405lbs 8 times and felt a pop.

    Good luck with your injury and I hope for a speedy recovery for you!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fanatic
    Ok, I hurt my back yesterday playing basketball. I already decided that I wont train at all this week and possibly the next week. If i can get back in the gym with in 2-3 weeks, should I stay on my tren/prop cycle or should I just go ahead and start my PCT? What would be the negative effects of being on cycle and not training for 2-3 weeks? Any experiences?
    What ended up happening: I didnt lift for 2 weeks and developed my first-ever case of gyno! I think not lifting and staying on tren/prop made the compounds aromatise more readilly. I just added nolva and the gland desapated and is pretty much gone now. As for my back, I have been easing back into the swing of things. Its been 2-3 weeks of lifting and I'm as strong as I was when I hurt it. Advice now that I've been through it? Don't lift through a serious injury and dont run tren with out working out. lol If i had all to do over again I would have just went off the tren and stayed on only prop. Oh well, now the next person looking for answers to a similiar question will find'em.

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