looks good, Is it available of line.
dunno mate i think soOriginally Posted by S.P.G
i think the best bet is HMV
but it don't come out for another month
50's a fake.
In what respect?Originally Posted by Born Threat
Every one.Originally Posted by NotSmall
I'm not even gonna explain it, because it's kinda like trying to explain bodybuilding and steroids to idiots who don't know shit about them.
Last edited by Born Threat; 12-11-2005 at 06:24 AM.
Please don't imply that I'm an idiot just because I asked you to explain your statement, how do you know what I do or don't know about the subject?Originally Posted by Born Threat
If you make a statement you should be able to back it up.
No bro, I wasn't calling you an idiot at all. Sorry if it sounded that way. I was referring to people about steroids who know nothing, but refuse to listen to good advice. And not saying people from this forum, people I know personally.Originally Posted by NotSmall
OK bro,Originally Posted by Born Threat
no worries & no offence taken but I'd still like you explain why you think 50 is fake in every respect....
Cool bro.Originally Posted by NotSmall
Alright lets see, he tries to act like some hardcore gangster all the time, then he goes and puts out songs that my little sister listens to. Yea...that's real "gangster." His shit was ok at first, but now I wouldn't even call it rap. I can't even listen to it, it's horrible. He let the industry take him over in many ways....
Another thing I can't stand is how he constantly brags about being shot "9 times." Anybody can get shot, it doesn't take a G to get shot a few times. And the reason he got shot was more than likely because he was a little punk and snitched on or lied to someone, hence the DVD. If he wasn't shot, he would not be where he is today.
Everytime I see him on TV or hear him on the radio all I can do is laugh. I'm definitely gonna be purchasing this DVD for more laughs. Thanks stocky.
If he got his teeth fixed he might be better off as a male model IMO.
Why is it that all too often when someone makes it big in the hip hop industry people start labelling them fakes and sellouts?Originally Posted by Born Threat
As far as the "gangsta" thing goes, I've never really been under the illusion that rappers are real gangsters, they may be on the fringe of it and have shady pasts but for the most part they're playing a role, fulfilling an image, like Ice T said "It's entertainment like Terminator on TV".
Have you seen CB4? - Excellent send up of the whole gangsta rap phenomenon.
Personally I listen to particular artists because I like their music, I'm more concerned with the beats & lyrics than whether or not they're really gangsters.
Apparantly the Beatles never even sat in a Yellow Submarine let alone lived in one, Michael Jackson cannot turn into a werewolf (although he is fairly bad) and Kid Rock has no real intention to ever herd cattle so they're all fakes too!
You make good points, but that's NOT what I look for in music. I'm mainly partial to the beats also, but 50 doesn't put out good beats. And I'm not saying rap is about who's G our not, but he acts way too much like he is one. He's an actor. Music they play on the radio is lame. If you want good rap, you won't find it on the radio. The underground scene puts out much better shit and it is real. The beats and lyrics are also much better.Originally Posted by NotSmall
Last edited by Born Threat; 12-11-2005 at 08:10 AM.
In my humble opinion....
Last edited by Born Threat; 12-11-2005 at 11:34 PM.
Ahh, I see, you are an elitist, (a snob), you like to believe that you are much deeper into hip hop than other people because you listen to underground mix tapes.Originally Posted by Born Threat
50 was a big part of the underground scene before he hit the bigtime, as were alot of the well known rap artists, it's where they start out, but only as a means to an end - that end is the bigtime. Being on the radio and being well known enables an artist to sell more records and make more money, and I don't care what any of them says about being in it for the music - it's the money they are all chasing at the end of the day. Sure the underground scene can be fresher / faster moving but to say that the beats and lyrics are better on the underground scene doesn't make a great deal of sense as any artist or producer who proves themselves on the underground scene will be able elevate themselves and get recording contracts and hit the bigtime which gives them more money which is not only what we all aspire to but also leads to higher production quality and better music.
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