Does creatine work on a 100 grams a day carb diet.
Well this weekend i got an amazing offer form someone that i know, he sold me 20 bottles of 300grms of creatine at rock bottom price.
Problem is right now i am trying to lose my love handles, and i cut the carbs a lot.
The only time i eat moderate carbs is at breakfast and after training, rest of the time i eat veggies.
So i get about 60-100 grms of carbs a day, i am 5 -10 and 212, lose 2 pounds anyways.
my diet goes a little bite like this.
6 am
5 g glutamine in water
7 am
5 g creatine in 1/2 orange juice, cut it with water.
10 am
protein shake with flaxoil and 125 ml of skim milk cut with water.
dinner veggies and chicken
3:30 pm
protein shake same has 10 am
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
after training 5 g glutamine
7:00 pm
creatine with pre workout meal ( dont know if its safe to mix creatine and glutamine so i let about 30 to 45 minutes for the glutamine to get digested)
5 g glutamine
10:30 protein shake just water no carbs and flax oil
flax is one tea spoon, 3 times a day with shake
on none training days i will take my creatine in the morning and at night.
Not really gonna load up on creatine did a small loading this weekend 20 g for 3 days.
P.S cutting all the sugar and processed foods seem to work really good, starting to see the love handles go down.