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Thread: Best for weight loss and fat burn?

  1. #41
    well im sorry that my question caused so much contraversy among a few of the members haha, but last question - my clen comes in 1 mg tabs, and the suggest does ranges from 60-140 mcg each day - if 1000 mcg = 1 mg,than one tab per day is already waaaay to much - how do i deal with this issue?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by silver_back_gorillas
    well im sorry that my question caused so much contraversy among a few of the members haha, but last question - my clen comes in 1 mg tabs, and the suggest does ranges from 60-140 mcg each day - if 1000 mcg = 1 mg,than one tab per day is already waaaay to much - how do i deal with this issue?
    I do not believe they are clen. Or someone has given you wrong information on amount per tab.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Never heard of 1mg tabs of clen-personally wouldn't buy any if they were out there, I don't think you could even come close to slicing it into any kind of accurate dose.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by OG LOK
    I disagree with you...just because you might be scared to take DNP does not mean it destroys everything.and how can you say Clen works for weightloss? that shit is a waste of money.
    DO NOT USE DNP! I have used clen several times on it's own and it is just as good as ECA maybe even better and easier to get now. Maybe you didn't use it right.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX

    lol ur soo full of shit
    Have you tried all of them? If not then how can you tell me when I have taken all of them,so I'm giong on experience not what you HEARD on the internet.

  6. #46
    take the 1mg, its real, oh... ur gonna notice, and let me know how long your in the hospital for, ok?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    IMO people on this board go way overboard on the severity of some compounds.
    Yes from what I have heard about DNP there is no way I would touch it. But I have also heard that t3 can shut ur thyroid down but theres not one documented case of it. People on this board also say that EPO is 10x as dangerous as the juice so stay away from it at all costs. Well to die from epo ur crit would have to be well above 60 which would cost around 3 grand and you would have to had been cycling the whole day and become extreemly dehydrated. I don’t see any bikers on this board only BB's. Moral of the story people make DNP sound a lot worse than it probably is, just research your ass off and drink a lot of water.

    For weight loss I go
    6week cycle down from 100mcg t3
    eca 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

    cant stand clens sides and didnt get any results not to mention there are studys showing the cardiac tissue in rats stiffening from it, not good....

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