When training on anabolics, does DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) make a big difference? If you're lifting heavy like say... flat bench, flat DB presses, incline flyes, incline bench press... and you're not sore the next day, does that mean you didn't hit them right??? I'm reading a thread at another forum, and the guy asks a similar question. By post #2 or 3 I would've thought I'd see "soreness doesn't matter, it's how heavy you went" but in all 16 posts, nothing.
I guess my question is, if I go heavy for a couple sets of Bench Press for example like this:
Set # | Weight | Reps
1 | 250 | 9
2 | 225 | 7
3 |200 | 4-6
**Then really quickly drop the weight and do more sets**
4 | 150 | failure
5 | 135 | failure
Will that hit pecs better than 3 heavy sets... or 6-7 moderate sets with a good pump? I've been training heavy for 3+ year (natural) and getting good gains, but is the training on AAS any different? Any special on-cycle training methods you use?